Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 204 The terrifying human demon!

Chapter 204 The terrifying human demon!

Red and white things flowed out of the blood hole.

Agui let out an extremely miserable scream.

But those splashing red and white things did not fall to the ground, but flew towards the mummy in a strange way.

Then, it's all absorbed.

"Quick, run!"

The evil man was frightened!

The three hands and the other one screamed in fear.

Only then did they finally react.

There is no treasure here.

It's clearly a trap that takes people's lives.

The treasure map was fake, and it was deliberately attracted to them in order to release the suppressed mummy and then become his nourishment.

But how could it be possible to play back the mummies when they were like this?

"go with!"

The mummy opened its mouth.

Leopard Girl's head exploded, and all kinds of filthy things inside were sucked into his mouth.

The shriveled body, pale skin, and dull eyes of the mummy also became normal after absorbing flesh and blood.

Three Hands was not spared.

After being controlled by the mummy, his head was clamped by his hands.

The eyes of the three hands were extremely horrified, and their heads seemed to be torn apart. Blood flowed from both ears, and their brains also flowed out.

"I love your expression!"

The mummy laughed, and slammed his hands together, and bang, the heads of the three hands suddenly exploded like exploding watermelons.

"How could this happen?"

The evil master ran the fastest, and the fear in his eyes could not be hidden at all.


But the next moment.

He bumped into someone.

He quickly looked at the man and was about to curse, but found that this man looked very similar to the mummy just now.


Not like.

That's the mummy.

"Run? Run to where?"

The mummy blocking the way looked at the evil master with a playful expression on his face.

The evil master didn't hesitate at all and ran away.


After running for only two steps, the evil master found that his steps had become weak and weak, as if he had been fighting in bed with the leader of Yihongyuan for several days and nights.

When I got out of bed, my legs were shaking

At this moment, the evil master had this feeling of elation. Although he was extremely weak, the feeling was completely different.

The former is a great satisfaction and emptiness!

The latter is extremely fearful!

The evil master felt his life passing by, and then there was a terrible pain in his heart. He looked down, and a flash of realization flashed in his extremely horrified eyes.

No wonder.

It turned out that it was just when he bumped into the mummy. Qian Zhi had already taken out his heart! It was so fast and violent that even the evil master's body and consciousness could not react.

After running out for a few steps, I realized it later!

"How could this happen?" The evil master stared blankly at his heart, his eyes bulging out of his sockets, and he fell down helplessly.

"The human heart is indeed the most delicious thing in the world." The mummy picked up the heart and swallowed it.

It only took a while to eat everything.


The mummy shook his head again, not knowing what he was thinking.

"It's a pity that it didn't extend your lifespan, right?"

At this moment, a sneer suddenly came from the forest nearby.

The mummy was startled and stared at the forest.

A person slowly walked out of the forest.

"It's you?"

The mummy recognized the person and immediately felt like it was facing a formidable enemy.

"Haha, don't be so nervous. Wouldn't it be more appropriate for me to call you Human Demon now?"

The man smiled. The expressions of humans and demons are uncertain.

It was originally a disciple of Maoshan, but in order to practice the art of immortality, it became a demon. As long as you kill someone who was born on Hai hour in Hai year, Hai month, Hai time, you can directly rob the other person's lifespan! (Hai hour is 21:23-: in the evening)

This is the time when yin and yang alternate.

Generally, people born at this time have a perfect balance of yin and yang in their bodies! They are excellent nutrients.

"I came here to tell you that someone from Haishi is coming here. It's up to you to decide whether to go or stay!" After the man finished speaking, he turned and walked into the forest.

In this regard, the human demon did not stop him, but watched the man disappear from sight. "People from Haishi?"

The human demon kept thinking about the truth of the man's words.

"One hour, you have to leave here in one hour." The human demon pondered for a moment and made a decision.

It's too close to Maoshan.

He is out now.

But once he is discovered by people in Maoshan and reported to the mountain gate, he will not be able to leave alone!

After that, the human demon chose a secret place and quietly waited for the prey to arrive.

On a big tree in the distance, the man who had just been talking to the demon was leaning against the trunk of the tree, deep in thought. "Qin Ze, which one is more important to you, life or secret skills?"

While muttering softly, the man sneered twice, with uncontrollable anger in his eyes.

If you can't even survive, what's the use of having secret skills?

He is very much looking forward to this scene coming soon!

"Human demon, don't let me down!" He had no intention of leaving.

He would never put his treasure on one person.

If the demon is unreliable, he still has a plan.

One plan after another!

He must get the gathering of many leaders who can crush Qin Ze no matter what!

Even facing the monster Qin Ze!

"Quick, it's this way!"

"Huh? Why are there bodies on the ground?" "What just happened here?" Noisy footsteps came.

The nearest cultivator has already arrived.

Seeing the corpses of Leopard Girl, Three Hands and others on the ground, these practitioners immediately became vigilant.

"Be careful, the people who attack are extremely vicious, and all their blood will be sucked away." Several other people nodded.

"None of them were born in Haishi."

The human demons in the dark observed these practitioners, and their murderous intent flashed away.

As a person who practiced sorcery, he could tell at a glance when the other person was born.

next moment.

The human demon's nose moved, and his face lit up: "Such a wonderful taste, that's right!"

He was greatly encouraged.

The man really didn't lie to him.

There are really people born in Haishi in this place.


It turned into an afterimage and headed towards the target direction.

In this regard.

Several other practitioners did not notice it.

It can only be said that their strength is too great compared to that of humans and demons.

If the demon had taken action just now, these people would have turned into cold corpses like Leopard Girl, Three Hands, and Evil Master!

"Master, the place where the lightning fell just now is not far ahead."

Nianying pointed forward and said.

Hearing this, Qin Ze suddenly stopped.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"No need to look for it, it's here!"

Qin Ze stood there and looked forward.

There are more than a dozen practitioners who have been following Qin Ze and others.

You look at me and I look at you, but you don’t understand why.

"Why don't they move forward?"

"What's coming?"

"Damn, I'm still waiting to pick up the leak!"

Several people communicated in low voices.

In their eyes, Qin Ze is the top boss. They don't have much idea about the boss, but it's great to follow him and pick up the slack!

(End of this chapter)

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