Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 199 Winning the first place! Zhang Tianshi’s request!

Chapter 199 Winning the first place! Zhang Tianshi’s request!

The color of Yin Wu Lei is black, like ink, but the unknown Taoist weapon in Qin Ze's hand is not only black, but also mixed with red.

Black and red lightning?

Zhang Zhiwei was a little surprised. After so many years in Longhu Mountain, he thought he was well-informed. Not to mention more than the two masters of Maoshan who were over 100 years old, but he definitely had a broader vision than most of the monks here. many.

But in my memory, there is no relevant impression of anything related to red and black lightning.

It's like suddenly appearing in this world.

Maybe it's not lightning at all?

Zhang Zhiwei frowned and made a guess in his mind.

After all, Raiden did not feel this kind of pressure. Even he felt the pressure. Although it was not much, it explained a lot of problems.

At this time, Zhang Zhiwei's interest was completely aroused. At the same time, he felt more and more unable to see through Qin Ze!

Not only him, but the two leaders of Maoshan had similar expressions at this time, with shock and uncertainty.

"Tao method, or secret technique?" Wang Daoxuan looked at Zhang Lingbei, wanting to find the answer.

"I don't know! Maybe it's a secret skill?" Zhang Lingbei raised his eyebrows and said uncertainly.

Wang Daoxuan's mouth twitched: "You are his master, don't you know?"

Zhang Lingbei had a helpless expression on his face.

Although he is Qin Ze's master in name, he has not actually taught Qin Ze any skills.

This is not because you are stingy or don’t want to teach, but because you don’t know how to start.

Therefore, although he knew that Qin Ze was very powerful, he was too embarrassed to ask more questions because he had never been formally taught.

He even has a partial understanding of Qin Ze's secret skills.

Faced with Wang Daoxuan's question, he really couldn't answer it. He probably didn't know anything more than his disciple Lin Jiu.

Wang Dao

Ye Xiao from the Northern Sect also devoted a lot of resources and efforts to achieve such an achievement!

At this time, the domineering force was wrapped around Ba Zhaijie, ready to go.

next moment.

Just when the Five Thunder Zhengfa was about to crash down, Qin Ze swung his stick upward.


Accompanied by a shocking thunderbolt explosion, terrifying energy burst out from the center of the collision.

Black and red domineering, purple lightning, intertwined.

The air waves flew and the aftermath shook.

The square was shaken, and the monks sitting around looked frightened.

"The confrontation in the Heavenly Master Realm is so terrifying!"

"Even at such a long distance, they can still be affected! You can imagine what a powerful impact Qin Ze and Ye Xiao have to face at this time!"

"Quick, retreat further! Don't get hurt by accident!"


Some monks who were relatively close, fearing that they would be affected, withdrew a certain distance to ensure their own safety.

Generally speaking, the battle position of the opponent is placed in the square because the disciples may accidentally injure others during the fight, so the arranged position is safe enough.

But it was obvious that Qin Ze and Ye Xiao were not within the scope of consideration. Even if relevant measures were taken in advance, it would not be of much use.

In the square, black and red domineering energy, carrying a torrent of energy, dispersed the Five Thunder Methods cast by Ye Xiao.

In the heyday of the Kaido template, it was not a problem to crush an island with one full blow. Although Ye Xiao's thunder method was powerful, it seemed much immature compared to Qin Zexiang at this time.

Even if he didn't take action, the Five Thunder Zhengfa would hit him accurately, but it wouldn't do much harm to him.

Soon, the air waves gradually dissipated, and the vision became clear again.

Everyone's eyes were blazing, their heads were eagerly awaiting, and their eyes were fixed on the state of the two people after they exchanged blows.

Qin Ze stood in principle, motionless, his face as calm as ever.

Ye Xiao took dozens of steps back, his blue robe shattered, and a trail of steps left in front of him.

"Senior Brother Ye has retreated?" "Qin Ze has no influence at all!"

"how is this possible?"

The disciples of the Northern Sect had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Ye Xiao, who was invincible in their hearts, actually fell into a disadvantage.

As for Qin Ze, nothing happened at all.

The contrast between the two is so stark.

Ye Xiao exhaled a hot breath, looking a little helpless, and looked at Qin Ze: "Brother Qin, I lost!"

Maybe others can't see it, but as a monk in the Heavenly Master Realm, his understanding is extremely high.

Even if he uses his strongest moves, the opponent can easily deal with them.

There is no point in continuing the fight, and the result will definitely be defeat.

In this case, why bother with more effort.

Qin Ze smiled: "Cheng Rang!"

He also saved a lot of energy by paying attention to the points in the competition and admitting defeat to the opponent.

"Are you admitting defeat now?"

"I haven't seen enough!"

"It's just begun and it's already over!"

"To be able to make Senior Brother Ye take the initiative to admit defeat, Qin Ze's power is a bit hard to see through."

Hearing Ye Xiao's words, the disciples were in an uproar.

Before this conference, many people thought that Ye Xiao would be the leader again, but no one expected that the final result would be like this. Not only was he suppressed by Qin Ze throughout the whole process, but he was also defeated in the final actual battle.

The disciples of the Northern Sect were a little dejected, but they had to accept the result.

However, the head of the Northern Sect and the elders were not surprised by this. From the first test to the present, Qin Ze's strength was enough to crush any of his peers.

This is not because Ye Xiao is not strong enough, but because Qin Ze is too perverted.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Elder Lin Tang stood up and announced: "Qin Ze wins the third practical test! This conference is officially over!"

"The leader, from the Southern Sect, is the nineteenth generation disciple, Qin Ze!"

As Elder Lin Tang finished speaking, an uncontrollable smile suddenly appeared on Zhang Lingbei's face, the leader of the Southern Sect.

After twenty years, the Southern faction finally felt proud for once. Then, he stood up and said.

"Thank you for giving me face and coming to Maoshan to attend the conference in person!"

"Now that the discussion among the disciples is over, everyone can share their experiences on Taoism! We will bear all the expenses for traveling to the peaks of Maoshan Mountain!"

The four-year conference does not end when the disciples compete. It is a rare opportunity for all sects to gather together. Naturally, they have to communicate with each other and make progress together in Taoism.

Qin Ze has no interest in this.

He promised to be the leader and win the title, and now that he has done it, there is no need to stay and listen to the teachings, and he can't understand them anyway.

After receiving the approval from the leader, Qin Ze planned to leave.

"Brother Qin, the next time we meet, it will be different from now!" When Qin Ze left the scene, Ye Xiao walked over. Although his condition was a little sluggish, his expression was very determined.

In the past, he believed that he had no rivals among his peers, so he regarded himself as the object of transcendence.

But now, there is a goal to catch up.

Hearing this, Qin Ze smiled: "Looking forward to your performance next time!"

This guy has a good attitude and is worth getting to know.

After Ye Xiao said goodbye and left, another person walked over: "Let's meet the leader of Longhu Mountain, Zhang Zhiwei!"

(End of this chapter)

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