Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 197 This is not mountain climbing. Are you trying to tear down the mountain?

Chapter 197 This is not mountain climbing. Are you trying to tear down the mountain?

"Awakening the blue dragon form, I can fly up directly! It's a pity that I can't fly!"

Qin Ze stood at the foot of the mountain and murmured: "But it's not difficult!"

Nowadays, although the Kaido template has not been completely obtained, it is still very simple to conquer a mountain, and even the dragon form is not needed.

Qin Ze's question is how to choose a suitable foothold so that landslides will not be caused by too much energy.

After all, not every part of the entire mountain has the same hardness, there are differences.

What's more important is that the Maoshan disciples in Tianshi Temple are on Damao Peak at this time.

If something really happened, the gains would outweigh the losses.

"The speed is quite fast, almost halfway up the mountain!"

Qin Ze looked up, and Ye Xiao was already nearly halfway up the mountain.

His body is light and his Tao is natural. He is like a leaf floating in the mountains in the wind, dancing nimbly.

The other disciples seemed to be much inferior. Most of them had only climbed a few hundred meters. Although they could also use Taoism to increase their speed, compared to the monks at the Heavenly Master Realm, there was an objective gap.

After exhaling a breath, Qin Ze completed the route planning in his mind, focused his eyes, and selected an anchor point.

The next moment.

Qin Ze's body is covered with armed domineering aura.

The whole body becomes dark.

Bend your knees slightly and point your toes on the ground.


Accompanied by a violent roar.

A deep pit appeared on the spot, with spiderweb-like cracks spreading around, dust rising, and gravel flying.

Qin Ze left a trail of exhaust gas, and his body rushed out instantly like a black arrow.

Breaking away from gravity, he rose up from the ground, one step a hundred feet high.

"Moved, Senior Brother Qin finally moved!"

"So fast!"

"My dear, can I surpass other disciples in one step?"

"What a powerful explosive power!"


The Maoshan disciples in the square were shocked when they saw Qin Ze jumping hundreds of feet in one step, feeling that they had seen something incredible happening.

Although they had already prepared in their hearts, they knew that Qin Ze would not use Taoism to reach the top like other Taoist priests, but would use his extremely strong physical endurance to surpass others.

But I never expected that the scene would be so explosive.

The elders of the sect and several sect leaders opened their eyes wide and shifted their gaze from Ye Xiao to Qin Ze.

"It's just rare and strange!"

Elder Lin Tang stroked his beard and murmured noncommittally.

He was not surprised by this. When he went to the Corpse Refining Sect, he had seen Qin Ze's ability before, climbing up a thousand-meter deep cliff and jumping up in a few steps. Now that his strength has greatly increased, it is not easy to conquer a mountain peak. .

In the second test, it was only a matter of time before Qin Ze won. He even guessed that the time it would take to reach the summit would be much ahead of Ye Xiao's.

"what sound?"

At this time, Ye Xiao, who was climbing the peak, heard violent explosions coming from below, and couldn't help but frown.

And the sound is getting closer and closer, first vaguely, then clearly visible, and then like thunder exploding in the ears.

The distance between each sound was estimated to be hundreds of feet away.

In other words, someone is getting closer to me with every step of the way?

Ye Xiao's heart sank when he thought of this.

I can only perform Taoist magic in one step. How is this possible?

Thinking of this, he planned to look back to see if it was as he had guessed. Just as he was about to turn his head, he felt a figure passing by quickly, like a shooting star, causing his face to be a little raw. The painful Gangfeng galloped up.

In addition, there is another sentence floating in the wind: "Brother Ye, it's better to slow down, I'll take the first step!"

Ye Xiao's eyes twitched. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, this tone was too familiar to him!

Boom! Boom!

The sound of explosions was constantly passing through the mountain peaks at this moment.

The decent Taoist priests in the square outside Tianshi Temple felt a sharp pain in their eardrums, and at the same time felt uneasy in their hearts.

Because their current location is on Damao Peak, and the Tianshi Palace is located about three thousand meters above the ground.

And as Qin Ze continued to climb, it meant that he was getting closer and closer to them.

Those sounds were no longer just sounds, but fell into their hearts like lightning strikes.


This was followed by another loud noise.

The whole square shook.

On the eaves of Tianshi Hall, the dust accumulated over the years shook off, and it was like rain.

"Why does it feel like the entire Tianshi Palace is about to collapse!"

"My dear, how explosive is Senior Brother Qin! The shock is so strong!"

"It feels like my ears are going to explode!"

"Let you climb a mountain, not tear it down!"

"Phew! It's okay, okay, senior brother Qin has left!"

The Maoshan disciples were sweating profusely, and they breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Qin Ze leave.

At this time, Zhang Lingbei and Wang Daoxuan, the two leaders of the Maoshan Northern and Southern Sect, looked at each other and twitched hard at the corners of their eyes.

The test for climbing the peak was decided upon after their mutual consultation.

The original intention was to test the endurance and skills of the disciples of the Northern and Southern Sects. Although Ye Xiao and Qin Ze were also considered, who would have thought that there would be such a way to climb the mountain, which would almost overturn the entire mountain.

"It's an eye-opener!" Wang Daoxuan shook his head and said with a smile.

Zhang Lingbei rarely said without sarcasm: "I totally agree!"

Time passed by, and after getting familiar with the feeling, the speed became faster and faster. With the last loud noise, Qin Ze climbed two hundred feet and reached the top of the mountain.

"Huh! Here we come!"

Qin Ze stood on a huge rock and looked down from a high position.

It feels like you can see all the mountains at a glance.

All the scenes came into view.

Tianshi Hall, Sutra Pavilion, various buildings, monks in the square, Ye Xiao and other Maoshan disciples who are working hard to move up.

After waiting for about half a quarter of an hour, Ye Xiao climbed to the top using Taoist methods.

"Brother Ye, within a quarter of an hour! It's the same as you said! Okay, okay!" Qin Ze greeted with a smile.

Qin Ze didn't mean to be sarcastic by this, he just thought that the two of them were on the top of the mountain and had to say something to lighten the atmosphere, but Ye Xiao always felt a little uncomfortable listening to it.

"I want to know, how long have you been using it?" Ye Xiao didn't think much about it, but asked directly.

Qin Ze thought for a while and said, "Well, it should take a minute or two!"

He didn't do any calculation at all and just said a number casually.


"I still have a long way to go!" Ye Xiao exhaled, looking a little autistic.

After Qin Ze and Ye Xiao reached the top, the second test was not over yet. The other Maoshan disciples were still working hard towards the mountainside.

The second test ended at noon when the other monks also climbed the mountain.

Elder Lin Tang stood up to announce the results and handed over the third practical test.

"There are ten people who have passed the summit!"

"The third test begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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