Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 177 The ancestor of the 5 poison sect appears!Deliver coffins to your doorstep!

Chapter 177 The ancestor of the Five Poison Sect appears!Deliver coffins to your doorstep!
"Big Brother, we are back!"

In Shi Jian's yard, Uncle Jiu looked at the traces around him that seemed to have been baptized by thunder, and he immediately understood what had happened.

At this time, Shi Jian was standing in front of Shi Shaojian's body, but what surprised Wencai and Qiu Sheng was that Shi Shaojian did not have any injuries on his body.

He seemed to be breathing steadily, like he was fine.

"what's up?"

"I do not know!"

The two murmured quietly.

Only Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze guessed that Shi Jian might have used some sorcery. Perhaps, he had refined Shi Shaojian.

In this way, there is no difference between the appearance and ordinary people at all. Only by using some special methods to break the secret technique can it be done.

"Sir, this is the coffin fungus you want!"

Qin Ze directly handed over the coffin fungus in his hand.

When he heard the coffin fungus, Shi Jian's body slowly turned around.

However, when he turned around, Qin Ze could clearly detect a fleeting killing intent heading towards them.

The cold breath made Wencai and Qiu Sheng tremble involuntarily.

Can't help but hide behind Qin Ze.

However, it only lasted for a moment and then disappeared without a trace.

"Thank you for your hard work, brothers!" Shi Jian looked at the coffin fungus in Qin Ze's hand and walked over directly.

Then, he stretched out his hand, and the power of thunder bloomed, wrapping the coffin fungus in Qin Ze's hand.

"In that case, the two junior brothers, please come back. In two days, I will come to participate in your appointment as the Yin Commander!"

After taking the coffin fungus, Shi Jian turned around directly, not wanting to say anything more to Qin Ze.

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but said: "Brother, the deceased has passed away, so you should stop doing meaningless things. Maoshan disciple, entering the underworld after death is the most correct choice!"

Qin Ze pulled Uncle Jiu and signaled that there was no need to say more, then looked at Shi Jian and said, "Then let's say goodbye!"

It's useless to say more, as there will definitely be a fight at the ceremony.

At this time, Shi Jian couldn't listen to anything.

Not long after Qin Ze, Uncle Jiu and others left, Lian Ying, the leader of the Black Sect, appeared next to Shi Jian: "All the zombies in Coffin Mountain have been eliminated!"

"In the end, we still have to take action!"

"Qin Ze's strength is beyond imagination, maybe it's just like what the Taoist Master said that day!"

"Has the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect arrived?" Shi Jian asked directly.

"I'll definitely arrive at Renjia Town tomorrow!" A smile appeared on Lian Ying's lips.

"I just didn't expect that Qin Ze would actually become the evil commander of the underworld!"

"Taoist Master Shi seems to be in the underworld, so he doesn't get such treatment!"

This topic was obviously somewhat unpleasant. What Shi Jian hated most was that others compared him with Qin Ze. They just glanced at him coldly and Shi Jian said nothing.

The latter smiled awkwardly and immediately said: "I mean, during Qin Ze's ceremony, I will visit him in person."

A few days later, Qin Ze's handsome ceremony came as scheduled.

Early in the morning.

Qinglong Taoist Temple was beaming with joy.

People from all parties who got the news rushed over to join in the fun.

Such as Mr. Ren, Anne, the old godfather, the Marshal and others.

Although they are just ordinary people, they also know that Qin Ze is extraordinary.

Every time I encounter something like this, I consciously come over and send congratulatory gifts to express my feelings.

And the practitioners who are relatively close to Renjia Town.

Regardless of whether they were invited or not, they all came to Renjia Town.

At this time, the front of Qinglong Dojo was already overcrowded.

These monks know better than Master Ren and others who are laughing on the side how much influence the word Qin Ze has nowadays.

A sudden rise among the younger generation.

If Qin Ze can grow up smoothly, he will definitely be the one to carry the banner among the younger generation. The one who will surpass him is Taoist Master Shi Jian, and it will be just around the corner.

It would definitely be a great thing to have some friendship with Qin Ze now.

A restaurant not far from Qinglong Taoist Temple was also overcrowded. "Hmph! That Qin Ze is so majestic!"

"That's right! He just killed a Xishuangbanna silver-armored corpse, and he's so arrogant!"

"It's just a villain who succeeds!"

Ordinary monks don't know about Qin Ze's appointment as commander-in-chief of Yin, and think that Qin Ze is celebrating his glorious achievements.

The people who spoke had angry faces, and they looked like they were not good people.

Except for the decent world of immortality.

Some warlocks were unwilling to be left alone and came to Renjia Town to watch.

The main reason is to see what Qin Ze, the legendary Qin Ze who is rumored to be like a god, looks like, and to make a fool of himself so that he can avoid it in time in the future.

Of course, there are also some people who have a destructive mentality and have jealousy written all over their faces.

Qin Ze is so young, how can he be so proud? When they first joined the family, it was not so lively.

So unfair! !
However, at this time.


Several extremely powerful momentums rushed from a distance.

Make no secret.

Show off your edge.

Those people seemed to deliberately let others know of their arrival.


"Who is this breath?"

Several people immediately stood up and looked towards the window.


They saw five people walking towards Qinglong Dojo.

behind it.

Also carrying a coffin.

The weird thing is.

The coffin was actually wrapped in red string.

The big red flowers bloomed on the coffin, which was so dazzling.

"Holy shit, you're delivering a coffin to your door? You're coming from an evil person!"

"You can watch this little show!"

"Who are these people? They are so upright!"

"It seems like he's from the Five Poisons Sect! It's just that he looks a bit awkward!"

"Five Poisons?"

"I heard that when Qin Ze killed the silver-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna, he killed a genius from the Five Poison Sect. The Five Poison Sect is famous for protecting its shortcomings. Could it be revenge?"

Although they couldn't tell who they were, they could tell where they were from their clothes.

Hey, there is a good show to watch now.

The eyes of several people were full of excitement.

"Drinking shitty tea!"

"Let's go and have a look!"

"Then what will Qin Ze do if he finds out about us?"

"We're watching a show and we're not doing anything. What could happen?"

Others are thinking the same thing, we won’t interfere, so what are we afraid of?

Several people went downstairs one after another, and the last person looked at the guys who were sneaking away so fast, gritted his teeth, settled the bill, and followed.

I have to say that Qin Ze's current reputation is really great.

This is true within Renjia Town, and even more so outside of Renjia Town.

After learning about the results, many warlocks did not want to appear in front of Qin Ze again.

After all, as far as they knew, all the evil cultivators who appeared in front of Qin Ze were dead, so naturally they didn't want to be the unlucky ones.

(End of this chapter)

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