Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 182 Come to the door! Fight Shi Jian!

Chapter 182 Come to the door! Fight Shi Jian!

"Taoist Master Shi, save me!" This sentence contains too much information.

Anyone who is not stupid can imagine that Shi Jian was involved and colluded with the cult members.

Uncle Jiu sighed, nodded and said, "Let's go!"

He didn't want to see the fratricide happen, but Shi Jian, as the senior brother of Maoshan, wanted to make his junior brother disappear again and again.

They used coffin fungi again to lure them to Coffin Mountain.

Another secret method was used to save Shi Shaojian.

Now, what kind of cult leader is colluding and wants to kill someone again with a knife?

Various regulations have violated Maoshan's rules.

no matter what.

There must be an explanation.

The words fall.

Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu said goodbye to everyone, took the first step and left the Qinglong Dojo.

"What is this for?"

"The members of the cult have already been killed. Why did they leave?"

"Just now the leader of the Black Cult seemed to have said something about Taoist Master Shi! The senior brother of Maoshan seems to be named Shi!"

"Holy crap! It can't be."

Some people who were quick-thinking guessed something and couldn't help but look shocked.

Taoist Master Shi Jian's reputation is well known in the world of spiritual practice.

As the most talented disciple of Maoshan Zhang Tianshi in the Southern Sect in recent years, he has surpassed all other juniors in the sect and entered the realm of Tianshi in his thirties.

His grenade technique is so superb that he can kill enemies with just a raise of his hand.

Even the Third Heavenly Master cannot be his opponent in front of him.

He is the No. 1 disciple of the Southern Maoshan School, second only to Zhang Tianshi.

Hard to do.

This talented senior fellow from Maoshan is secretly involved with a cult?

And it’s also in Renjia Town?

The monks seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

After Qin Ze and others left, they quickly left the dojo and walked out into the distance.

at the same time.

the other side.

In the yard where Shi Jian rents.

A burning smell filled the air.

It seemed as if he had been baptized by lightning just now.

at this time.

Shi Jian had a gloomy look on his face and was in a very bad mood, as if he was about to commit murder at any moment.

Although he did not visit Qin Ze's Qinglong Dojo in person, there is no doubt that the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect and the leader of the Black Sect failed in their attempt to kill Qin Ze.

more importantly.

Before the leader of the Black Sect died, he called out the words Taoist Master Shi.

"Damn things!"

Shi Jian's eyes were stern and he cursed angrily.

As the eldest disciple of Maoshan and the future heir to the head of Maoshan, reputation is extremely important, above all else.

But in this way.

Doesn't it mean that he is related to the cult?

This is a great reputation for upright monks.

It is very likely that he will be ruined as a result.

By then, let alone become the leader of Maoshan.

It is not certain whether he can stay in Maoshan or not, and it may even become a joke among the monks.

"If that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Shi Jian's eyes glowed red and he snorted coldly.

Under the extreme thoughts and heavy invisible karma, the disadvantages are fully revealed at this time.

He seemed to be going crazy, and an extremely crazy idea came to his mind.

If everyone who hears this sentence is killed, then nothing will happen!
You can get rid of the annoying Qin Ze and Lin Jiu, and you can also seal everyone's tongue.

Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

As if he thought he had found a solution, the red light in Shi Jian's eyes gradually faded.

It was at this time.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Tatata! !

The sound is from far to near.


The door was pushed open.

Qin Ze, Uncle Jiu and others stood outside the door and entered the courtyard.

"Senior brother, you are going to evil ways!!!" Qin Ze's voice was cold, but inspiring.

Under the perception of Se Baqi, one can clearly detect the abnormality in Shi Jian's state.

This is a sign of going crazy.

no doubt.

Shi Jian is the same as in the original work.

About to enter a rampage state.

"You want to kill your fellow disciples, but you collude with the cult!"

Uncle Jiu also noticed this and said in a deep voice: "Brother, don't be stubborn! Return to Maoshan, there may be a way out!"


"Two junior brothers, what are you talking about?"

"As a disciple of Maoshan, how can I collude with the evil cult!"

"From what I see, senior brother, you are actually coveting my senior brother's position, and you want to use this opportunity to kill him!"

Shi Jian stood up slowly, and the lightning flashed on his body.

"It's shameless!"

"Everything black can be said to be white!"

"I'm a warlock, but I don't think I'm that sinister!"


The monks who followed from Qinglong Dojo basically confirmed the fact that Shi Jian was colluding with the cult the moment they saw Shi Jian.

I just didn't expect that Taoist Shi Jian, who was said to be extremely talented and selfless, would be so shameless.

Not only did he collude with the cult and want to kill his fellow disciples, but he also confused right and wrong.

"Okay, okay, well done!" Shi Jian looked up to the sky and smiled, his long hair tied up loosely, and he did not feel angry because of the monks' words.

in his eyes.

These people are all dead.

The more people that come, the better, which saves the time of searching.

Just erase them all.

No one knows what happened in Renjia Town today.

"I have been practicing Taoism for more than [-] years, and I have seen everyone! But I have to admit that your talent is extremely high! Far more than mine at the same time."

"But do you really think that after killing a few cult leaders, you will be invincible and come to provoke them?"

"Being able to rely on dragon energy to practice and make rapid progress is certainly a great opportunity, but after all, it cannot last long!"

"Junior brother, you are still too young!"

"If Master were to do it again, he might have to restrain himself a little bit, but you are not qualified yet."

At this moment, Shi Jian stopped pretending.

Having the ability to kill two cult monks is certainly powerful.

But it's not limited to that.

By now.

Either you die or I die.

He is going to kill everyone today.

When Qin Ze heard this, he looked confused.

What relies on dragon energy for cultivation?
Who told you that?
I am obviously the dragon!
But soon, Qin Ze figured it out.

Co-author Shi Jian was able to break through because of dragon energy.

It was somewhat unexpected.

However, these are not important.

Since Shi Jian is so stubborn.

Then there is only one battle.

"Lightning Lightning Fist!"

Accompanied by a low drink.


The lightning that appeared on the surface of Shi Jian's body quickly condensed in the center of his palm, and he struck preemptively with a punch.


The flashing electric light jumps in the space.

The terrifying energy aftermath swept across all directions, causing sand and rocks to fly.

Even if it hasn't fallen yet, you can still feel the killing power contained in the thunder and lightning.

"Hi~! This is the strength of Senior Brother Maoshan!"

"So strong, I feel like I can't open my eyes!"

"Compared with him, the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect is just a little Luo Luo!"

"How virtuous and capable, you can actually see a monk of this level!"

"Controlling thunder and lightning is so terrifying!"


(End of this chapter)

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