Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 179 The use of advanced armed color domineering! Another instant kill!

Chapter 179 The use of advanced armed color domineering! Another instant kill!

Everyone was really shocked by Qin Ze.

This is fine if you don't take action. Once you take action, it will be earth-shattering.

The other three elders of the Five Poison Sect also stared at Qin Ze with extremely solemn expressions.

Qin Ze's attack just now was too fast, too fierce, and too strong.

Before he could even react, an elder died in front of him.

If we say that based on our past understanding of Qin Ze's achievements before coming here, it would be an exaggeration to say that his strength must be the best among his peers, and even among the top in their entire Five Poison Sect.

But now it seems that not only is it not exaggerated, but it is even underestimated.

An expert will know if there is one as soon as he takes action.


The three of them were secretly glad, luckily there was no nonsense just now.

Otherwise, he might become a scapegoat in place of the deceased elder.

"Let's do it together!"

One of the tall elders had a surge of aura.

Since one person cannot do it.

Then just one piece.

He doesn't believe it.

Even though Qin Ze is powerful, he can still defeat three people with one enemy.

The moment the words fell.

The other two elders understood instantly.

The three shot at the same time.

Centipedes, scorpions, and green snakes with strange colors and filled with terrifying poisonous gas. Three weird-looking poisonous insects opened their bloody mouths and bit Qin Ze.

The toad spewed out fishy venom from its mouth.

Qin Ze stood there, not dodging or dodging, just waiting for the venom to splash out.

"what happened?"

"Is he stupid?"

"Why don't you hide!"

"Whatever, he's so arrogant and arrogant. You'll understand how cruel I am toad later!"

The three elders were a little confused, but one of them subconsciously met Qin Ze's eyes.

In those eyes.

There was no trace of panic.

Some, there is only indifference.

This was an expression I had never seen before, like a ferocious beast overlooking an ant from a high place.


"not good!!"

The elder of the Five Poison Sect's heart skipped a beat, and a bad feeling suddenly emerged.

next moment.

He found out.

When the venom sprayed from the toad's mouth flew around Qin Ze, he was unable to move forward.

just like.

There was an invisible barrier around Qin Ze.

Although invisible.

But, it does exist.

next moment.

The face of the elder of the Five Poison Sect suddenly changed. He paused for a moment and the poison fell towards his face.

"How could this be?"

He was a little confused.

It was obvious that the poisonous toad was heading towards Qin Ze, a boy with yellow hair.


The next moment.

Screams came from his mouth.

By the time he fully recovered, it was too late to hide.

Toad venom sprayed straight onto his face.

Zizizi! !

There was a violent corrosion sound, accompanied by an extremely miserable cry.

Just a moment.

The elder of the Five Poison Sect was completely corrupted by the poisonous toad venom. Not to mention the flesh on his face, even the bones were rotted into poisonous water.

It looks even scarier than the ghost.

The use of advanced armed color Haki forms an invisible barrier. Not to mention Venom's physical attack, even spiritual Haki can be blocked. If used appropriately, one can even use Haki to rebound.

"Go down and accompany him too!"

Qin Ze raised his hand, his fist turned dark, and he completely killed the elder of the Five Poison Sect with poisonous water on his face.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have killed an elder of the Five Poison Sect and will be rewarded with 5000 merit points!"


Another spike!

"I'm going to get killed again?"

"What happened just now?"

"Venom, why did you suddenly turn back?"

"Oh my god! It's so cruel!"

Everyone's eyes widened with horror. Father, like son.

these people.

But you can see clearly.

The moment the venom fell on Qin Ze.

It seems that there is a wall formed by momentum blocking the two.

Full of ferocity.

This was the scene where the elder of the Five Poison Sect was backlashed by the venom.

And that aura was exactly the same as Qin Ze's.

He defeated a cult elder with his breath alone. How strong is Qin Ze's true strength?

Some wild cultivators couldn't help but take a breath, feeling that their eyes were opened.

"You bastard, do you really think I don't exist?"

The ancestor of the Five Poisons was angry.

The child in front of him was really arrogant.

Two of the four elders in the sect and monks at the third level of the Earth Master realm died in the blink of an eye.

The face of the Five Poison Sect was slapped by Qin Ze.

"I thought you were going to hide behind and be a coward!" Qin Ze had a half-smile on his face.

Don't get involved with the strength below the Heavenly Master, it's just a matter of one punch.

In the Heavenly Master realm, you might be able to pass a few tricks.

But it was just a passing move.

So, the ancestor of the Five Poisons Sect?

Is it great?

"The Five Poisonous Hands of Hunyuan!"

The ancestor of the Five Poisons was furious, and the rich green miasma condensed into a terrifying hand, pressing down on Qin Ze.

The expressions of Uncle Jiu and others changed suddenly.

"Master, be careful!"

The monks in the Heavenly Master Realm are completely different from the monks in the Earthly Master Realm.

In the Earth Master realm, you may have to use some kind of magic weapon, talismans and other external objects.

But in the realm of the Heavenly Master, raising one's hand is the way to release the true energy and destroy all enemies.

Moreover, in the Heavenly Master Realm, the strength gap at each level is huge, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a chasm.

The ancestor of the Five Poison Sect is a long-famous heavenly master who is in the second level.

Uncle Jiu knew that Qin Ze's strength was within the Tianshi territory, but to what extent he didn't know exactly.

The miasma of the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect is much more terrifying than the poisonous toad venom of the elder just now.

Just condensed.

The surrounding trees, flowers and plants had withered, as if they had been deprived of their vitality in an instant.

His fierceness is evident.

boom! !

As the poisonous hand falls.

A strong sense of oppression came to his face.

"As expected of the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect!"

"Go back, go back!"

"so horrible!"

The monks who were watching looked shocked.

This poisonous gas.

I'm afraid if I inhale even a little bit, I'll die instantly.


Facing the poisonous palms falling from top to bottom.

Qin Ze's expression remained calm.

next moment.

Qin Ze stepped forward.


The overwhelming domineering force spread instantly.

Qin Ze's arms were like extremely black dazzling stones, shining with dazzling light.

The domineering energy condensed between the fist bones.

Qin Ze punched out.

Invisibly, there seemed to be a dragon's claw that was so big that it obscured the sight, and suppressed everything.

The two collided violently in the air.

Others couldn't help but open their mouths.

This is really a fight between gods!
Ordinary people have never seen such a scene before. They were so frightened that they fell to the ground.

Everything that happened before my eyes was too fantasy.

Unless you see it with your own eyes.

Even if I beat myself to death, I wouldn’t believe it.

Just a wave of the hand.

I felt like my body couldn't stop shaking.

Even if it's far away.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but feel their mouths were dry and the sweat on their faces was falling.

(End of this chapter)

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