Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 2: Fighting zombies violently!

Chapter 2: Fighting zombies violently!
Meanwhile, on the other side.

A remote dirt road outside Wujia Village.

There was a man in his 30s who was walking leisurely on the dirt road.

He has round glasses on the bridge of his nose, a black Taoist hat on his head, and a yellow Taoist robe.

He is carrying a wooden pole with a Taoist flag hanging on it in his left hand, and a copper bell in his right hand, with a relaxed look on his face.

"Jingle bell! Jingle bell!"

The bell swung a few times and made a crisp sound.

In the shadow behind him, stood two rows of zombies dressed in Qing Dynasty costumes. Under the influence of the bell, they jumped out neatly as if they had received some order.

His face was as pale as paper, and there was a freeze talisman made of yellow paper affixed to his forehead.

"The dead want to leave, don't look at the living!"

The man shouted loudly, his voice slowly dissipating in the dark night, while the zombies behind him continued to move forward in an orderly manner under his guidance.

The man's name is Taoist Master Four Eyes, and he is a Maoshan Taoist priest. As a successful Taoist practitioner, his duty has always been to kill demons, but sometimes he also needs to earn some food money.

A few days ago, he took on the task of driving away corpses. He needed to collect the corpses and bring them safely to the destination area.

At this time, he had been walking for half the night.

"It's getting late!"

"You have to find a place to stay first!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes looked up at the moonlight and said to himself.

Because zombies are afraid of light, corpse hunting is usually carried out at night, so it is very important to find a place to rest in advance before the sun comes out.

“This small mountain village seems like a good choice!”

Looking around, he looked at the village not far away and murmured; "I hope I won't disturb them!"


However, the next second, the four-eyed Taoist's nose moved slightly, he tightened the bell in his palm and stopped, frowning slightly, realizing that things were not simple.

"What a dead body aura!"

The casual look on his face disappeared and he immediately became serious.

As a Taoist priest from Maoshan, although he is not as powerful as Uncle Jiu, he still has a lot of abilities. Through perception, it is not difficult to find that the corpse aura in the village is heavier than the aura of living people, which is obviously abnormal.

"There are zombies out there! It seems to be a certain climate!"

Such a heavy corpse energy would probably form a zombie, and this zombie should have sucked a lot of human blood.

The Taoist priest was out to help the people. He couldn't stand by and watch something like this happen. Taoist Priest Simu released the bell again, recited the mantra to drive away the corpse, and hurried towards the village.

After a while, he saw fire appearing in the village, which made his heart sink even more.

Usually at this time, the villagers have gone to bed early. If the fire lights up at this time, and it is so dazzling, something must have happened.

Walking quickly, Taoist Master Four Eyes came to the position where the fire was.

He leaned behind an earthen house and looked inside from a distance through the light of the torch.

At a glance, he saw Qin Ze, who stood out from the crowd.


"Is there a Taoist priest?"

Taoist Priest Simu looked shocked. He didn't expect to see his colleague here, and this Taoist priest looked too strong!If it weren't for those clothes, he would really think that the other party was some kind of bandit.

Looking at the villagers gathered next to him, Taoist Priest Simu's heart immediately tightened and he wanted to scold his mother.

Night is the time when the gloomy atmosphere is the heaviest. With so many villagers gathering together, zombies will definitely come smelling the smell!
A guy who can exude such powerful corpse energy may have turned into green zombie.

Green Zombie's strength can be considered to be very strong.

But not so easy to deal with.

Even he wasn't 100% sure of winning.

As for this young man, he has no magic weapon and no signs of cultivation.

no doubt.

This behavior of gathering villagers to lure zombies is tantamount to giving away people's lives.

"The world is declining!!" "Now anyone can be a Taoist priest!"

The four Taoist priests were a little angry. They felt that the young people were trying to make themselves fat and did not care about the lives of others.

But the matter needs to be resolved. We can't watch the villagers die in the mouths of zombies. He pulled out the mahogany sword from his back and held it in his hand. Taoist Master Simu observed the surrounding situation and was ready to kill at any time.

At this time, at the entrance of the village.

The white mist is getting thicker and thicker.

Weird auras are scattered everywhere.

There was a rustling sound from the grass not far away, as if something was about to come out of it.

The villagers' hearts suddenly rose to their throats, their bodies could not help but tremble slightly, and the hands holding the torches also shook involuntarily.

Reflected by the flames, the swaying grass moved a few times before returning to calm.

Just when the villagers thought nothing happened, their hearts dropped.


Several zombies rushed out from the grass on the other side, roaring horribly.

His face was sallow, his teeth were bared, and his mouth exuded a foul odor, and he rushed towards the villagers.

A clatter.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, the villagers had the courage to stand and immediately scattered in all directions.

The village chief suppressed his fear and turned to look at Qin Ze: "Little Taoist priest, hurry up"

However, just in the middle of his words, he found that the young Taoist priest who was still standing next to him had disappeared with a flick of the brush.

Only a shallow pit left with one foot was left in place.

Looking at the zombie that rushed over, after a dull sound, it flew out like a kite with its string broken.

It hit the ground with a bang.

The sound spread, pulling back the villagers who had fled. They stopped one by one and looked at the scene with shocked eyes.

What just happened?
Did the little Taoist knock out a zombie with just one punch?

what's the situation?
However, this is just the beginning.

Under the amazed eyes of the villagers.

Qin Ze, wearing a Taoist uniform, was seen rushing into the zombies, as if he was in a deserted land.

He looked like a god of war, with violent power filling the bones of his fists and punching with raging energy.

Those zombies didn't even have time to hide, let alone resist.

Boom boom boom!
The sound of fists hitting zombies kept coming, and Qin Ze's figure looked like a ghost.

The increase brought by Kaido's template is not only power, but also terrifying speed.

a few breaths.

The zombies that horrified the villagers were all eliminated under his violent fists.

Qin Ze stepped on the zombie's head with one foot and held a corpse in one hand like a chicken.

The villagers stood stunned on the spot. They had thought about countless situations, but they did not expect that they would say that they would solve it in this way.

Is this a Taoist priest?
After a long while, the village chief came to his senses and said in an excited tone: "You are really ignorant! You almost despised the Taoist priest before!"

Qin Ze ignored the village chief and the voice of the system rang in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host, you killed five black zombies and received 500 merit points! Killing a zombie for the first time will reward you with 2000 merit points!"

"System panel update!"

Name: Qin Ze

Devil Fruit Development: Elementary, Human-Beast Form (Unlocked), Blue Dragon Form (Unlocked)
Three colors of Haki: armed color Haki (elementary level), knowledge color Haki (unawakened), overlord color Haki (unawakened)

Skills: none

Physical fitness: mid-stage green stiffness

Merit points: 2500
(End of this chapter)

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