Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 195 Chapter 195: Absolute suppression! Where is my zombie?

Chapter 195 Chapter [-]: Absolute Suppression! Where is my zombie?

The scene of Qin Ze killing zombies in Tengteng Town is still vivid in Taoist Master Tianling's mind. Now, Qin Ze's strength has been greatly improved compared to before. If Qin Ze can only kill zombies, then It's like sitting in a well and looking at the sky.

at this time.

Inside Xiaomao Peak.

"Brother Qin, I have long admired you!" Ye Xiao stood beside Qin Ze and greeted with a smile.

After coming out of the Northern Gate, he heard the word Qin Ze more than once. He was powerful, possessed of secret skills, and surpassed his peers.

He had always wanted to see them in person and get acquainted with them.

Naturally I would not let go of such a good opportunity now.

"Brother Ye's name, I often hear others mention it!" Qin Ze said with a smile.

In fact, he heard this name just a few days ago.

But the attitude is mutual. His attitude towards Ye Xiao depends on Ye Xiao's attitude towards him.

The other party's tone was calm, and he would naturally not show off to others.

And through seeing, hearing, color and domineering perception.

Qin Ze's first impression of Ye Xiao was not bad.

He is not the kind of arrogant villain who has a little bit of strength but is just too high-minded and arrogant. On the surface, he is upright and fair, but deep down he has a lot of little things hidden in his heart.

He is very different from Shi Jian in person, he is a relatively pure kind.

It's normal to think about it. If you really have a restless mind, you wouldn't be able to reach your current level of strength.

After all, reaching the third level of the Heavenly Master at such an age requires not only talent, but also concentration and extremely hard work.

"With Brother Qin here, this conference will not be as boring as last time. I hope it will be a hearty competition!"

Ye Xiao said with a smile.

The words fall.

He nodded slightly to Qin Ze and left.

Looking at Ye Xiao's leaving figure, Qin Ze smiled slightly.

Immediately, it also entered the competition state.

According to Elder Lin Tang, there are [-] zombie puppets here, randomly distributed in any corner, and the fog affects the vision. It is not easy to find the zombies and subdue them within an hour.

However, this is only compared to other Maoshan disciples.

The domineering Qin Ze is no different from having clairvoyant eyes.

next moment.

Qin Ze's domineering aura turned on.

The scope of the domineering force is extremely wide, breaking through the fog and searching every corner of the surrounding area.

The surrounding environment comes into view, down to every inch of land.

With good speed, Qin Ze found the zombies with great efficiency.

In less than ten seconds, he found four zombies behind a rock.

Without the slightest hesitation.


Ejection starts.

Armed domineering covered his arms. Before the zombie had any reaction, Qin Ze instantly subdued it.

He knew that this kind of competition was not difficult for him, and it was also not difficult for Ye Xiao.

Since you promised the leader to win the title, don't make a mistake.

Therefore, it must be fast!

There is no pause for any time.


Qin Ze disappeared and came to another zombie hiding spot.

Just like that, as time passes, one minute, two minutes, three minutes

On Xiaomao Peak, the sound of bombing and killing could be heard everywhere.

And the shouts of Maoshan disciples.

However, they made noise not because the zombies were difficult to deal with, but because of Qin Ze.

Because Qin Ze's efficiency was too fast, making it impossible for them to play.

"What flew past my eyes just now?"

"Wait for the meeting, what about my zombies?" "I lean, so fast, it seems to be Brother Qin! Why am I not paying attention, the zombie was taken away!"


Accompanied by exclamations and disbelief, the Maoshan disciples were sweating profusely and doubting their lives.

There is no way to locate the location of the zombies as promised?

Why is it completely different from what I imagined!

Qin Ze's speed and efficiency are far ahead.

They found out helplessly.

To achieve the standard of subduing two zombies, the most difficult thing turned out to be not fighting the zombies, but how to prevent Qin Ze from grabbing the head after discovering the zombies.

Every time you find a puppet zombie, you will see a burly Taoist priest. In less than three seconds, a set of silky small combos will directly take away the talisman from the zombie.

Without a trace of hesitation.

Then, he turned around and left without looking back.

"This is the strength of the Heavenly Master Realm!"

"It's so strong! I'm dripping with sweat!"

"so horrible!"

The Maoshan disciples had only heard that Qin Ze was powerful before, and had no specific idea. Even if they killed the Heavenly Master, it would be the same because it was too far away.

But when they were actually on the scene and competed with Qin Ze, they discovered what the ultimate suppressive power was.

To take away the zombies, all you need is a set of combos.

no doubt.

Unknowingly, taking them away is just as simple.

And this kind of efficiency is completely impossible to achieve even with mastery of Taoism!

The Maoshan disciples suddenly felt that the Taoism they were learning was no longer good.

This is true.

Not just ordinary Maoshan disciples.

Ye Xiao, the first genius of the Northern School, also faced this situation.

"Brother Ye, you are a little slow. I will stop this zombie first!"

In a corner, Qin Ze looked at Ye Xiao, who was preparing to summon a spell to bombard zombies, and took him away directly in front of him.

Although he has become a heavenly master, he can generate spells at will without having to recite spells.

But compared to Qin Ze, he is still a little behind.

And a little bit is enough for Qin Ze to take away the zombies and quickly run away.

Ye Xiao raised his hand to say something, but in the blink of an eye, Qin Zeren disappeared. The words reached his throat, but no words came out.

at this time.

Except for Ye Xiao, the disciples of various Taoist sects and elders who were watching Xiao Maofeng's situation in real time in the square all had big mouths, feeling that their outlook on life had been greatly impacted.

"Who said just now that Qin Ze only has combat power but can't find zombies?"

"Come out quickly and explain!"

"It is true that Taoism is not used for positioning, but who knew there was such a skill! I can't understand it, I can't understand it at all!"

"How many of them have to be taken away?"


Only Uncle Jiu looked calm.

Now he really wanted to say: This is my junior brother’s basic operation, so everyone shouldn’t be so surprised.

But when I thought about the scene when I saw Qin Ze looking for zombies, it seemed that my expression was similar to everyone else, so I suppressed my words.


On one side of the square, in the away game of Longhu Mountain, Zhang Zhiwei, the new head coach of Longhu Mountain, saw this scene and immediately became interested. His eyes, which were narrowed into a line, opened a little, and his eyes were all focused on Qin Ze.

Originally, he had no intention of coming to Maoshan to participate in the conference, because his mind was always on the disappeared junior brother, sitting lazily at the main seat of Longhu Mountain next to him the whole time, but at this moment, he had to cheer up.

Because, in Qin Ze, he saw something different.

He can't find his junior brother, maybe Qin Ze can.

(End of this chapter)

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