Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 201 Heading to Maoshan Village!

Chapter 201 Heading to Maoshan Village!

The next morning.

Qin Ze packed up his things, and together with Nianying, he went over to say goodbye to his uncle Jiu, Taoist Priest Four and other senior brothers and went down the mountain.

Although Uncle Jiu and other senior brothers were worried about his safety and expressed their intention to go together, Qin Ze refused.

No one knows what will happen in Maoshan Village. The more people there are, the more dangerous it will be.

At this time, it was just dawn.

The sea of ​​clouds is rolling and the light is brilliant,

It's like a colorful dragon tumbling.

Such a scene is magnificent, shocking, and makes people's minds fly.

Qin Ze couldn't help but stop, watching the sea of ​​clouds rise and fall, feeling refreshed.

No wonder, in previous lives, so many people liked to go hiking and camp at night, and then get up early to see the beautiful scenery of the mountains in the early morning.

Unforgettable indeed.

"You will be at the top of the mountain! See all the mountains at a glance!"

The scenery at this time was much better than when we climbed Damao Peak the day before yesterday.

Living in a place like this all year round and seeing beautiful scenery every day will make your horizons and mind wider than the average person.

After all, if a person lives in a room all year round and does not go out for a walk, his mood will inevitably become depressed.

When I go out and meet people, I will become timid and lack confidence.

And those who run out and wander around all year round are generally more energetic than those who like to live in seclusion.

This is why old people often say, go out for a walk more often.

Especially in the early morning and evening, you will have different feelings.

Qin Ze stopped for a long time and became more sure of his heart.

When the sun fully emerged, he said, "Okay, let's go down the mountain!"


Nianying nodded obediently and caught up with Qin Ze with cheerful steps.

The sweet and crisp sound echoed in my ears like a bell.

Nianying was already very pretty, but after becoming a monk and having her body cleansed with Qi, she became even more beautiful.

Qin Ze couldn't help but reveal a smile.

"Master, what are we going to do when we go down the mountain this time?" Nianying asked curiously like a kitten.

"This time we are going down the mountain to Maoshan Village." Qin Ze briefly stated the purpose of going down the mountain.

"Master, if you go there in person, you will definitely be able to suppress that zombie!" Nianying was very confident about Qin Ze.

This was the case before, and even more so after the conference.

Even if Qin Ze one day said that he could pluck the stars from the sky and fly into the clouds, she would not have the slightest doubt.

At almost noon, Qin and Ze rushed to Maoshan Village.

"Corpse place?"

Seeing the scene in front of her, Nianying couldn't help but exclaimed.

With her current cultivation level and careful study of Elder Lin Tang's books, she can now see a lot of knowledge.

"Yes, Maoshan Village is indeed an excellent place to raise corpses!" Qin Ze nodded.

This means that it is not very far from Maoshan. Otherwise, it would not be possible for things to be like this, peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

It is worth mentioning that this corpse raising ground is not naturally formed. The reason why Maoshan Village is a corpse raising ground is because of the zombie dressed in gold and jade.

This zombie is not a simple one. According to the original book "Maoshan Academy", it was transformed by the king of the Western Zhou Dynasty and has been sealed in Maoshan Village for thousands of years. It is the first zombie in the world.

"hurry up!"

"Brother, please slow down, don't be anxious!"

At this time, two people hurriedly ran past Qin Ze.

"What do you know? Maoshan is very famous now. It has produced a great genius, but many people are rushing to Maoshan to study!"

"And if you want to go to Maoshan, you have to stay in Maoshan Village for two days before you can go to Maoshan!"

"Hehehe, what big brother said is true, let's hurry up!"

While the two were talking, they rushed to the entrance of Maoshan Village.

As soon as the two people arrived at the entrance of the village, they were stopped. After registration, they were allowed in.

Maoshan Village is not too small. It can accommodate thousands of people, which is not a problem at all. Although it is called a village, it is not much worse than a town.

Such situations are not uncommon.

There are tens of thousands of people in these villages, and the towns in some places only have a population of 1,800 people.

Of course, it depends on the geographical location.

Places like Renjia Town have many people because of convenient transportation.

There are also places like Maoshan on the back. Because of the safety, people are willing to come and live in troubled times.

Horse thieves and warlords don't dare to take advantage of this place easily.

"Come on, let's go in too!"

Qin Ze patted Nianying, who was still in a daze.

Village entrance.

Four or five Maoshan Taoist priests are registering and recording the people who come in and out.

In such a world, there are not only decent people, there are probably some warlocks with evil ways wandering around here, looking for opportunities.

If they could secretly learn one and a half moves in Maoshan, it would be a profitable business for them.

Not to mention that because of Qin Ze, Maoshan's reputation is rising in the entire monk world.

In a period of popularity, it is inevitable that some people will have various thoughts.

Zhang Beiling mentioned this before.

In this regard.

The elders of Maoshan didn't have any good ideas.

After all, if the water is clear, there will be no fish.

If a very detailed investigation was conducted on everyone around Maoshan, it would definitely cost a lot of manpower and material resources.

Besides, you can only be a thief for a thousand days, but you can't guard against a thief for a thousand days.

As long as you don't mess around, everyone will turn a blind eye.

The Maoshan elders understand this.

The warlocks who come here also understand this truth.

Therefore, everyone who comes here will make an agreement with their companions in advance that when they arrive in Maoshan, they must restrain themselves and not cause more trouble.

If you are targeted by an upright monk here, you can only hold your head in your hands, wait for death, and suffer the same fate.

Qin Ze stood behind the crowd, not in a hurry, and had no intention of jumping in line.

He was not in a hurry for a while.

In addition to the Maoshan disciples in Maoshan Village, there are also some disciples who came down from Maoshan Mountain to help.

In Maoshan Village, there is the Maoshan Academy established by Maoshan Taoist priests, which specializes in recruiting disciples and teaching magic.

The entire Maoshan Village is thriving.

The cultural atmosphere here is stronger than other places.


When Qin Ze arrived, the female disciple in charge of recording asked without raising her head.

She is very efficient here, and it can be seen that she is a resolute woman.

"Qin Ze!"

Qin Ze said his name

"Qin, Qin Ze?" This female disciple from Maoshan quickly wrote down her name, then she was stunned and quickly looked up.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw a young man with a handsome face and a sculptured figure standing in front of him with extraordinary momentum.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

Now, who in Maoshan doesn't know Qin Ze's name.

Although she did not witness the conference with her own eyes due to the incident in Maoshan Village, she also knew from various sources that the man in front of her was the one who defeated the northern faction Maoshan Ye Xiao and won the conference.

"Brother, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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