Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 189: Poaching in person? You old man!

Chapter 189: Poaching in person? You old man!
  Stronger than the elders!
  If these words had come from other people's mouths, Zhang Lingbei might not believe them, but from Wang Daoxuan's mouth, there would be no lie.

And judging from the way the old man was secretly pleased with himself, there must be other things that made him extraordinary.

"What is Master Nephew Ye's current state?" Zhang Beiling tried to ask.

Wang Daoxuan smiled slightly and remained silent: "I will know by then!"

"Selling things again!!"

Seeing that Wang Daoxuan was unwilling to talk, Zhang Beiling rolled his eyes and was too lazy to continue asking. After taking a sip of tea, he continued.

"Nowadays, the world of monks is in trouble, and the entire monk world seems to be uneasy. A letter from Longhu Mountain says that not long after the new leader took charge of the mountain gate, sudden changes occurred, involving many people. In the future, they will not be the only ones to be terrorized. More troubles will follow, affecting one after another. A decent man from a distinguished family!”

Wang Daoxuan nodded: "I have also heard about this. Now that the era of great strife is sweeping across, friction and confrontation between various sects are inevitable, and conflicts are deepening day by day. For such inevitable things, preserving the foundation is the most important!"

"I hope we in Maoshan will not fall into it!"

"After all, when times change, it must be completed by the younger generations!"

Although Maoshan is divided into north and south, they both belong to Taoist Maoshan. Apart from sometimes secretly competing with each other, the relationship has always been very good.

Zhang Lingbei nodded when he heard this.

Among the northern sect Maoshan, the most outstanding junior is Ye Xiao.

As for the most outstanding junior among the Southern School Maoshan, there is no doubt that Qin Ze.

There is no doubt that both of them have strong strength and potential, but the Kyushu continent is so big and there are so many sects and sects. Under the fierce competition, outstanding juniors will spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

In turbulent times, it is sometimes a luxury to keep the Shanmen inheritance from being disturbed, let alone stand out among the many talented juniors.

Of course, it is too early to talk about this now, after all, the conference has not even started yet.

After stroking his beard, Wang Daoxuan looked at Zhang Lingbei and said: "If the competition level of this conference is still implemented as before, it will be completely sufficient for the vast majority of disciples, but now some disciples' strength has grown too fast. , needs to be changed!”

The competition events at the Maoshan Disciple Conference are generally aimed at disciples below the level of the Heavenly Master.

Now that two disciples with the strength of the Heavenly Master appeared, they naturally had to find another way.

Zhang Lingbei thought for a while and nodded: "Indeed!"

The two were drinking tea and discussing the details. At this time, a disciple hurriedly broke in.

"Didn't you see that the master was talking to someone? So unruly!"

Zhang Lingbei frowned slightly.

After staying in Maoshan for so many years, my mind is still so impetuous.

Orthogonal details are in the works!
  Suddenly interrupted.

If something happens, you can't report it later!

"Tell Master, Uncle Lin is here with Junior Brother Qin and wants to see him!"

The speaking disciple's mouth twitched slightly.

The truth is clearly what you told me at the beginning. If Qin Ze returns to the mountain gate, he will report it directly.

Now he's blaming me again.
  Qin Ze?

Hearing this name, the unhappy look on Zhang Lingbei's face disappeared instantly: "This boy arrived on time!"

"Let him in!"

After a few minutes.

Lin Tang, Qin Ze and others stepped into the door.

"I've met the master!"

Qin Ze cupped his hands and said.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

"I haven't seen you in half a year!"

"The momentum is even stronger than before!"

Zhang Lingbei now returned to his usual elegant and leisurely demeanor. He looked at Qin Ze and nodded with a smile.

"This is the leader of the Northern Sect, Wang Daoxuan!" Zhang Lingbei introduced immediately.

"I've met Master Wang!"

Qin Ze looked at Wang Daoxuan's figure, and his heart condensed slightly, guessing the other party's cultivation level.

Wang Daoxuan in front of him was dressed in purple robes, and his whole body was enveloped in an inexplicable charm.     Looks to be stronger than the leader.

"I haven't seen such an outstanding junior like you for a long time!"

"The fullness of Qi and blood is unprecedented! The dragon energy is close to the body, and the appearance of a dragon is like that!"

Wang Daoxuan's eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life.

The body is as tall and straight as a pine tree, and the whole person shows a bit of vigor.

But the next second.

Most of the aura about him dissipated: "Do you want to come to my Northern Sect and become my close disciple?"

"Consider it? The guaranteed treatment is several times better than that of the southern faction!"

Famous is worse than seeing.

Wang Daoxuan's eyes were full of appreciation.

Invite directly without hesitation.

Now or never.

If he poached people from other sects, he might feel a little guilty in his heart, but poaching people from his old friend Zhang Beiling would have no psychological burden at all.

Anyway, they are all from Maoshan.

Now, since I have seen such an outstanding junior with my own eyes, I naturally have to dig out it.

After all, what if it succeeds!

  Qin Ze was confused.

But before he could say anything, Zhang Beiling got angry: "Old man, eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot!"

"Are you thinking that I don't exist?"

How can you poach people in person? Don’t I want to lose face?

"I'm just asking, as the leader, you can't deprive others of their right to choose!"

"The right to choose, let me see if you choose to go back by yourself today, or I will use Taoism to send you back!"


Uncle Jiu and Lin Tang were stunned when they saw this scene.

what's the situation?
  How come the two heads, who are normally upright and calm in dealing with things, look like they are about to fight when they see Qin Ze?
  Moreover, the head of the Northern Sect personally invited him to become a closed disciple.

Close disciples have a much higher status than direct disciples, and are at the same level as the elders.

Counting all the disciples in Maoshan, there are few who are treated like this.

Uncle Jiu suddenly realized that Qin Ze's weight in the hearts of the two heads seemed to be much higher than imagined.

But this is normal. After all, there are only a few disciples in Maoshan who possess the strength of the Heavenly Master Realm at such a young age.

"Why do you look at me? I haven't done anything!"

Seeing Uncle Jiu, Elder Lin Tang and others looking at him, Qin Ze quickly distanced himself from the relationship.

After a while, the two old men who were over a hundred years old finally calmed down. Wang Daoxuan finally chose to go back by himself, but before leaving, he did not forget to look at Qin Ze and said: "The Southern faction can't stay any longer. You can come to Beipai at any time, the door is always open.”

But before he finished speaking, he was sent away by Zhang Lingbei.

"Hmph! Old guy! You are much thicker-skinned than before!" Zhang Lingbei looked at the direction Wang Daoxuan left and snorted coldly.

Then, he looked at Qin Ze and immediately changed his face: "Qin Ze, I want to accept you as my direct disciple. I wonder if you are willing?"

Close disciples and direct disciples are not the same concept.

A master can have many close disciples, but he can only have one direct disciple.


Once you have a direct disciple, you will no longer accept any more disciples.

And the most important thing is that as long as Qin Ze agrees, it is almost certain that he will be the next head of Maoshan.

Of course, there are many other benefits that need not be mentioned.

Qin Ze didn't speak, thinking. After all, he had a system and there was no need to be a closed disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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