Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 208 An invitation from Wugensheng!

Chapter 208 An invitation from Wugensheng!


Qin Ze thought about the zombie King of Western Zhou again, and the leader Zhang Lingbei gave him two choices.

One is to suppress it and send it to Maoshan.

The second is to kill on the spot.

Qin Ze directly eliminated the first option.

He needs a lot of merit points and can be killed on the spot, so he will definitely not choose to suppress him!

Qin Ze thought carefully and made sure that nothing was missing before a smile appeared on his face.

He is already confident about this matter!

Qin Ze opened the system panel.

Name: Qin Ze

Devil Fruit Development: Dragon Man Form (Unlocked), Blue Dragon Form (Unlocked)

Three colors of domineering: armed color domineering (advanced), knowledge color domineering (intermediate), overlord color domineering (intermediate)

Skill: Thunder Bagua! King Kong·Dian!

Weapon: Bazhai

Portable space: ten cubic meters

Merit Points: 94000

"We have to get merit points as soon as possible!"

"First raise the Haki of Knowledge to a high level!"

Qin Ze looked at the column of merit points and saw that it was less than 10,000 points to raise his knowledge to the top level.

Along the way, because of the Maoshan Competition and various small matters, he never had any extra time to kill zombies and ghosts.

It took a lot of time.

Next, we have to increase this speed.


In the courtyard.

Just when Qin Ze was thinking.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew.

In front of Qin Ze, stood a Taoist priest wearing a blue Taoist robe and disheveled hair.

At the moment Nianying's eyes came over.

The man turned around.

Nianying suddenly felt a sense of horror in her heart. This man is so scary!

"You go back to the house first."

Qin Ze said lightly.

Hearing this, Nianying breathed a sigh of relief.

She immediately returned to the house. When passing by this person, Nianying couldn't help but glance at him.

He no longer had the creepy feeling just now, just like an ordinary person.


Nianying frowned slightly at this moment, a little unable to see through.

Wait until she returns to the house.

Qin Ze made an invitation gesture to the visitor, and the two sat down in the pavilion.

"My name is Wu Gensheng. I disturbed Fellow Daoist Qin late at night because I want to invite Fellow Daoist Qin to join our Thirty-six Righteousness." Wu Gensheng got straight to the point and directly stated his purpose.

He is an action man.

Now that I have decided, I will come to Qin Ze non-stop and extend my invitation to Qin Ze!


Qin Ze was shocked.

I just met this person, but I just felt that it was not simple. But I didn't expect that the person in front of me was rootless?

The source of the Jiashen Rebellion?

This world is indeed different, and the time in the original work is also quite different.

Qin Ze said nothing.

Wugensheng was not in a hurry and continued.

"With Fellow Daoist Qin's talent, reaching the realm of real people is just a piece of cake."

"But if you want to continue to break through, you will be unable to do so."

Qin Ze was not in a hurry and continued to listen patiently to what Wu Gensheng said.

Wu Gensheng stared at Qin Ze with a pair of eyes that were extremely hot.

"We, Thirty-six Yi, are comprehending a secret that can shake the entire world of cultivation. Once the comprehension is successful, I will be able to find the way to the True Lord and above, and peek into a higher realm!"


In the zombie world, real people are at the end of their cultivation.

But Wu Gensheng knew that there was a higher realm than the real person.

And the Celestial Master’s degree that they have now comprehended is the key to resuming their spiritual path!

Qin Ze looked at Wu Gensheng.

This person is both good and evil.

What you do is just for the sake of enlightenment.


The system could allow him to become a divine dragon, but it would not survive for a long time. Originally, he wanted to start from the underworld, but he had no clue. Therefore, if you want to break through the limitations caused by the system template and have a longer lifespan than Kaido, you must find another way.

However, the appearance of Wu Gensheng and the start of a plot under one person made Qin Ze understand.

The matter of extending one's lifespan seems to have appeared!

"Okay, I can go and have a look, but I may not necessarily join you." Qin Ze gave an ambiguous answer.

You can go and have a look.

But he didn't want to stand on the same rope as Wugensheng and them.

Once you are involved, many troubles will come to your door. Although Qin Ze is not afraid of trouble, being hunted by the entire cultivation world is worse than being rootless, and he cannot handle it!

Qin Ze is confident but never arrogant.

With his current strength, there is no need to do something that is not available! Just get what you want.

Wu Gensheng was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Qin Ze meant.

He is also weighing the pros and cons.

At last.

Wugensheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I will come find you again after the time and place of the next enlightenment are determined." After saying that, Wu Gensheng stood up and left.

Qin Ze looked at Wu Gensheng's back, countless thoughts flashing through his mind.

"Thirty-six righteousness? Thirty-six thieves?"

"Who can really tell what is right or wrong?"

However, this matter is likely to increase life span, and Qin Ze will certainly not miss it. As for the pie that Wu Gensheng had just painted, Qin Ze had no intention of eating it.

Of course, for Qin Ze, there are actually many choices.

"Master! That person just now?"

Nianying walked out of the room and looked at Qin Ze worriedly.

"It's okay! We're friends, not enemies!"

Qin Ze waved his hand, but friends are only temporary. Whether they will become enemies in the future is a big deal.

But even if he becomes an enemy, Qin Ze is not afraid at all.

The next day.


A cliff in the Maoshan Village Cemetery suddenly exploded.

bang bang bang!

Dozens of coffins fell to the ground along with the cliff, the moment the coffin lid hit the ground.

The ancestors of Maoshan Village who had been dead for a long time suddenly opened their eyes!

The coffin fell to the ground and the corpse turned into zombie!

Such a huge movement woke up many people from their sleep. "What's going on? What happened?"

"The earth dragon has turned over?"

"It seems like there is movement coming from behind Maoshan Village."

"Isn't that the cemetery in Maoshan Village? Isn't it a fake corpse?" The people who were awakened quickly put on their clothes and got up to go out.

On the street at this time.

There are already many brave practitioners rushing to the back mountain.

And Qin Ze and his party.

As soon as possible, I went to the cemetery in Maoshan Village.

Boom boom boom boom!

In front of Maoshan Village Cemetery.

The human demon is controlling the falling rocks, constantly hitting the other two cliffs.

The falling rocks were packed with terrible power and crashed into the cliff. In an instant, the children's figure was covered with cracks and sparkles. Accompanied by falling rocks.

The coffins hanging on the cliff fell one after another.

The whole cemetery was surrounded by smoke, dust and falling rocks.

One zombie after another jumped out of the coffin, letting out a low roar. It’s like a rhapsody before the end of the world!

The human demon kept laughing ferociously.

"Okay, okay, so many zombies will be my help!"

"Qin Ze, you are dead!!!"

In the eyes of the human demon, murderous intent was violent.

Now, he has fully recovered from his injuries and his confidence is still through the roof!


A meal in the hands of the demon.

The moonlight fell, and a terrifying aura seemed to be reviving among the jagged rocks.

"Huh? What's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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