Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 184 The shocking dragon form! Kill Shi Jian!

Chapter 184 The shocking dragon form! Kill Shi Jian!

this moment.

The wind has stopped and the clouds are calm!
The world changes color.

All the noisy sounds became blurred.

This piece of heaven and earth.

It seems that there is only the creature with the sky and the earth above its head



Everyone, even Uncle Jiu, could not help but freeze their hands when they felt the powerful aura and looked up at the creature.

It's not that he doesn't know.

He has practiced in Maoshan Mountain for many years, and has been wandering around the Kyushu Continent for many years. He has also been dubbed the zombie nemesis. His knowledge is definitely higher than that of most people present.

But, at this moment.

He was still shocked by the inexplicable creature appearing in front of him.

Seven meters tall!

A body as burly as a mountain!
The cyan scales covering the body surface!
Thick dragon tail!
A pair of dragon horns!
The answer seems to be obvious.

This creature.

Is it a dragon?

No, even if it isn't.

It is definitely inextricably related to the legendary dragon that has long been extinct.

Or is it humans who have inherited the dragon's abilities?


"what happened?"

"Where is Qin Ze?"

"God, what did I see?"

"Is it the legendary dragon?"


Everyone was in a state of shock at this moment, and they were all muttering to themselves, subconsciously talking to themselves.


I don't know who it was, but suddenly my knees softened and I knelt down directly.

He knelt down and worshiped Qin Ze.

Followed by.

A thumping sound followed.

Outside, a crowd of townspeople fell to their knees.

The dragon, in their hearts, is an extremely sacred symbol, a memory that has been passed down for thousands of years and is imprinted in their bones.

In this semi-feudal era where folk customs have not yet developed, people will kneel down when they see an emperor who calls himself the emperor and wears a dragon robe.

Not to mention, seeing a divine object.


No one at the scene felt scared. Instead, they were filled with ecstasy and showed the highest respect.

There is no doubt that even if it is not a real dragon, it is still enough to boast about for a lifetime.

"It's actually like that!"

Shi Jian smiled bitterly and looked at Qin Ze in dragon form.


Everything seemed to become clear.

What relies on dragon energy for cultivation?
What dragon energy is exhausted?

It's all my own unilateral imagination.

The opponent's true strength.

Far beyond imagination.

The dragon energy that he relied on to break through to the fourth heaven came from Qin Ze himself!

This, how to fight?

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Suddenly, Shi Jian laughed, and then his eyes became extremely determined, staring at Qin Ze.

"I didn't expect to see such a creature today!"

"Then let me take a look!"

"You're just pretending, but you're really capable!"

Shi Jian held his right hand slightly toward the void.



A purple thunder appeared in the palm of his hand.

The moment he saw Thunder, Uncle Jiu's pupils suddenly shrank.

"This thunder is not ordinary thunder and lightning! It is sky thunder!"

He had heard about purple thunder. When a cultivator reaches the third level of the Heavenly Master, and reaches the peak of his attainments in lightning techniques, he can introduce sky thunder.

The power is extremely terrifying. It can be said that it is almost Shi Jian's strongest move.

no doubt.

This is to kill the fish and break the net!
Never die!
"I forgot to tell you, senior brother, that I can also play a little thunder, but it's not the same as yours!"

Qin Ze's voice was like a dragon's roar.

The shock made people's ears hurt.

next moment.

Bazhai, who is seven meters tall, is held in his hand. Facing Shi Jian, he showed him the highest respect and used his strongest form.

The fierce momentum reached its peak at this time.

The three colors of domineering power are fully activated, with overwhelming momentum, overwhelming all directions and overwhelming everything.


Some people with weak cultivation fell to the ground and fainted.

An overwhelming momentum, overwhelming all directions, overwhelming everything.

Even Uncle Jiu couldn't help but twitch his face when faced with this sense of oppression.

Everyone present fainted, except Uncle Jiu and Elder Lin who had just arrived.

Buzz! !

The air trembled.

Dark domineering energy, mixed with red air waves, spread outward.

Then, focus on the eight fasts.

"King Kong·Dian!!"

Accompanied by a whisper.

The terrifying ability surged instantly, and soon, it enveloped the entire Bazhai, erupting with an astonishing momentum.

"Holy shit! Wait"

At this time, Lin Tang, who arrived, and the Maoshan disciples who followed him felt that their breathing was half a beat slower.

Especially Lin Tang, who looked shocked and wanted to interrupt. He was so anxious that he almost cursed, but he couldn't finish the words.

Who would have thought.

Just got here.

I saw such an earth-shattering scene.

A dragon-shaped creature that has never been seen before fights against Shi Jian,

So confused.

And even he couldn't intervene to stop a move of this level.

I can only stare blankly.

next moment.

Qin Ze swung down the stick.

Flashing black and red domineering energy, like thunder from the sky, charged forward.

Sweeping all the way.


You can also hear the roar of dragons.

"go with!"

at the same time.

Shi Jian waved his hand.

The thunder rolled from the sky and turned into a giant hand made of purple thunder, pushing towards Qin Ze.


Black-red domineering thunder and purple thunder collided together.

The sadistic energy seems to want to tear everything apart and invade everything around it.

The earth cracked, and the ground with some scars was directly broken.

Under the overwhelming force, everything was crumbling. The walls in the courtyard collapsed into ashes, the woodwork shattered into dust, and even the air seemed to evaporate.

The remaining thunder was rolling, and Shi Jian's location seemed to have turned into a thunder purgatory, with thousands of arcs undulating.

Fight center.

Shi Jian's sky thunder was instantly broken by Qin Ze's attack, his chest collapsed, and his body was slammed into the ground under the impact of energy.


Shi Jian spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, a hole the size of a basketball opened in his chest.

Even the Heavenly Master has no way to survive with this kind of injury.


"I am not willing to give in!"

Shi Jian looked up to the sky and roared, waving his hands randomly, trying to summon thunder and lightning again, but the loss of life was not enough to support the spell again.

A blow in dragon form.

Even Shi Jian can't stop it.

As Shi Jian's hands dropped, his eyes lost their expression and life was gone.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Maoshan Senior Brother Shi Jian and gaining 10000 merit points!"

The sound of the system sounded.


"There is this too?"

Qin Ze frowned.

Is there any merit point in killing Brother Maoshan?

I originally thought there wouldn't be one, but no matter what, they are still fellow disciples after all!
"Shi Jian is riddled with karma and is about to become evil. The inherent merit points can be obtained!"

The system explained it thoughtfully.

Qin Ze nodded.

Something is better than nothing.

Ten thousand merit points is actually a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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