Chapter 205 A rootless organization!

But now, what is the situation?

at this time.

call out.

Human demons burst out of the forest.

With his hand, he went straight to pick off Nianying's heart. This was exactly the killing move that the human demon had practiced with the blood of hundreds of people. As long as it was touched, the heart would be dug out immediately!

Nianying reacted and was not panicked. She had followed Qin Ze for so long and spent a lot of time on Maoshan. Her strength had improved a lot compared to the past. She could kill him with one Taoist attack.

He blasted straight towards the human demon.

The human demon paused and avoided it instantly.

Maoshan magic is still useful for evil things like it.

Human demons do not dare to be careless when faced with magic.

"The strength is quite good!"

The human demon stood still and looked at Nianying, slightly stunned.

Such a young woman can actually learn Taoism well!

But except for this little girl who used magic, the tall man who came with him seemed to be an ordinary person, not even a man with any cultivation level.

As for the practitioners in the distance, their cultivation is not worth mentioning.

While he was sizing up Qin Ze, Qin Ze was also sizing up the human demon in front of him.

This is a good thing.


He secretly said in his heart.

This seems to be the Renren Demon in The Demon is High?

Otherwise, why would he be so murderous towards himself, Nianying, and Bai Rouruo?

Nianying was born in Haishi.

Bai Rourou seems to be the same!

To human demons, they are no different from Tang Monk's meat! Just kill them.

The human demon can immediately take away the lifespan of two people! The art of immortality he has learned is extremely evil!


The human demon rushed towards Nianying again.

Bai Rourou's expression changed and she hurriedly said: "Senior brother!"

Qin Ze waved his hand, taking his time.

The human demon is now weak.

Just in time for Nianying to practice her skills first!


A golden light appeared.

Nianying holds the seal with her hand.

It was a golden light spell.


The human demon hit the golden light as if he had hit a wall. His nose and face were bruised and his face was swollen, and he was dizzy. Bai Rourou's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but cover her mouth.

She also didn't expect that Nianying's cultivation level seemed ordinary, but her magic was so powerful.

"What the demon said is actually true?" Bai Rourou felt that her mind was a little confused.

Just now the human demon said that Nianying had the strength of the Earth Master Realm, Bai Rourou thought it was joking. Now it seems that the demon did not lie.

Judging from her current strength, Nianying does have the Earth Master realm.

"These sisters are really powerful, aren't they?"

For a moment, Bai Rourou was envious of Nianying.

However, at this moment, a cold smile appeared on the face of the human demon. It was too simple to rely on a little girl to deal with him.

next second.

He actually dived into the ground.

"Escape technique?"

Bai Rourou's expression changed.

What the human demon is casting at this moment is Maoshan's magic.

But here comes the problem.

How do human demons know Maoshan magic?

For a moment, Bai Rourou was filled with doubts.

At this time.

Qin Ze, who had not taken action until now, took action!


He stamped his right foot on the ground.

The force penetrates the ground beneath his feet.


In an instant.

The earth cracks and the soil rolls!

Rinse and rinse.

Bai Rourou and Nianying quickly stepped aside.

"My God, is this the power of the Heavenly Master?"

"Go back, go back!"

"It's so scary!"

The others were extremely frightened and backed away, looking at Qin Ze with lingering fear.

A terrifying momentum exploded on him.

The power is as strong as wild beasts, as deep as the sea.

As soon as he stepped on it, the surrounding fifty meters of land quickly cracked and collapsed.



The human demon who had only been underground for a short time appeared in Qin Ze's eyes.

Human Demon: "???" He looked at Qin Ze, who was so imposing, with a question mark on his head.

You must know that not long ago, it thought Qin Ze was just an ordinary person.

Only now did the demon realize that he was wrong, very wrong!

Which ordinary person has such strength?

It only took one kick to get him out of the ground, and no force was seen at all. How could this be possible?

After the land cracked, Qin Ze and the human demon fell down together.

Qin Ze's figure was as tall as a mountain and seemed not to be affected at all.


The human demon didn't have it so easy. In mid-air, he couldn't control his body shape at all. After all, he had just escaped from trouble and had just sucked the flesh and blood of a few people.

If you want to heal your injuries and return your strength to its peak, these few people are far from enough!

time la la.

The powerful domineering energy enveloped the surrounding fifty meters.

The clods of soil in mid-air seemed to be stuck in the air because of Qin Ze's powerful momentum.

Then, the moment the black air wave appeared, a strong sense of oppression fell!

"Heavenly Master!"

The human demon opened his mouth wide.

There was a brief blank in my mind.

Although the man in front of him didn't have any magic power, the feeling of oppression was unmistakable.

Astonishingly, it can only be possessed by a heavenly master.


Maybe even stronger than the Heavenly Master.

The human demon's brain was directly short-circuited.

"How is it possible? How old are you, how can you become such a strong person?" The voice of the human demon became sharp.

Fear, anger, jealousy...all kinds of emotions surfaced.


The domineering energy wrapped around Qin Ze's palm and condensed into shape.


The armed color is domineering, and a simple punch is thrown, but it hides a fatal threat.


The human demon's body was penetrated on the spot, and his body exploded back dozens of meters and hit a tree.


Qin Ze casually threw a few gravels flying in the air.

Bang bang bang!

Tiny pebbles, in Qin Ze's hands, had the power of cannonballs, falling towards the hands and feet of the demon.

This is the end.

All the limbs of the human and demon were destroyed.

"Too cruel!"

"Oh my god, is this the strength of the Heavenly Master?"

"It's just crushing!"

When the practitioners saw this scene, their eyelids jumped wildly.

Everyone has a clear understanding of Qin Ze's strength at this moment.

Heavenly Master!!!

Terrible so!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The human demon suddenly laughed out loud.

"So what if you are a heavenly master? Who can kill me?"

His eyes were red and his skin was in ulcers, but he stared at Qin Ze and roared angrily.

He looked like a crazy demon.

Nianying felt a little strange: "Sister Bai, something feels wrong!"

"It's a little strange!" Bai Rourou also looked at the human demon suspiciously.

They are all fixed on the tree, so what if there is a backup plan?

"Let's see what senior brother says first!" Bai Rourou looked at Qin Ze, and Nianying looked over at the same time.

"Want to live forever?"

"Just a misguided wretch!"

Qin Ze came to the front of the human demon and said disdainfully.

Immortality, how can it be so simple?

Thinking about shit.

The human demon's heart skipped a beat.

Qin Ze's indifferent gaze seemed to reveal all his secrets.

"What do you know?"

He asked subconsciously.

Qin Ze put his index finger to his mouth and made a hissing gesture. His lips moved, but no sound came out.

But the human demon still understood what Qin Ze just said.

"all know!"

This is what Qin Ze said without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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