Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 196 Chapter 196: Breaking previous records! Climb the peak!

Chapter 196 Chapter [-]: Breaking all previous records! Climb the peak!

"It's too fast, I feel like there aren't enough zombies!"

"At this speed, it won't take an hour at all! In half an hour, the zombies on Xiaomao Mountain will be swept away!"

"What's our Maoshan record? It seems like it took more than two quarters of an hour to subdue all the zombies!"


The disciples were discussing.

It was at this time.

Elder Lin Tang watched as all the one hundred and thirty-six red dots on the puppet's finger plate disappeared, and he stood up and announced: "One hundred and thirty-six puppet zombies, all subdued, the first test is over!"

The words fall.

All the disciples were in an uproar.

"Is it over?"

"Why do I feel like I've just begun!"

"I haven't seen enough yet!"

The leaders of Maoshan North and South Sect were also a little surprised at this time.

Zhang Lingbei looked at his junior brother Lin Tang and asked, "How long did it take in total?"

Lin Tang replied: "Less than a quarter of an hour!"

Zhang Lingbei's mouth twitched slightly: "Okay!"

Wang Daoxuan said: "With Qin Ze and Ye Xiao here, it takes less than a quarter of an hour to understand that for them, these puppet zombies do not pose any threat!"

"What's important is the number of zombies they each surrendered!"

Zhang Lingbei nodded, what he said was right.

With the strength of Qin Ze and Ye Xiao, the test of puppet zombies is indeed a bit of a dimensionality reduction blow.

But there is no other way. We have to consider other Maoshan disciples, so we can only increase the difficulty, but not too difficult.

At Zhang Lingbei's instruction, Lin Tang announced the results of his disciples' victory over the zombies.

"One hundred and thirty-six puppet zombies, of which Qin Ze surrendered 70 zombies, Ye Xiao 26, and Lin Fei surrendered 4."

As soon as the words came out.

Wang Daoxuan, the head of the Northern Sect, almost spit out a mouthful of tea.

He knew there would be some difference in results, but he didn't expect it to be such a big difference.

Ye Xiao is less than half as talented as Qin Ze.

And 70 puppet zombies.

It broke the previous record by more than three times!

"Brother Wang, I told you to be mentally prepared. Look, you almost choked!" Zhang Lingbei suddenly felt energetic when he saw Wang Daoxuan's expression, and immediately followed up with a little sarcasm.

At this time, he was very happy!

no doubt.

Qin Ze gained a lot of popularity for the Southern faction.

In previous years, only Wang Dao Xuan Qi was his share.

Where is the Qi Wang Daoxuan’s fault?

Gotta seize the opportunity!

Wang Daoxuan rolled his eyes: "This is just the first test!"

Zhang Lingbei narrowed his eyes into a thin line with a smile: "Continue!"

Lin Tang nodded and signaled people to be quiet.

The noisy voice fell.

Lin Tang began to announce the second rule.

"The second test is to climb the mountain!"

"Da Mao Peak is [-] feet high. From the foot of the mountain to the peak, those who arrive within four hours will be deemed qualified! They are eligible to enter the next round of testing!"

The voice fell.

The scene of the magic weapon in the square changed. The Maoshan disciples who were originally at Xiao Maofeng were now standing at the foot of Da Maofeng.

Of the original sixty-eight contestants, there are now only twelve left.

Twice less than previous years.

no way.

Qin Ze did it too fast. Most of the disciples did not surrender even a single zombie, and it was over before they even opened their doors.

Among the twelve disciples, eight are from the northern sect and four are from the southern sect.

In particular, it can be seen that the overall strength gap between the northern and southern factions is still very large.

"One thousand one hundred and sixty-four feet, converted to modern measurement methods, it is more than [-] meters!"


Qin Ze stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the mountain peak that towered like clouds, like a sharp sword thrust into the ground, and commented in his heart.

Ye Xiao stood aside and also looked up at the mountain.

He just looked at Qin Ze from time to time.

In the eyes, there is less carelessness and more caution!

Feeling the gaze from Ye Xiao, Qin Ze asked casually: "Brother Ye, how long does it take to reach the peak to be considered qualified?"

Ye Xiao didn't expect Qin Ze to ask a question suddenly, and he also understood that what Qin Ze asked was what a pass was based on their level, so naturally they wouldn't say four hours.

After thinking seriously for a while, Ye Xiao said: "Within a quarter of an hour!"

If it is on flat ground, at a distance of four thousand meters, using Taoism, it may not even take a minute.

But climbing the mountain is different. There are many difficulties to overcome, and the difficulty increases exponentially.

When Qin Ze heard the answer, he didn't say much and nodded: "Brother Ye, please!"

Qin Ze gave up his position, but Shan Yexiao did not step forward, but chose another place to climb: "Brother Qin, I look forward to meeting you at the top of the mountain. Don't worry, I will wait for you!"

After saying that, a gleam of light flashed in Ye Xiao's eyes, and the figure disappeared, heading towards the mountain peak in one step.

After Ye Xiao climbed the peak, the other Maoshan disciples greeted Qin Ze one by one and started their journey to the peak.

After a while, Qin Ze was the only one left at the foot of the mountain.

"What's going on? Why doesn't Qin Ze move?"

"Are you surprised by the height of Da Maofeng?"

"can't read!"

"Ye Xiao has already walked a hundred feet! If we don't start yet, the outcome will be determined!"


The Taoist priests from various sects in the square looked at Qin Ze, who had not taken any action, and began to express their opinions.

Some of them believed that Qin Ze planned to give up the second test.

The reason is that I am not good at climbing mountains.

In their opinion, Qin Ze knew that he couldn't compete with Ye Xiao, so he simply didn't compete. After all, as long as he didn't take action, no one would know the difference and the Southern faction would not lose face.

Some people think that Qin Ze is waiting for a good opportunity to climb mountains.

The time to reach the summit is not a race against time, so leave some time to think and climb to the top in a way that is more suitable for you.

As long as you reach the passing mark within the specified time, you can enter the third round of testing.

This approach is very reasonable.

At this time, Zhang Lingbei looked at Qin Ze who was standing still and was a little confused. Of course, he would not think that Qin Ze wanted to give up.

It's just that even he couldn't understand this operation.

"Climbing the peak tests the monk's use of true energy and endurance. When should he choose to use Taoism to pass quickly? When should he save his true energy and step on it with both feet? These all need to be considered!"

"I think Qin Ze is thinking about how to reasonably save energy!"

An elder from the northern sect made an analysis.

Most people agree with this.

Because they can't find any other reason to explain it.

"Master, what do you think?" An elder from Longhu Mountain looked at Zhang Zhiwei who was cheering up and asked.

In his eyes, Zhang Zhiwei's talent for cultivation is not much worse than that of Ye Xiao and Qin Ze.

Moreover, it was rare for him to see the leader be so interested in a person.

Therefore, I want to hear what the head of his family would think of Qin Ze, who was behaving abnormally at this time.

Zhang Zhiwei's eyes flashed with golden light, he exhaled and said slowly: "He is surveying the anchor point! If you want to take a breath, go directly to the top of the mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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