Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 190 The first genius in 3 years?

Chapter 190 The first genius in three hundred years?

"You can go back and consider this matter slowly. In the next period of time, people from the Northern Maoshan will come to the mountain gate one after another!"

"I only have one request. This time, you must take down the leaders of the North and South factions and give them a good look at their majesty!"

Zhang Lingbei looked at Qin Ze and said.

Give people time to think about everything.

He is in no hurry.

Things of the moment.

Gotta do it first.

"Disciple, we must go all out!"

Qin Ze nodded and accepted the matter without any hesitation.

Zhang Lingbei nodded. The more he looked at Qin Ze, the more satisfied he became. After chatting for a few more words, he said: "Okay, there will be someone to deal with you later on about the matter in Maoshan. I believe you will be satisfied!"


After chatting for a while, Qin Ze, Uncle Jiu and others retreated. Elder Lin Tang did not leave and stayed with Zhang Lingbei.

"How is Shi Jian?" Zhang Lingbei looked at Lin Tang and asked.

This time when I went to Renjia Town, in addition to picking up Qin Ze, I also had to deal with Shi Jian.

Now that Shi Jian has not come back, he has already guessed the result, but he still has to ask.

"Master Shi's nephew colluded with the evil cult and wanted to harm his fellow sect members. He is already dead!"

Lin Tang answered truthfully and explained everything that happened.

Hearing this, Zhang Lingbei's face suddenly condensed: "He is still colluding with the cult? Want to kill fellow sect members?"

"It's so brave!"

Although he calculated that Shi Jian was in trouble in Renjia Town, he didn't know about his involvement in the cult.

As a disciple of Maoshan, if you do this kind of thing, you will not be unjust even if you die a hundred times.

"Does anyone else know about this?" Zhang Lingbei asked.

"No one knows except Lin Jiu and me!" Lin Tang said.

People only knew that Shi Jian and Qin Ze had a fight, but no one knew the specific outcome. After all, everyone fainted for no apparent reason at the time.


Zhang Lingbei sighed and nodded: "It's okay not to know!"

Shi Jian was also a disciple of Maoshan after all. He was a genius before Qin Ze appeared. If the news about his relationship with the cult spread, it would definitely have some impact on Maoshan's reputation.

Two days later.

Inside the Bookstore.

Qin Ze sat at a quiet table, holding a book in his hand and reading carefully.

It's just that he is different from other disciples who came to the Sutra Pavilion.

What the disciples held in their hands were either Taoist scriptures, magical books, or a complete collection of talismans.

The book in Qin Ze's hand had nothing to do with Taoist priests, it was just a casual conversation to pass the time.

There are all kinds of anecdotes recorded in it.

Don't tell me, it's quite interesting to watch.

Qin Ze didn't have the urge to watch Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio in his previous life.

As for why he didn't choose to take it back to his residence to watch, it was because he needed to supervise the literary talent Qiu Sheng and accompany Nianying to practice in the Sutra Pavilion.

There are many classics in Maoshan, which is a rare opportunity for them to improve.

"Nie Xiaoqian had an affair with Fa Hai, and Ning Caichen took a white snake!"

"Damn, it's even more outrageous than what I made up!"

  Qin Ze closed the book and slapped it on the table, feeling hot all over.

Who wrote this? It just depends on whether I dig your grave or not.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Nianying asked softly.

"It's okay, I'm going out to get some air!"

Qin Ze returned the book to the bookshelf, stood up and went out.

"Senior Brother Qin Ze left so soon?"

"Finally met Senior Brother Qin!"


The disciples who were about to enter the Sutra Pavilion saw Qin Ze leaving and all talked in low voices, as if they had seen some famous person.    one after another.

As the competition approaches, there are many more people practicing hard than before.

It's like cramming before an exam.

Qin Ze ignored it, except that the air outside was not a little bit better than that of the Sutra Pavilion.

Facts have proved that no matter where you are, a place like the Sutra Pavilion for reading is not suitable for a scumbag.

"Junior brother, you came out and I was about to find you!"

Suddenly, a voice called Qin Ze. He turned around and saw that it was Uncle Jiu.

"Senior brother, what's wrong?" Qin Ze asked.

"Junior Brother Four Eyes and Junior Brother Qianhe are here. They said they want to see you! Come on, let's go there together!"

Seeing that Qin Ze had nothing to do, he happened to go over.

A quarter of an hour later.

The residence of Chizuru Taoist Priest.

"Junior brother, long time no see!"

"Junior brother, you are still so heroic! Your body and bones have become much stronger!"

When Taoist Priest Qianhe and Taoist Four Eyes saw Qin Ze, their eyes suddenly lit up, they put down what they were doing, and asked several disciples to say hello.

"I've seen Uncle Master!"

The four disciples from the southeast, northwest and Jia Le said politely.

Especially Jia Le, the eyes he looked at Qin Ze were filled with admiration.

After all, I have heard a lot about Qin Ze's deeds these days, even if I didn't take the initiative to learn about it.

Qin Ze smiled: "You're welcome!"

After being away for a while, I felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy when I saw Yoshimu and Qianzuru again, so naturally they didn't have to be so unfamiliar.

Taoist Master Four Eyes chuckled and said: "On the way back to the mountain gate, I heard about you becoming the underworld commander! How is it, how do you feel?"

"To be honest, I don't feel much at all!"

Qin Ze shrugged, there was indeed nothing different, and he had not even come to see him again since then.

It's like, it's really just a temporary job.

But it’s pretty good, who doesn’t like having a job?
  "You don't feel it, but senior brother does!" Taoist priest Simu said with a smile: "Since you became the Yin Shuai, some of the arrogant brats in the past are polite when they see senior brother again. I’m afraid I’ll be fired!”

Taoist priest Qianhe agreed with this.

Then, he looked at Qin Ze: "Are you ready for this conference?"

  Qin Ze thought in his mind that it was just a conference for disciples to compete in strength, so why should they prepare?

It’s not like you’re going to take a mock exam, you need to review the key points in advance!
  "Brother, why do you ask that?" Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

"Our southern faction, Maoshan, has been suppressed by the northern faction for more than [-] years. Senior brother naturally wants our southern faction to win the first place!"

"Come to think of it, it seems that only you have the possibility!"

The four-eyed Taoist said.

Taoist Master Qianhe added: "The leader of the last conference was the disciple of the Northern Sect leader, Ye Xiao! He is eligible to participate in the conference before he is thirty years old, so he will definitely still be there this time!"

"Is your strongest opponent!"

Ye Xiao?

Qin Ze is a little unfamiliar with this name, but listening to Qianhe and Simu, this guy seems to be very strong!

"he is?"

Seeing that Qin Ze didn't understand this person at all, Uncle Jiu was a little surprised. He cleared his throat and explained: "The number one genius in the Northern Sect in three hundred years. Because he has been practicing in the Northern Sect all year round and rarely goes out, so he is a monk in the Northern Sect. His reputation in the world is not obvious, and not many people know about it, but within Maoshan, his reputation is extremely great! There is even a faint tendency to catch up with the leader!"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

The first genius in three hundred years?

Is Maoshan very famous?
  Shi Jian is also known as a once-in-a-century genius.

A person who can describe the Northern sect, which is stronger than the Southern sect in overall strength, with an adjective that is only seen once in three hundred years.

It looks like there's something to it.


Qin Ze smiled. He didn't think it was anything, but he suddenly found it quite interesting.

After all, it means conventions won't be so boring.
  "He has not been in the mountain gate recently!" Taoist priest Qianhe added: "It seems that he is on a mission to exterminate a cult!"

(End of this chapter)

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