Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 187 Want to have sex for free? There are no doors!

Chapter 187 Want to have sex for free? There are no doors!

The main hall of Maoshan, also known as Tianshi Hall, is located on the top of the main peak of Maoshan.

Any grand event or major religious ceremony in Maoshan will be held in the large square in front of Tianshi Temple.

"Master, this Tianshi Palace is so spectacular!"

"Hey, what are those two buildings?"

Nianying's eyes were full of disbelief, and Wencai and Qiu Sheng were also amazed.

This was the first time they came to Maoshan, and they were shocked by the heritage displayed by Maoshan on the spot.

"There is the Sutra Pavilion and the Taoist Pavilion!"

Qin Ze has been here for a year and knows a lot.

Returning to Maoshan, there is still a feeling of a wanderer returning.

Sutra Pavilion, most of the exercises and Taoist techniques in Maoshan are collected here. There are special Maoshan elders who guard this place.

As for Lundao Pavilion, every seven days, Elder Maoshan will come here to give lectures and help solve problems for many new Maoshan disciples.

After a while, Qin Ze, led by Elder Lin, arrived at the entrance of the palace.

"The elders are all inside!"

Elder Lin Tang said.

Qin Ze paused, turned around and said to Nianying: "Wait outside!"

She could only be regarded as half of Maoshan's disciples. It was not etiquette for Qin Ze to take her in before he officially accepted his disciples and was recognized by Maoshan.

Wencai and Qiu Sheng were also standing outside.

Uncle Jiu didn't go in either. He was mainly afraid that the two brats would get into trouble if they were restless, so he thought it would be better to stay outside.

"Okay!" Nianying stopped.

Qin Ze doesn't need to tell her about this, she also knows what to do, after all, she still has this knowledge.

Immediately, Qin Ze followed Elder Lin Tang and entered the hall.

Many Maoshan disciples followed Qin Ze when he came back, their eyes shining brightly.

"Is the one who came back with Elder Lin Tang Qin Ze?"

"It's Senior Brother Qin, I met him last year!"

"In less than a year, you are qualified to enter the Heavenly Master's Palace. What a growth rate this is!"

"I heard that senior brother Qin Ze has mastered the dragon inheritance!"

"The number of cults we killed was not just a hundred, but dozens!"

Many Maoshan disciples were extremely curious.

these days.

Qin Ze's reputation spread throughout the monk world.

Even the disciples practicing in Maoshan have also heard the rumors.

Who in the whole Maoshan Mountain doesn't know about Qin Ze?
  Now that Qin Ze is back, he naturally wants to see it with his own eyes.

Some admire him, some are curious, and of course some are dissatisfied and jealous.

Many Maoshan disciples, each with their own thoughts, stood outside and waited patiently.

As soon as Qin Ze entered the palace, a scent of sandalwood lingered on the tip of his nose.

Meditation and concentration are helpful for practice and rest.

This was his first time entering the Tianshi Palace.

It was still a little transparent last year, so naturally I was not qualified to step in.

In the main hall, three elders were sitting. Lin Tang stepped forward and took a seat.

He is the same as these people, there is no difference in status.

When the three people heard the noise, they opened their eyes and their eyes fell on Qin Ze. ,
  "What a domineering aura!"

"Have you reached the level of Heavenly Master now?"

One of the female elders said slowly.

She was wearing plain clothes, her skin was as smooth as jade, her temperament was pure and charming.

She naturally knew that Qin Ze did not practice Taoism.

However, the monk world has always put strength first and does not practice Taoism, but it does not hinder the determination of the realm of strength.

"Reporting to Elder Yuling, yes!"

Qin Ze cupped his hands and fists without bending down to bow.

Elder Maoshan must know that he killed the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect, so there is no need to hide it.

But now, those who have the strength to enter the Celestial Master can definitely hold the position of elder in Maoshan, so there is no need to be humble.

One of the elders frowned, a little unhappy. When other disciples see them, they must bend down to salute, kneel down and kowtow respectfully.

This Qin Ze
  "You little guy are really surprising!"

"Last year, I was just a little Taoist priest wandering around the mountains. Now, he has grown into a towering tree!"

Elder Yuling said with a smile.

Among the many disciples, she had a deep impression on Qin Ze. After all, he was the last disciple accepted by the master, and he had no talent for cultivation at all.

The memory that remains in his mind is still the image of Qin Ze doing nothing in the mountains, wandering around, often arguing with other little Taoist priests.

Now that he is so young and has the strength of a Heavenly Master, he will definitely be able to carry the banner of Maoshan in the future.

"Now, your strength far exceeds that of your peers. By then, our Nanmaoshan will have a new elder!"

"Elder Yuling is joking!" Qin Ze smiled and did not answer.

Becoming an elder will bring many benefits. In the Sutra Pavilion, I feel that most books and Taoism will be unconditionally open to him.

Cultivation resources are much richer than ordinary disciples.

However, for Qin Ze, these are not attractive at all.

On the contrary, he will be restrained because of his status as an elder.

It's okay if it's just a name.

But if you really want to stay in Maoshan like the three elders every day, you can't bear it.

"I heard that you have mastered the secret method of the dragon?"

Next to Elder Yu Ling, Elder Chen, who had been silent until now, suddenly said: "I don't know, can I write it down?"

"Such secret skills will naturally be handed over to Maoshan and shared with us!"

Used a command-like tone.

When Qin Ze heard this, he frowned slightly.

He has the impression that Elder Chen is a very protective old guy with a headstrong personality.

In some aspects, his character is similar to Shi Jian.

It's just that he doesn't have Shi Jian's acting skills and character.

Therefore, the perception in the hearts of Maoshan disciples is very bad!

And you want me to write down the secret technique?

Want to prostitute?
  That is thinking about farting.

Don't say that you don't have any secret skills passed down from outside, it's Shenlong himself.

Even if there were, it would be impossible to write it down.

"Elder Chen, don't joke with your disciples!"

Qin Ze said politely: "Where does the disciple have any secret skills? They are spread randomly from outside!"

Hearing this, Elder Chen's expression changed and he shouted: "What, you don't want to hand over?"

"Hand over the secret skills so that everyone in Maoshan can learn them. Do you want to refuse such a thing that will benefit the entire Maoshan?"

Elder Chen didn't believe what Qin Ze said at all. In less than a year, he transformed from an unknown little Taoist priest to a heavenly master who killed the leader of a cult.

How can you do it if you don't have any secret skills?
  no doubt.

Qin Ze must have it.

And extremely precious.

As long as you get the secret skill, you can not only learn it, but also let the younger generations who don't use it enjoy the benefits!

Qin Ze's expression suddenly turned cold and he said disdainfully.

"Do you want to listen to what you are saying?"

Do you use righteousness to pressure yourself?
  Elder Chen is definitely overthinking.

Qin Ze never did this.

"So you're going to refuse?" Elder Chen's eyes gradually turned cold and he stared at Qin Ze.

In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere in the hall became solemn.

"So what if you refuse?"

Qin Ze is not vain at all.

With his current strength, there is no such thing as swallowing his anger.

Want to use force to overwhelm others.

Then ask yourself first if you have the qualifications.

(End of this chapter)

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