Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 194 Lafeng’s appearance! Is your name Ye Xiao?

Chapter 194 Lafeng’s appearance! Is your name Ye Xiao?

Ye Xiao saluted Wang Daoxuan and Zhang Lingbei who were on the throne.

With his arrival, the powerful momentum spread instantly, and the blowing wind stopped.

Everyone's eyes, without exception, fell on the young man who arrived at Maoshan last.

"This person is Ye Xiao. Famous is not as good as meeting him. It's not simple!"

"One step is three feet long, and his attainments in Taoism are truly unparalleled!"

"The number one in the northern sect. He was also the leader of the last conference. His cultivation level is so high that he may catch up with the elders in the sect!"

"There's a good show here!"


The disciples from other sects looked at Ye Xiao with eyes full of admiration.

Although he has not been seen taking action, just his temperament, which is different from ordinary people, can be seen that it is definitely not simple.

The Tao that turns the ground into an inch with one hand is as pure as fire, and it shows the profoundness of the Tao.

"What is the cloth bag he is holding in his hand? Is it possible that he brought his own tools when he came to participate in the competition?"

Someone saw the cloth bag in Ye Xiao's hand and wondered what it was and raised questions.

"Due to the mission, the disciple was delayed a lot of time in the process of eradicating the evil cult. Therefore, he was unable to arrive at the conference in time. I hope the leader will forgive me!"

The words were spoken to Zhang Lingbei, the leader of the Southern Sect.

Although there was a reason, he was indeed the last one to arrive, so he naturally needed an explanation.

"These are the heads of the two ancestors of the Moon Worship Sect!"

talking room.

He placed the cloth bag in his hand in the open space and opened it using Taoist magic. Two bloody heads were exposed to everyone's sight.

Moon worship?


Everyone was in an uproar. Everyone stared at the head on the ground with wide eyes, and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Is this really the ancestor of the Moon Worship Sect?"

"Those are two Heavenly Master realms!"

"It is indeed them. I was lucky enough to see them by the sect master's side!"

"Holy crap, so Ye Xiao killed two Heavenly Masters? Destroyed the Moon Worshiping Sect?"

He single-handedly wiped out the cult and succeeded, leaving all the monks feeling numb.

Presumably, it seems that Qin Ze's killing of the ancestor of the Five Poison Sect and the leader of the Black Sect is not that far away.

Ye Xiao's strength is simply unimaginable.

"I'm going to show off. I'll pretend it's all for you!"

Qin Ze stood in the crowd, as if he was eighteen years old and standing at a dance party like a follower.

I couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

I just came here and it’s a big job.

He instantly felt that the way he appeared was a bit too low.

If I had known earlier, I would have jumped directly from an altitude of several thousand meters, hoping to be more powerful than I am now.

As if feeling Qin Ze's gaze, Ye Xiao turned to look at Qin Ze and nodded slightly.

"know me?"

Qin Ze was a little surprised and nodded politely in reply.

"It's okay!"

"Now that we're here, let's start!" Zhang Lingbei waved his hand and officially announced the start of the competition.

Elder Lin Tang stood up from his seat and began to announce the rules and precautions.

"There are three events in the Maoshan Conference of the Northern and Southern factions!"

"First, test the use of true energy to kill a certain number of puppet zombies!"

"Second, it is a test of endurance and speed, reaching the highest point of Damao Peak within the specified time!" "Third, it is a test of actual combat. The disciples who have passed the first two levels will represent their respective factions and determine the final winner!"

Elder Lin Tang finished speaking.

There was a commotion among the disciples from Maoshan sent by the North and the South to participate in the competition.

"The test items are different from the last one!"

"The familiar defense session has been cancelled!"

"The difficulty has gone up a few notches. Dao Zun bless me. I hope everything goes well in the future!"

The disciples chanted silently.

In previous years' conference competitions, apart from the fact that the actual test method has not changed, the first two have undergone major changes.

Some Maoshan disciples were unprepared. When they suddenly heard the rules, they couldn't help but feel their hearts skip a beat.

But most people adjust quickly.

As a monk, dealing with sudden changes is sometimes a manifestation of your ability.

"Quiet!" Elder Lin Tang raised his hand and pressed it down, and the crowd became quiet again.

"There are sixty-eight disciples in total. There are one hundred and thirty-six puppet zombies placed in Xiaomao Peak. The specific locations are randomly distributed. If you surrender two or more puppet zombies, you will be eligible to enter the second competition! Limited to one hour!”

As Lin Tang's last words fell.


A clear bell rang from the Xiaomaofeng of Nanpai Maoshan.

All the disciples in the square entered Xiaomao Peak.

"Brother Zhang thinks, who can subdue the most puppet zombies?" Wang Daoxuan used a magic weapon to recreate the scene on Xiaomao Mountain, making it easier for those present to observe.

At the same time, he turned to look at Zhang Lingbei beside him and asked.

This question sounds like it includes all Maoshan disciples, but in fact it only asks two people, Qin Ze and Ye Xiao.

There's nothing I can do about it, I'm way ahead of my peers.

Others have no chance at all.

Zhang Lingbei replied: "Ye Xiao is skilled in channeling techniques, and Qin Ze's physical fitness is extremely strong. It's hard to say what the outcome will be until the results come out!"

Not only the two of them, but also everyone present was paying attention to Qin Ze and Ye Xiao.

The path Ye Xiao followed was the traditional way of practicing Taoism in Maoshan. He achieved perfection and became the first among his peers in the Northern School.

The path that Qin Ze took was completely opposite to the traditional Taoism of Maoshan. He was to develop his physical fitness to the extreme and become the first among his peers in the Southern School.

Everyone also understands that the other Maoshan disciples are just foils compared to these two people.

The competition between the two can even be regarded as a comparison between Maoshan Taoism and personal pure strength.

Of course, most people present were more optimistic about Ye Xiao.

There was no way, the scene just now was too shocking. One man killed two Heavenly Master Realm experts and brought their heads over. His performance alone was enough to overpower Qin Ze.

At this moment, many people were whispering secretly, discussing who could surrender the most.

"Is this even necessary? In terms of subduing zombies, if Senior Brother Ye is ranked second, no one else dares to be ranked first!"

"Although Qin Ze is powerful, it is mainly reflected in his destructive power. He is not proficient in tunneling. How to find the zombies as quickly as possible is a problem! Therefore, Qin Ze is inherently weak in this aspect!"

Some disciples of the Northern Sect made analysis.

To kill zombies, the first step is to find them. The distribution of puppet zombies is random and not concentrated.

Obviously, for Qin Ze, finding zombies is even more difficult than subduing zombies. Purely strong physical fitness cannot play a big role.

As soon as the words came out.

Many people suddenly felt that it made sense, and their hearts swayed towards Ye Xiao.

"Not necessarily. I have seen Qin Ze with my own eyes. His strength is far more comprehensive than you think!"

In the Northern Sect, a bald Taoist priest spoke up. He was Taoist Tianling (the Taoist priest in the Zombie Age) who had met Qin Ze before in Tengteng Town. And next to him, stood There are four disciples, namely Fengyun Leiden.

(End of this chapter)

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