Chapter 206 Elder Chen’s thoughts!

The human demon only felt cold and thirsty all over.

"Put your lifeline on foreign objects. As long as your lifeline is not harmed, you won't die, right!" Qin Ze looked at the human demon in front of him.

Of course he knew that he could not kill the demon now.

According to the description in the original work, the lifeblood of humans and demons is not here!

"So what if you know my secret?"

"I hid it in a place that no one knows about. I don't believe you know this either!" The human demon stared at Qin Ze.

If looks could kill. He had cut Qin Ze into pieces a long time ago! But unfortunately he could only stare hard and vent his anger, but to no avail.

"I really don't know where your lifeline is hidden."

Qin Ze smiled.

Do not know why.

The human demon was frightened when he saw the smile on Qin Ze's face.

"But don't worry, I will know where your lifeline is right away."


With Qin Ze as the center, the domineering aura of seeing and hearing was instantly released, enveloping one person and one demon. Everything around him seemed to be under the control of Qin Ze in front of him.

at the same time.

Qin Ze's eyes changed, and a pair of vertical pupils unique to the dragon silently examined the human demon.

The human demon's eyes widened.

Although he couldn't understand it, he could definitely feel that he was completely restrained by the person in front of him, and that he was being looked down upon.

It was as if when he first learned Taoism, seeing Elder Maoshan cast his insight spell was the most shocking thing he had ever seen in his life.

Although that spell is nothing to the human demon now.

But for the human demons who came into contact with Taoism for the first time at that time, their minds, worldview, etc. were all shocked!

It was as if the door to another world had opened for it!

Not into practice.

You can never step into it!

Now, the human demon seems to have returned to that time. What did he see?

Young Heavenly Master.

And he is a young Celestial Master who has reached the Celestial Master realm purely by relying on his body without any magic!

And the most important thing is that in Qin Ze's eyes, he saw an ancient creature.

"Who is it? Who are you?"

The human demon was completely crazy, and his expression was jumping back and forth on the edge of losing control.


What has the young man in front of me experienced? He can actually possess the power of a divine dragon.

God is not fair!

At this moment, the human demon was completely panicked.

It finally knew what Qin Ze's smile just meant.

The human demon hid his lifeline very well indeed.

But Qin Ze knew it.

But now, it fell into his hands, using the human demon as a guide, causing him to collapse, Qin Ze was even more sure!

Qin Ze could feel the panic of the human demon.

After all, the human demon was originally a disciple of Maoshan, but he fell into evil ways because he wanted to practice the art of immortality. In order to live forever, he became such an evil thing as the human demon!

at the moment.

The human demon felt that its life was threatened, and its heart was instantly filled with fear.

"Damn it, save me!"

The human demon roared angrily.

Nianying's expression changed: "Who is it asking for help?"

"This demon actually has helpers?"

Bai Rourou also looked around cautiously.

Is this a bluff? Or is there really help?

The practitioners not far away looked at each other. Is it possible that there is a ghost inside these people?

When this idea came up, they were shocked.


A strange wind suddenly blew.


Qin Ze raised his brows, looking at the momentum, the person who came was quite capable.

The strange wind immediately swept up the human demon. Within a moment, the human demon and the strange wind disappeared in front of Qin Ze.

"Have you finally lost your patience?"

A hint of coldness flashed in Qin Ze's eyes.

He already knew who had just taken action. But Qin Ze was not in a hurry to pursue him.

If you want to kill someone, you must first make them crazy.

He planned to deal with the zombie in Maoshan Village first, and then deal with the human demon and the person who secretly caused trouble. “Master!”


Nianying and Bai Rourou came over.

"Senior brother, was that strange wind just now?"

Qin Ze shook his head.

"Ignore it for now, let's go back to Maoshan Village first."

There are priorities.

Compared to these two clowns, it must be the boss's business, which is more important! As for where the lifeblood of the human and demon lies.

He was completely sure.

Human demons can escape the monk, but cannot escape the temple.

Lifeline is not so easy to remove.

On the top of a mountain in the distance.


Chen He flicked his sleeves and the demon fell heavily to the ground.

"Trash, you are such a trash!"

Chen He had anger on his face.

The human demon was furious, but facing Chen He, he did not dare to get angry.

"Elder Chen, I just got out of trouble. I haven't recovered from my injuries. It's a bit difficult to deal with the practitioners of the Earth Master Realm." The human demon is helpless. Now, he has to use the earth escape technique to face Nianying. The situation is worse than that of humans. powerful.

As soon as Qin Ze took action, it was even more devastating! Direct and overwhelming suppression.

"Don't make excuses for your weakness."

"I will help you recover from your injuries. You go to Maoshan Village tomorrow night and blast all three cliffs of the hanging coffin into pieces for me!"

After groaning, Chen He immediately arranged a task for the human demon.

"it is good."

The human demon didn't hesitate.

It also knows that if it refuses, Chen He will kill it: "I have put the healing thing where your lifeline is hidden, get out!"

Chen He snorted coldly.

The human demon disappeared without saying a word.

Watching the human demon leave, Chen He's expression grew colder. "Secret skill, secret skill!"

"No matter what, I must get it!"

He knew that he was already walking on the edge of a knife.

If you are not careful, you may be doomed.

He asked himself about Qin Ze's strength, and there was no way he could definitely defeat me.

But so what?

As long as you can get the secret skills, it's all worth it.

The only good thing now is that Qin Ze doesn't know that he is the one behind it, so it won't be too bad.

Chen He stood on the top of the mountain, looking in the direction of Maoshan Village.

Downhill this time.

He didn't think about going back.

As soon as you get the secret skill, you will immediately rebel from Maoshan!

"With the secret skill of the dragon, I have a stepping stone to join another organization. According to the terrifying strength that Qin Ze has shown at such a young age, even in that organization, he is definitely second to none. He will definitely be a leader in the future. Shake the entire spiritual world!"

Chen He's eyes were full of ambition.

It has been hundreds of years since I started practicing.

Unless he can break through to the real person state, he will definitely die in another ten years.

Feeling that his life span was gradually coming to an end, he was extremely unwilling.

That kind of fear can only be understood by those who have personally experienced it! And the further you go, the more afraid you are of burning out your lifespan.

Qin Ze's vigorous flesh and blood undoubtedly proves the power of the dragon, and the long period of time the dragon can survive has a fatal temptation for him. This is a shortcut that cannot help but make people tempted.

"According to the news from Longhu Mountain, that organization seems to have a total of thirty-six people. If there is one more person, he is not much!" Chen He snorted coldly, turned around and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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