Chapter 207 Thirty-six righteousness!

Somewhere hidden.

Thirty-six figures sit cross-legged. They all come from various sects, and among those sects, they are all amazing geniuses!

At this time, these thirty-six people gathered together, as if they were comprehending something, and there were eight figures among them, and their auras were even more terrifying!

These are the eight people who have mastered the strange skills among the thirty-six people, and they are also the eight most powerful people among the thirty-six people. Of course, the most powerful among these people is still the one sitting cross-legged on the stone bed.

This person is the head of the thirty-six people, the head of Quanxing: Rootless!

Under the call of Wu Gensheng, thirty-six people became sworn brothers.

Every once in a while, in a secret place, they will comprehend this secret that is enough to shake the entire spiritual world! What they comprehend is none other than the Heavenly Master's Degree in the Tianshi Mansion!


The atmosphere on everyone's bodies became calm.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's too cumbersome."

"The information is too huge." Everyone was talking.

Wu Gensheng opened his mouth and said.

"Enlightenment of the Heavenly Master's teachings is not something that happens overnight. Now there is something that requires everyone to vote on it." Wu Gensheng's words made everyone in H shudder.

Zhang Huaiyi, one of the first eight people, raised his eyebrows and was a little curious.

"Everyone should know who is the most famous practitioner in the spiritual world recently, right?"

Wu Gensheng asked.

Someone immediately gave the answer below. "Who else could it be? Qin Ze from Nanmaoshan!"

"I heard that Qin Ze is only twenty and already has the strength of the Heavenly Master Realm, and he has also mastered secret skills! He is very powerful!"

Everyone nodded.

"To be able to defeat the number one Northern sect and kill the Heavenly Master, this person's achievements are beyond my limit!"

"Since everyone knows it, I don't need to say anything else."

"I'm going to invite Qin Ze to join our Thirty-sixth Righteousness. Now let's start the vote by show of hands."

"If you agree, just raise your hands."

Wu Gensheng's words shocked everyone.

The thirty-six of them have been sworn friends for a long time, and they have never invited anyone else. After all, what they are doing now is too crazy and too dangerous.

Once it is leaked out, other practitioners will hunt it down!

And the most important thing is that even if Qin Ze is powerful, the people sitting here are not bad. Taking risks for a young man is really not a wise move.

But since Wu Gensheng spoke in person, he didn't say much.

Not long after.

Someone raised their hands.

Zhang Huaiyi looked around and found that including Wu Gensheng, a total of eighteen people raised their hands and agreed that Wu Gensheng should invite Qin Ze!

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Huaiyi also raised his hand.

Then two more people raised their hands to show their attitude.

"Half passed. I will implement this matter in the near future." After Wu Gensheng finished speaking, he stood up.

This time the enlightenment of the thirty-six people came to an end, and everyone else got up and prepared to leave.


Wu Gensheng spoke again.

"I hope you can understand what you are doing now. You should know better than me what kind of consequences it will have once our news is leaked!"

"Everyone, take care!"

After saying that, Wu Gensheng left first, leaving the other thirty-five people in shock and confusion.

What does it mean to be born without roots?

Could it be that someone told other people about this?

When they thought of this, many people's expressions became subtle.

Is there a mole among them?

After everyone leaves.

Wu Gensheng appeared here again and sighed. "Is there any wall in the world that doesn't attract the wind?"

"Is this day still coming?"

When he made this decision, he knew this day would come. But I didn’t expect that among the thirty-six people, some would become unable to sit still so quickly!

"Qin Ze."

Wu Gensheng muttered Qin Ze's name silently and walked towards Nan Maoshan.

Maoshan Village.

In the temporary residence where Qin Ze is located. The cold wind of late autumn is blowing.

Nianying is wearing a yellow coat and skirt, standing on the wooden corridor under the eaves, forming a beautiful scenery of her own.

"Sir, that demon is actually a disciple of Maoshan?"

"Maoshan disciple, how come you look like neither a human nor a ghost?"

In the pavilion in the wooden corridor, Nianying told Gu Ni the secret, and couldn't help but cover her lips with her jade hand.

"If you catch the skin, you will go astray."

Qin Ze took a sip of tea. It was slightly astringent in his mouth, and then turned into sweetness.

Although he is not a practitioner, he still knows.

"Those who practice astray may be possessed by evil spirits at the least, or die suddenly on the spot at worst!

"Sir, is there really a way to live forever?" A look of confusion appeared on Nian Ying's pretty face.

Immortality, two words that make people think a lot!

From ancient times to the present, how many people have gone crazy for these two words? How many people have died in the pursuit of immortality?

"Maybe!" Qin Ze shrugged. Actually, I wanted to know too.

"Okay, you're not even a heavenly master, so why worry about this?"

"-Once you become a Heavenly Master, you can live for more than a hundred years, and have enough time to find out!" Gu Nie touched Nianying's smooth cheek.

Under the sunset.

Nianying's pretty face is as rosy and beautiful as the burning clouds!

"I will work hard to cultivate to the realm of a heavenly master as soon as possible." She whispered as quietly as a mosquito.

If it weren't for Qin Ze's amazing hearing, he might not be able to hear what Nianying was saying.

Without continuing the topic, Qin Ze picked up the teacup and asked.

"You should know where the haunted house in town is!"

"Yeah, sister Bai told us before." Nianying responded.

"You guys go over there tonight and sort out the trouble inside."

Qin Ze made arrangements.

"it is good!"

Nianying immediately agreed to Qin Ze's arrangement, then turned and walked outside the house.

Night will arrive in half an hour at most. It's just the right time to set off now.

Qin Ze looked at the teacup.

The autumn wind blows by, causing the tea in the teacup to ripple.

"Elder Chen, your longevity is approaching, so you can't hold it any longer?"

He could probably guess why Chen He was so interested in him.

Revenge for his grandson is one thing, but his real purpose is approaching his longevity.

Let's see if we can fight, pull out wool from him, and live dozens or hundreds of years longer!

"The obsession is so deep!" Qin Ze shook his head.

He has already told Chen He that he has no secret skills, nor has he inherited the power of a divine dragon. I am the divine dragon himself! But the other party just didn't believe it.

Do you really think that you can break through the bottleneck by dealing with yourself?

However, even if you break through the realm, your lifespan will increase the most.

But there are also some natural treasures, special secrets, or magic that can also extend lifespan.

Just like human demons, they are using evil magic.

But I don’t know if this technique can work, but it must be drinking poison to quench thirst! It will do more harm than good.

As for Chen He

Qin Ze drank all the tea in the cup: "Do you still want to live for another hundred years?"

"Idiot's dream!"

(End of this chapter)

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