Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 178 Terrifying strength!Fuck the elder!

Chapter 178 Terrifying strength!Fuck the elder!
In Qinglong Dojo.

"Senior brother, you're welcome!" Qin Ze thanked Uncle Jiu.

As today's protagonist, of course he must fulfill his duties as a landlord.

Nianying took what Uncle Jiu was holding.

Uncle Jiu was shocked by the lively scene.

It’s so crowded, but it’s so rare to see.

It can be seen that Qin Ze's reputation now has completely surpassed his.

In this regard.

Uncle Jiu felt only relieved.

"Junior brother, I don't know why. When I got up early in the morning, my left eyelid felt like it kept twitching!"

Disaster in the left eye, wealth in the right eye.

Ordinary people might not believe this stuff, but Uncle Jiu, as a monk, felt that something bad must have happened.

Qin Ze didn't take it seriously: "Senior brother, don't worry, junior brother will handle it if anything happens!"

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t come, if anyone really dares to cause trouble, he doesn’t mind killing them all.

It was at this time.


There was a loud noise outside.

Outside the courtyard, there were crowds of people and endless discussions.

"Look, there are people carrying the coffin!"

"I'll go, what does this mean?"

"You're stupid! Delivering a coffin in broad daylight is definitely looking for trouble!"

"Anyone else dares to find trouble with Daoist Master Qin? You must be tired of living!"

"You don't understand. From the looks of it, he seems to be a monk, and he seems to be a master. It's over, something is going to happen now!"


The crowd outside the courtyard dispersed consciously, leaving a clear path.

Knowing that the visitors were not malicious, no one recalled having any contact with them.

"The Five Poison Sect is here to send you a fine coffin!"

"I hope Taoist Master Qinglong will take it in!"

A deep voice reached everyone's ears.

Everyone was stunned.

"Good guy, I'm really delivering a coffin!"


Nianying's face turned pale with anger.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng also started scolding each other directly.

"That grandson gave it to my junior uncle?"

"Damn it, if I don't throw out your ancestral graves today, I won't be a man!"

Uncle Jiu's expression also darkened: "Junior brother, go out and take a look together!"

Five Poison Religion?
Qin Ze's expression didn't change much, except for the strong murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

no matter who.

At this time, he came to find trouble. .

The only outcome is death.

Everyone came outside the dojo.

Ordinary people have long been far away, and they have a tacit understanding to spread their distance.

The Five Poison Sect and the others knew immediately that they were not good things.

If you stand on the sidelines and watch the show at this time, it is no different from seeking death.

The group of people carrying the coffin were none other than the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect, as well as four other elders of the Five Poison Sect.

Seeing Qin Ze coming out, the round-faced elder laughed.

"Qin Ze, do you still like this great gift from our Five Poison Sect?"

He couldn't wait to see the angry expression on Qin Ze's face.

After all, Qin Ze is now very proud.

They brought the coffin just because they wanted to slap Qin Ze hard in the face in front of everyone when they saw how angry he was.

How can a young, yellow-haired kid, even if he has some real abilities, be able to maintain his temper and keep his composure?
Qin Ze just smiled, glanced at the coffin behind the people, and shook his head.

"One coffin is not enough, there is something missing!"

"You five are going to use the same pair?"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai suddenly laughed like pigs.

"You old people who are half buried in the earth, don't be too crowded if you live in it!"

The face of the round-faced elder instantly became extremely gloomy.

"What a sharp-tongued boy. Today is the day you die. I want you to pay for my grandson's life!"

The voice fell.

in the air.

The originally festive atmosphere suddenly became solemn.The idea of ​​killing is slowly gathering.

The ancestor of the Five Poison Sect looked at Qin Ze with an indifferent expression, but was slightly surprised in his heart.

“Can’t see through!!”

Originally, the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect believed that although Qin Ze was strong, he should not be that strong, and at most he had just entered the realm of the Heavenly Master.

But the fact is that he, the second level of Heavenly Master, can't even see it.

"This kid's talent is so high, it's really rare!"

"No matter what, we must kill him!"

The ancestor of the Five Poisons secretly thought that this trip was indeed not in vain.

He swore that he had never had such a strong intention to kill someone. Almost the moment he saw Qin Ze, this idea emerged uncontrollably.

Kill this guy.

If Qin Ze does not die, the entire Five Poisons Church will have trouble sleeping and eating.

The breath of human life cannot be faked.

Although Qin Ze's cultivation level cannot be seen, his aura like a ferocious beast is simply terrifying.

call! !


A gust of wind blew through the yard.

Followed by.

One after another, poisonous insects gathered from all directions.

If someone with trypophobia saw this scene, they would probably faint on the spot.

"Bug, bug!"

"Where do all these insects come from?"

"It's a poisonous insect!"

"Quick, everyone, stay away!"

People who were quite a distance away exclaimed at the retreat.

There are so many poisonous insects, including scorpions, poisonous snakes, geckos, and beetles.

In addition to the five poisons, there are many other types of poisonous insects gathered together.

There is no doubt that one bite will kill you instantly.

"How come you cults like raising bugs so much!"

Qin Ze snorted coldly. This thing couldn't even break his defense, but it just looked disgusting.

"Brother, protect the others!"

Drop such a sentence.

Qin Ze stepped into the field.

Domineering and violent.

The black air wave swallowed up all the poisonous insects that were coming.

The poisonous insects summoned by the elders of the Five Poison Sect could not make waves at all in front of Qin Ze.

Before he could get close, there was a piece of ground lying on the ground.

"Be careful!!"

The expression of the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect suddenly changed.


At some point, Qin Ze suddenly disappeared and punched through the head of the round-faced elder with lightning speed.

"You were the one who screamed the most joyfully just now, so I'll send you on your way first!"

These were the last words the round-faced elder heard. ,
Then, he fell straight to the ground.

In Qin Ze's domineering attack, even the round-faced elder possessing secret skills was of no avail.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have killed an elder of the Five Poison Sect and will be rewarded with 5000 merit points!"

The system beep sounds.

5000 merit points?
After all, he is an elder of the Five Poison Sect. To get to this position, he must have done a lot of bad things.

But the strength is not so good.

In fact, it's not that the round-faced elder is too weak, but that Qin Ze's strength is too abnormal.

He was killed before his poisonous spell could be used.

One-shot kill.

The speed was so fast that it was impossible to see clearly.

There was an uproar.

The practitioners watching from a distance were all shocked.

"Second, second?"

"So fast!"

"That's the elder of the Five Poison Sect!"

"It is said that this elder has the third level of cultivation above the Earth Master. He is already not low among the monks. How could he be killed by one move!"

"Qin Ze, what is his strength?"

(End of this chapter)

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