Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 3 Green Zombie?It's just a plaything!

Chapter 3 Green Zombie?It's just a plaything!
"Consuming merit points can improve the degree of template fusion. Does the host choose to consume it?"

Qin Ze's eyes lit up slightly and he chose to consume.

"Ding! Spend 2500 merit points, congratulations to the host, awakening the domineering power of knowledge and color!"

Qin Ze felt happy.

Unexpectedly, another type of Haki awakened from the three colors of Haki.

In the world of pirates, Haki can be said to be very powerful, including but not limited to sensing attacks, predicting the opponent's next moves, sensing the strength of creatures, and sensing the location and number of objects outside the field of vision.

It is developed more deeply, and can even detect the breath and emotional changes of surrounding creatures, predict and avoid danger, and read people's hearts.

At the moment when he awakened to the domineering power of seeing and hearing, Qin Ze felt that his five senses had become extremely sharp, and some sounds and invisible things that he had never heard before suddenly became extremely clear at this moment.

All the senses seemed to have experienced a sublimation, which was indescribably wonderful.

At this time, beside the earthen house, the four Taoist priests looked at the scene that had just happened and swallowed in confusion, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Originally, when the zombies appeared, he was going to rush out with a mahogany sword to rescue them.

But who would have thought.

That young man who looked like a gangster was actually more violent than a fucking zombie.

A pair of fists struck three times, five divided by two, and solved all the troubles.

The zombies that were blown away by the hammer had no good parts on their bodies. They were either missing arms or legs, or their entire heads were blown to pieces, which shows how powerful it was.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would believe it?
He couldn't help but rehearse all the Taoist methods he had seen in Maoshan in his mind. He really didn't believe that this was something that humans could do!Want to find some traces.


"There is no such magic that specifically cultivates physical fitness!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was a little confused, and found that there was no technique that could match the young man in front of him. It seemed that he really relied on brute strength.

Look at Qin Ze's body.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes suddenly felt that all this seemed reasonable.

However, surprise and surprise, this battle is not over yet.

The zombies that just appeared were just some small Karami, and the really powerful ones were the green zombies that had grown up.

Green zombies can exude strong corpse energy, have a green body, jump very fast, and are not afraid of people or domestic animals.

Although this young man has strong physical fitness.

But he doesn't think it can be compared with Green Zombie.

After all, Green Zombie is known as copper skin and iron bones, and it is difficult to cut with ordinary iron tools.

"Taoist Priest, please bow to me!"

The village chief will kneel down and kowtow to Qin Ze no matter what. Helping the village solve such a big trouble is tantamount to being their reborn parent.

Qin Ze threw the mutilated zombie aside and quickly supported the village chief and said.

"It's just a matter of duty!"

"And it's not over yet, there's another big one!"

Although he doesn't understand Taoism, he has watched a lot of zombie movies.

Zombies are dead but not stiff. They are caused by not closing their eyes to death and resentment gathering in their throats.

He practiced by absorbing the yin energy of the moon and sucking blood, and in this small mountain village, he sucked the blood of so many people.

Its strength is definitely not as bad as the black zombie under its feet. The zombie that is really harmful to people may have already become the green zombie.

Seeing and hearing the domineering energy was released, Qin Ze closed his eyes, and his perception continued to spread towards the front.


All kinds of information around you come into your mind.

Grass, ants, wind, and the lingering corpse air
"found it!"

The corner of Qin Ze's mouth raised slightly, and he locked the target behind the grass. There was a zombie there that was ready to move, and the corpse aura was overwhelming.

no doubt.

It is the culprit of this incident in the village.

Qin Ze just finished speaking.

There was a sound behind the grass. Perhaps he was annoyed that all the zombies he had sent were wiped out, or perhaps he sensed that Qin Ze had discovered it.

Green Zombie launches into action.Bang.

The grass was violently knocked open, and Green Zombie jumped out directly from it, like an arrow shooting out.

The speed was extremely fast, and by the time people reacted, they were already standing in front of them.

His body was withered, his clothes were torn, his eyes were dark and glowing, and the green hair below his neck looked extremely oozing under the moonlight!
It had a mouth, and its fangs shone coldly in the moonlight.

The moment the green-haired zombie came out, the faces of the surrounding villagers changed in shock, their lips turned white, and they hurriedly hid behind Qin Ze.

This zombie looks much stronger than the ones that appeared before.

"Well done!" Qin Ze twisted his neck.

next moment.

His momentum suddenly rose, and violent energy instantly filled his limbs and bones. Under Kong Wu's powerful figure, the Taoist robe seemed to be burst by the towering muscles.

With an explosion.

A pothole appeared on the spot. Qin Ze came to Lu Zheng's side and punched it.

Green Zombie, who had developed some intelligence, made an unpleasant and harsh scream from his mouth. It seemed that he did not expect that the Taoist priest in front of him would rush forward and choose to fight melee. A trace of gloating appeared on his rotten cheeks.

In response to Qin Ze's attack, it did not retreat but advanced. It kicked its legs on the ground and thrust its arms with dark nails straight towards Qin Ze, carrying great power.

If hit by this move, not to mention ordinary humans, even a stone brick can be inserted into several holes.

The villagers all looked horrified and quickly reminded Qin Ze to avoid him.

But Qin Ze wants to face the tough. He inherits Kaido's template, not only his physical fitness is in the middle stage of green zombies, but also has the blessing of domineering and armament.

Coupled with the just-awakened hegemony of knowledge, even peak green zombies and even Mao zombies may not be his match.

Dealing with a newly established Green Zombie is not easy at all.


Qin Ze took hold of Lu Zhan's straight arm and used force to break it.

The next moment.

He turned one leg into a whip and swept towards Green Zombie.

In the reflection of the village name's shocked pupils, Green Zombie's body was knocked away the moment it hit the whip's leg, and then flew out like a kite with its string broken.

With the help of violent power, the green-haired zombie smashed a hole in the ground, pushed it all the way, and drew a long trace. The flowers, plants and trees on the path were instantly razed to the ground.

Bang bang bang!
Qin Ze's figure turned into a stream of light, followed closely, and punch after punch fell like raindrops.

Green Zombie was unable to resist this violent attack. It had some intelligence and could only huddle in the corner and tremble.

Knowing that the person in front of him was not easy to mess with, he rolled his green eyes and turned around to run. He kicked hard with his still healthy legs and disappeared into the thick fog.

"Want to run?" Qin Ze sneered. Although he didn't have a Taoist compass to track him, he had already locked the position after seeing and hearing Se Baqi, and followed him like a cannonball.

After a few breaths.


There was a sound in the distance, and the thick white mist dissipated instantly.

People looked over following the sound.

A figure cut through the night and landed directly in front of the villagers. In his hand, he was still holding the green zombie who was trying to escape just now.

There were wounds all over its body, and there was a huge bloody hole in its chest.

"Taoist Master, you are truly a god!" Seeing this scene, the villagers were shocked and their breathing was obviously suffocated.

The zombies that were so terrifying just now were solved like this?
It was difficult for them to express their inner shock in words. They just felt that they had met a man of God.

Qin Ze turned the corpse to one side and clapped his hands: "Put the zombies together and set fire to burn them all!"

Although these things are unlikely to come back to life, they will breed yin energy and are best disposed of with fire.

The villagers didn't dare to disobey, so they nodded and obeyed. A few strong men piled the hammered zombies together and threw them in with the torches they held.


The fire surged, the sky was filled with flames, and the sky was reflected in a bright red.

Qin Ze nodded with satisfaction. In this case, the village's troubles were completely solved. Then, he turned to look at the earth and rocks in the distance and said softly: "Fellow Taoist, you can see that it's about the same. Come out now!"

(End of this chapter)

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