Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 188 If you can’t afford it, flip the chessboard! The leader of the Northern Faction!

Chapter 188 If you can’t afford it, flip the chessboard! The leader of the Northern Faction!

Elder Chen stood up from his seat, and the huge pressure was released, falling on Qin Ze's head like a huge force.

Qin Ze smiled slightly, and at the next moment, an even more powerful momentum burst out.

  The air waves seemed to condense into substance.

In the Tianshi Hall, the two streams meet.

rub rub! !

Elder Chen's expression suddenly changed and he stepped back continuously, his steps making a heavy sound on the ground.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

outside the temple.

The momentum suddenly increased.

Wencai and Qiu Sheng almost lost their balance.

The corner of Uncle Jiu's mouth twitched, and everyone went numb.

no doubt.

This is a conflict between Qin Ze and the elder.

Unexpectedly, this happened just after returning to Maoshan.

It's really two heads and one head.

"Holy shit, Senior Brother Qin is going to have sex with the elder?"

"Isn't it, so fierce?"

"It seems like we should go in and have a look!"

The disciples outside also noticed something was wrong, and screamed in surprise, speculating on the situation in the inner hall at this time.


In the hall, Elder Chen raised his finger and pointed at Qin Ze, his eyes widened and he was trembling with anger, but he couldn't fart for a long time.

Who is he?
  Elder Maoshan.

Having held a high position for many years, I am used to being arrogant.

When did you suffer this kind of loss?

It's actually still in the body of a disciple.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Chen waved his hand and was about to take action.

"Elder Chen, you have crossed the line!" Elder Yun Ling flicked the fly whisk in his hand and blocked Elder Chen.

The other people didn't speak, but they looked at Elder Chen with strange expressions.

Bullying a disciple is really a bit too ugly.

"Hmph!" Elder Chen snorted coldly. When he saw someone stepping down the steps, he flicked his sleeves and robe to collect his breath.

"This is the token. You can use it these days!"

Elder Lin Tang asked someone to hand over a token.

Qin Ze also restrained his momentum, took the token, and understood it.

"In this case, I'll take my leave first!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Elder Yuling said with a smile: "If you have time, you can come to my place as a guest!"

"If I have the chance, I will disturb Elder Yuling!"

Qin Ze responded.

Elder Yuling intends to make friends with him.

Of course, Qin Ze would not dampen their interest.

Attitudes are all mutual.

As for people like Elder Chen, Qin Ze didn't bother to talk nonsense with him.


Qin Ze turned around and left directly.

After Qin Ze leaves.

  Elder Chen slapped the table.

"You haven't grown up yet! How dare you be so arrogant!"

Elder Yu Ling was not surprised and took a sip from the tea cup.

It's obvious that I'm greedy, but I still blame others.

"Chen Shan, this is Maoshan, you'd better restrain yourself!" Lin Tang said coldly, and then stood up and left.

"Hmph, why are you pretending to be a good person? I don't believe you are not interested in Qin Ze's skills!"

Elder Chen said disdainfully.

A yellow-haired child.

How could he master such magical powers?

What is the strength of someone who is in the Heavenly Master Realm?

Not invincible!
  Elder Yu Ling and another elder Zhou Xing also got up and left, leaving Elder Chen alone here. "Humph, since you are not willing to give it, then don't blame me for using other means!" Elder Chen was serious, flashing a dangerous light.

"Brother, how is it?"

"The elder didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

As soon as Qin Ze walked out, Uncle Jiu, Nianying, and the literary talent Qiu Sheng came to greet him.


Qin Ze smiled.

Elder Chen, he hasn't taken it to heart yet.

Breakthrough all methods.

No matter what evil intentions he has, as long as he dares to cross the line, Qin Ze won't mind helping him open a direct train to the underworld.

"Let's go! Go see the leader!" At this time, Lin Tang came out and pointed in a direction and said.

Xiaomaofeng Head Hall.

Zhang Lingbei, the current head of the Southern Maoshan School, was drinking tea and playing Othello.

He was wearing a purple robe and looked proud.

Opposite, an old man with white hair and white beard sits, dressed in green clothes, as if he wants to blend in with the world.

Wang Daoxuan, the current head of Maoshan, the northern faction, is the number one person in Maoshan from the north to the south.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Brother Wang's chess skills are not as sharp as they used to be!"

"I'm going to lose!"

Zhang Lingbei was holding a black chess piece in his hand, with a trace of pride on his face.


As the pawns fall.

Silver light flashed across the chessboard, as if covered with a layer of brilliance.

"If you want to win, Brother Zhang is still a little behind!"

Wang Daoxuan smiled, the white chess piece fell, and the winning rate suddenly increased.

  Zhang Lingbei's raised hand paused.

"I made a mistake in the last step! I want to do it again, I don't care!"

"No regrets when you make a move, that's the rule!"

"An ancient saying goes: Knowing your mistakes can lead to great improvements!"

"That's not what the ancients meant!"

"Is not it?"

"What do you think?"

"It's boring. The ancients' words are not worthy of annotations?" Zhang Lingbei sighed while holding his forehead, scratching the chessboard with his other hand, and said dissatisfied: "What a headache!"

"Shameless old thief, can't you afford it?"

Wang Daoxuan twitched his beard and seemed to have new insights into Zhang Lingbei's shamelessness.

If you want to lose, just flip the chessboard?

"Old guy, do you want to discuss Taoism with me?" Zhang Lingbei waved his hand with an expression like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Humph! Get lost!" Wang Daoxuan flicked his sleeves and robe, and the chessboard returned to zero, not bothering to argue with the old man.

He came here to discuss matters regarding the Northern and Southern factions' conference, so he had no time to discuss matters.

The North-South Maoshan Festival is held once every four years. This time, it is held in the Southern Maoshan.

As the conference was approaching, as the leader, he naturally had to come first.

"Recently, Qin Ze, a disciple of Maoshan, has become famous in the spiritual world. You old man, you are just so lucky!" Wang Daoxuan changed the subject.

Qin Ze's name has been heard more than once recently. He is still young and has the strength of the Heavenly Master Realm. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best genius disciple of the Southern Sect Maoshan.

Unfortunately, the southern faction got there first.

"Why, I'm just lucky enough to accept a disciple?"

"Have you received too little from the geniuses from Maoshan, the northern sect, in recent years?" Zhang Lingbei rolled his eyes.

When it comes to talented disciples, Maoshan from the Northern School has the most.

Seedlings with great qualifications and potential are cropping up one after another.

This is why, in the Maoshan Conference held every four years, the northern faction always wins the final victory, while the southern faction has lost for more than [-] consecutive years.

Among the many disciples, one in particular named Ye Xiao was very powerful.

However, Wang Daoxuan's words were still very useful to Zhang Lingbei. Qin Ze could make Wang Daoxuan think about him so much, and he felt bright in his face just thinking about it.

"Having a secret skill and killing the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect, it seems that the Southern Sect is bound to win this conference!" Wang Daoxuan said slowly.

"Stop being sarcastic!" Zhang Lingbei snorted coldly: "That Ye Xiao of yours has grown quite a lot in four years, right?"

Although I really don't want to admit it, Ye Xiao, the first genius of the northern sect, had already surpassed the entire southern sect Maoshan in the last conference. In four years, he must have grown tremendously.

"What the hell!" Wang Daoxuan smiled and stroked his beard: "It's just a little better than the elders in Changmen!"

The words sounded modest, but the unconcealed pride in his eyes was like the tip of a needle, piercing Zhang Lingbei's nerves.

(End of this chapter)

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