Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 183 Elder Lin comes to Renjia Town! Terrifying pressure!

Chapter 183 Elder Lin comes to Renjia Town! Terrifying pressure!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"Master, ahead is Uncle Qin Ze's Qinglong Dojo!"

A Taoist priest wearing a Maoshan Taoist uniform looked at the gray-haired Taoist beside him and pointed to the building in front of him that was decorated in a style that was incompatible with other Taoist temples.


"My nephew's dojo has a unique flavor!"

"It suits his temperament very well!"

Lin Tang nodded with a smile on his face.

This time I came down the mountain to Renjia Town to recall Qin Ze to Maoshan and deal with the matter of Shi Jian's nephew.

All the best on the journey.

Now, the only thing left was to see Qin Ze.

But soon, Lin Tang suddenly frowned and found that the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, as if he had just experienced a battle.


Lin Tang's heart skipped a beat.

A fight in Qinglong Dojo is not a good thing no matter how you think about it.

There shouldn't be anyone looking for trouble for Junior Brother!
If something really went wrong with Junior Brother Qin Ze, he would not explain it to him when he went back.

"Let's go in quickly!"

Lin Tang's face tightened, and he quickly picked up his steps and entered the dojo.

The Maoshan disciples who followed him filed in one after another.

When they came face to face, they saw a devastated scene, and some soldiers in official uniforms were cleaning the scene.


"This is a cult."

Lin Tang's eyelids jumped wildly when he saw the body being carried away by several people.

what's the situation?
As an elder of Maoshan, he is also a well-known figure in the monk world, so he naturally knows who the deceased person is.

It is the leader and ancestor of the Black Sect and the Five Poison Sect! !
Good guy.

These two people are notoriously bad in the cultivation world, and they are extremely powerful.

How could they be here?

And he died in Qin Ze's dojo.

What happened in the dojo just now?
Lin Tang suddenly felt like his head was filled with questions.

"Fellow Taoist, may I ask what this is?"

Lin Tang pulled a person who seemed to be the leader from among the people cleaning the scene to ask about the situation.

"Are you also a Maoshan Taoist priest?" The person who was pulled was Marshal Jiang, who had been bitten by a zombie before. He organized soldiers to clean the dojo.

At this time, he seemed a little impatient when he was suddenly pulled over, but when he saw that the other person was wearing a Taoist uniform, he still asked patiently.

"This is Uncle Qin Ze!" Lin Tang nodded.

"Master Qin's uncle?"

"Oh My God!"

"I've met the Taoist Master!" When Marshal Jiang heard that the other party turned out to be Qin Ze's senior, he immediately changed his attitude and gave a brief summary of what happened in the dojo just now with a smile.

After hearing this, the corner of Lin Tang's mouth twitched.

I'm good!

I haven’t seen this kid for a while, and his strength has increased significantly?

The ancestor of the Five Poison Sect, who instantly killed the Heavenly Master Realm, felt his scalp numb when he heard it.

"Excuse me, where is Qin Ze now?" Lin Tang asked quickly.

"I'm leaving, I seem to be looking for Taoist Master Shi," Marshal Jiang said casually, pointing to a location.

"Thank you!"

When Lin Tang heard these three words, he immediately led people to the direction pointed by Marshal Jiang without looking back.

"Master, will something happen?"

On the way, a Maoshan disciple asked.

"Should not be!"

Although Lin Tang said this, he was actually feeling uneasy in his heart.

Don't even think about it.

The commander-in-chief was talking about Shi Jian.

And it will definitely not be a good thing for the two of them to meet.

Shi Jian's strength is second only to the leader's senior brother in the entire Maoshan, and even he is unlikely to win.

Although Qin Ze is powerful, it will take some time for him to grow up before he can challenge Shi Jian.


In the yard where Shi Jian lives, lightning is dazzling.

"Senior brother, your thunder method is really powerful!"

Qin Ze admitted that Shi Jian's strength was a level higher than that of a Celestial Master of the same level.

The ability to summon thunder and lightning at will is beyond the reach of fellow monks.

But, that's all. Facing the lightning thunder fist, Qin Ze did not dodge, but stood there with indifference in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, it's not enough!"

The words fall.

Qin Ze's entire arm was covered with advanced armed color domineering energy, and the seeing and hearing color domineering energy was activated at the same time, locking the landing point of Shi Jian's shot.

boom! !

A punch was thrown out boldly.

"Oh my god, Qin Ze is going to be tough!"

"This is the thunder spell, the lightning with the highest attack power among all spells!"

"Don't talk about confrontation, even if you get a little bit of it, you will be paralyzed instantly!"

People marveled at Qin Ze's courage and dared to take on the Heavenly Master's thunder method.

"How arrogant and ignorant!!"

The monks immediately sneered when they saw that Qin Ze's response was the same as how he dealt with the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect.

What Shi Jian used was the authentic Five Thunder Technique, which could not be compared with other heretics at all.

Even if it is not physically possible, it will still be severely disabled.

this moment.

Flying sand and stone.

The handle of the fist, filled with domineering force, collided with Shi Jian's Lightning Thunder Fist.

Lightning exploded.

Men Lei Xiong Shen.

The terrifying power is like a mountain collapsing, shaking the world.

Even from a distance of tens of miles, you can clearly hear the sound of thunder and explosions.

"Junior brother! How does it taste?"

A sneer appeared on Shi Jian's lips.

He never expected that Qin Ze would choose to confront him head-on.

You know, none of the enemies we have dealt with in the past can withstand a Shandong Thunder Fist.

Not to mention that now, his strength has advanced to the fourth level of Heavenly Master, and his power is only strong but not weak.

If you use your body to force it, you will lose half your life if you don't die.

"Didn't I tell you before?"

"Too weak!"

Qin Ze walked out of the dust. After being baptized by thunder and lightning, he didn't have any injuries on his body, but he was full of energy.

"How is this possible?" Shi Jian's expression changed drastically when he saw this scene.

His blow actually did not cause any harm to Qin Ze, as if he had completely disappeared.

"I forgot to tell you, senior brother, that I can also play a little thunder and lightning, but it's not the same as yours!"

Qin Ze smiled slightly, his aura slowly rising.

"Lightning Lightning Fist!"

Roar out loud.

Shi Jian didn't believe it and struck Qin Ze with another lightning strike.

Another vibration.

Thunder and lightning.

The light flickered.

The thunder method that can kill all evil things still feels like it's tickling Qin Ze when it falls on him.

Apart from splattering dust all over the sky, it caused no harm at all.

The only difference from the previous time is.

Under the shocked expressions of the people, they suddenly felt that there seemed to be a huge pressure above their heads, and the entire courtyard was filled with a powerful ancient aura.

I have never seen it before, but it makes me want to look down.

"what happened?"

"What a strong sense of oppression!"

"who is it?"

"No way, my legs are weak!"

The monks tensed their muscles and were sweating profusely, resisting the sudden pressure.

The weaker ones even swung their legs and knelt on the ground.

"Dragon Qi!!"

Only Shi Jian seemed familiar with this aura, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were fixed on Qin Ze in the dust.

A bad premonition quietly emerged in his heart.

next moment.

Wait for the dust to settle.

A creature that was seven meters tall, covered with green scales, and had two horns on its head appeared in front of everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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