Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 200 The conference is over! Maoshan Village Zombies!

Chapter 200 The conference is over! Maoshan Village Zombies!

Zhang Zhiwei?

Under one person?

Qin Ze was stunned when he heard the name. No wonder he felt familiar when he saw it before.

He is actually the Heavenly Master beneath one person?

No, he is not considered a Heavenly Master yet.

At most a young man.

Qin Ze said his name, which was regarded as saying hello.

"I wonder, Brother Zhang, what's the matter?"

I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. If I suddenly come here at this time, I may have the intention of making friends, but more likely, I have something to do.

Zhang Zhiwei smiled: "I feel ashamed to say it, but it is actually our internal affairs at Longhu Mountain. Junior Brother Pindao recently left Maoshan, and his name is Zhang Huaiyi. If Brother Qin travels all over the country in the future, and there is any news about Junior Brother, please report it to Longhu Mountain Just let me know and you will be greatly thanked!"

Because of his status as the leader, he needs to stay in Longhu Mountain for a long time and cannot search outside all the time. But Qin Ze is different. Although he is a disciple of Maoshan, he rarely lives in Maoshan. It can be said that he has no burdens and is light.

In addition, Qin Ze is so powerful that he can completely suppress even the first disciple of the Northern Sect. Strong people have something in common and will attract other strong people.

Maybe there will be news about his junior brother among them.

Of course, he didn't really ask Qin Ze to help find him, but he wanted to let him know if he accidentally obtained relevant information and disappeared.

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows. Zhang Huaiyi left the mountain gate. This made him think of the Thirty-sixth Righteousness.

It seems that the sworn alliance between the thirty-six people took place during this period.

"As people of the same profession, we should help each other. If there is any news about your junior brother, we will notify Guishanmen as soon as possible!" Qin Ze nodded.

Zhang Zhiwei cupped his hands: "Thank you very much!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, returning to the team at Longhu Mountain.

After he left, several Taoist priests came one after another, all of them elders or heads of other sects.

Without exception, they all want to make friends with Qin Ze.

This is easy to understand.

Qin Ze's demonstrated strength and unlimited potential can be seen by everyone.

One more friend, one more road, Qin Ze did not refuse, and after politely acquainting them one by one, left the venue.

At this time, Uncle Jiu, Taoist Master Simu and others saw that there was no one around Qin Ze, so they finally had the opportunity to come over.

When they first met, the four-eyed Taoist Priest was full of compliments, while the talented Qiu Sheng and the two had eyes full of little stars. Nianying's eyes were also shining with excitement.

"Let's go!"

Qin Ze said with a smile.

Afterwards, everyone left the square and returned to their residences.

Qin Ze went back, but the conference was still going on, and disciples of various sects could be seen everywhere discussing Taoism.

After seeing Qin Ze's strength, they became more eager to step into the Heavenly Master Realm. Invisibly, it also played a certain role in promoting their cultivation.

It wasn't until the next day, when the people from each sect had almost left, that the conference was completely over.

After Maoshan was lively for a while, it became a lot more deserted again.

this day.

In the room of the leader of Maoshan.

Qin Ze came here.

"You won the top spot this time, which can be regarded as a great victory for our southern faction. As for the reward, someone will help you later!"

"How about it, are you interested in becoming a direct disciple?"

Seeing how outstanding Qin Ze was, Zhang Lingbei extended the invitation again. ,

This has been mentioned before.

Qin Ze still didn't answer, but was thinking.

The real meaning of Zhang Lingbei's words can be changed to, are you interested in the position of leader of Maoshan?

The position of leader may be a great temptation for others.

But after all, I have a system. Being the leader does not give me freedom, and it does not contribute to my strength in any substantial way.

"Okay, you understand what you mean. In the next period of time, the events of our Maoshan Inner Conference will definitely spread!"

"Also, here is something, see if you want to do it!"

Zhang Lingbei suddenly remembered something and said again.

"Leader, please tell me!"

Qin Ze nodded and did not refuse.

"At the foot of the mountain, dozens of miles away, there is a Maoshan village. Someone came to report that a very special zombie had appeared. It was dressed in gold and jade. You take him back to Maoshan. If there is an emergency, , but beheaded on the spot!"

Zhang Lingbei told the story. As the news of the conference spread, more and more people who may be famous came. These people came from all kinds of religions. In order to avoid trouble, they planned to let Qin Ze go.

Of course, he was just asking. If Qin Ze didn't want to go, he would definitely not force it.

"Disciple understands, I will get there!"

Qin Ze's heart moved.

Zombies are merit points!

How could you refuse.

Moreover, these words sound a bit familiar. Could it be that zombie in Maoshan Academy?

Wearing a golden jade suit, he is extremely powerful in combat and is also known as the number one zombie.

If ordinary disciples go there, they are really no match for him.

"Okay, go back and prepare, and go as soon as possible to deal with this matter!"

"Farewell, disciple!"

Qin Ze turned around and disappeared quickly.

Zhang Lingbei looked at Qin Ze leaving and sighed slightly.

"This is the end of the matter of direct disciples!"

When Qin Ze was silent, Zhang Lingbei already knew the answer.

That's why Qin Ze was asked to go back and think about it slowly.

Everyone has aspirations.

Not everyone wants to be the leader of a faction.

This matter was never mentioned that day.

Where to live, Qin Ze thought to himself.

"I shouldn't mention the matter of succeeding to the position of leader again!"

If it were anyone else, I am afraid that when Zhang Lingbei said the words "disciple", he would happily agree.

But Qin Ze had no such idea.

Be free and able to go further than anyone else and be stronger than anyone else.

"Maoshan Academy?"

Qin Ze thought about what happened in Maoshan Village and returned to his residence. Elder Lin Tang was still there.

Nianying's training is coming to an end. After practicing in Maoshan during this period, she has now reached the third level of human master. In a short time, she may break through to earth master.

"Uncle Master!"

Qin Ze shouted.

Lin Tang looked at Qin Ze, smiled and nodded.

"Have you met the leader?"


Qin Ze nodded, and Lin Tang patted Qin Ze on the shoulder.

"Be careful when going down the mountain this time!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Lin Tang was the first to know about the matters in Maoshan Village, and it was Qin Ze who he recommended to the leader.

However, Lin Tang’s words had other meanings!

Qin Ze couldn't help but be stunned.

Qin Ze thought and couldn't help but think of someone.

Elder Chen Hechen.

This elder, however, was rude to me when they first met. Later, they even formed a dispute and came to settle accounts with him.

But then, he didn't cause any more trouble for himself. Perhaps there was pressure from the leader, but he had destroyed the cultivation of his grandson, so how could he give up?

"In other words, after I come down from the mountain, they are likely to take action against me?"

Qin Ze's eyes flashed with sharpness.

Even so, so what?

He has no worries about this!

(End of this chapter)

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