Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 181 Kill the Heavenly Master instantly! 3 merit points!

Chapter 181 Kill the Heavenly Master instantly! 3 merit points!

As soon as the words came out.

It seemed to be sweeping over like a tsunami.

Although many people don't believe it, they have indeed seen it.

The people of Jiuzhou Continent have always compared themselves to the people of the dragon. If Qin Ze controls the power of the dragon, does that mean that he is more eye-catching than the Celestial Master?

after all.

Such people are rare.

Even in the entire Maoshan, it is impossible for a second person to appear.


"These two people are so bad!"

"His heart can be punished!"

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng reacted.

They knew that the leader of the Black Sect had no good intentions.

Such clamor is just to make Qin Ze become the target of public criticism in the future.

After all, judging from the strength of my junior uncle.

It must have something to do with the legendary dragon, maybe he really got some secret skills.


"You have quite a rich imagination!"

Qin Ze completely dismissed the words of the leader of the Black Sect.

Excuse me.

I didn't acquire some secret dragon skill.

And it is!
Moreover, what if other people come to find you?
Why should he, Qin Ze, be afraid?

In the face of absolute power, everything is false.

"It's time for you to hit the road!"

"Someone is waiting below!"

A smile appeared on Qin Ze's lips.

Five Poison Sect, Black Sect.

Two notorious cults in the monastic world, with countless innocent lives hanging on their bodies.

He traveled thousands of miles to the Ren family town to kill himself.

This just gave Qin Ze the opportunity to suppress it.

Qin Ze looked indifferently at the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect and the leader of the Black Sect.

It was like looking at two dead people.


The violent aura covered the entire Qinglong Dojo.

The terrifying pressure seems to have condensed into substance.

this moment.

People were horrified to find out.

The blood flow in the body seems to have slowed down.

A strong sense of oppression.

It makes people want to kneel down.

"Let me tell you what real power is!" Qin Ze's voice sounded like a bell.

The forehead of the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect was covered with sweat.

The whole thing stood there a little dull.


He looked at Qin Ze blankly.

I don't know when.

Qin Ze has a black mace in his hand.

The black air waves steaming above made people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

next second.

Qin Ze jumped up, brandished the Ba Zhai Jie, and threw it down at the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect.

"Thundering gossip!!"

Accompanied by a voice.


Energy that can destroy everything blooms in the air.

Just looks.

It made the people around him shudder and make their hair stand on end.


The ancestor of the Five Poisons Sect's eyes were twitching wildly.

I even broke out in cold sweat.

For the first time, he felt death beckoning to him.

The momentum surged, the coercion from the Heavenly Master spread, and the true energy was released from the body and gathered in front of him.

It's just that this momentum can't be compared with Qin Ze.

It's really nothing.

Completely crushed.

The leader of the Black Sect was equally shocked.

He seemed to understand now why Shi Jian said before that he could not deal with Qin Ze alone.

In this posture, even two people may not be opponents.

hum! !

The secret skills of the Black Sect were instantly activated.

Lian Ying's entire body was filled with black mist, and his whole body was bathed in the holy light of the secret technique.

boom! !


There was a shocking explosion, no less than a giant bomb detonating.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and gravel flew.

Everyone widened their eyes, covered their ears, and looked towards the fighting location.

Qin Ze looked indifferently at the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect and the leader of the Black Sect.

Under the domineering power of knowledge, all the secrets of the other party have nowhere to hide. Bah.

The mace instantly penetrated the heart of the Five Poison Ancestor.

The pain tore at his sanity.


The ancestor of the Five Poisons looked at Qin Ze, opened his mouth, and laughed miserably.

"how can that be"

He couldn't believe that he had cultivated for so long and entered the realm of Heavenly Master.

In front of Qin Ze.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't even take a single move.

Shocked and full of unwillingness at the same time.


As Qin Ze raised and lowered his stick.

The head of the Five Poison Ancestor flew into the sky.

"Taoist Master Shi, save me!!"

The leader of the Black Sect used his last bit of strength to shout.

Qin Ze frowned slightly.

But I didn't bother to say anything more.

With a puff.

The leader of the Black Sect's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and the last thing he saw was his head detaching from his body and rolling to the ground.

"Again, another second?"

"My God!"

"The ancestor of the Five Poison Sect and the leader of the Black Sect are dead?"

at this time.

Wait for the smoke to dissipate.

The monks who were watching had their faces full of shock and their jaws hanging open.

The ancestor of the Five Poison Sect and the leader of the Black Sect.

The two most prominent figures in the cult.

That is a monk who is enough to cause a wave of bloodshed anywhere.

Now, it was so simple that he died under Qin Ze's blow.

Not even a chance to resist!
One-sided crushing.

The monks were in shock and had not yet recovered.

I just feel like my worldview is shattered.

In their eyes, those in the Heavenly Master realm are the most powerful beings who can only look up to them.

But now, a strong man in the Heavenly Master Realm.

There is actually a day when someone kills him instantly.

So what is Qin Ze's realm?
"Just now, what was that move?"

"It seems to be called Thunder Bagua! Is there such a unique skill in Maoshan?"

"No, this destructive power! It's nothing like the one in Maoshan!"

"I haven't seen it!"


The monks chanted the four words "Thunder Bagua".

Scenes passed through my mind.

Found that I had never heard of it.

It's like Taoism appeared out of thin air.

No trace!

But extremely terrifying!
Could it be that Qin Ze created it himself?
At this moment, they have completely reacted.

Qin Ze's strength.

It simply cannot be measured by ordinary Maoshan Taoist priests.

There must be some big secret on him.

To be able to achieve such an achievement at this age.

There is definitely a big opportunity and a big secret.


How to kill the Celestial Master instantly.

Is it a treasure?
Is it a secret method?
Or something else?

Or does he really possess the inherited power of the dragon?
There were many thoughts in everyone's mind.

Don't say it's them.

Even Uncle Jiu, who had been getting along with Qin Ze, was twitching at the corner of his mouth at this time.

Good guy.

He knew that his junior brother was quite strong.

But never thought of it.

It can reach the point where one stick can instantly kill the Heavenly Master in the second level of heaven.

I was worried about the loss just now.

Co-authoring is overthinking.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing the leader of the Black Cult, you will be rewarded with 13000 merit points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect, you will be rewarded with 17000 merit points!"

The system's voice sounded in Qin Ze's mind.

A total of 3 merit points?

A smile appeared on Qin Ze's face.

no doubt.

This is another huge amount of merit points.

Including the merit points obtained before, it is close to [-] merit points.

Qin Ze looked in one direction, something flashed, and he slowly exhaled.

"Senior brother, we have to go to Shi Jian's place!"

(End of this chapter)

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