Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 209 Zombies in the zombie era!

Chapter 209 Zombies in the zombie era!

The human demon was stunned.


Its eyes fell on the pile of rocks.

The moonlight was like a white thread, slipping through the gaps in the rocks.



There is something under the pile of rocks that is absorbing the moonlight.

The originally invisible bright moonlight turns into white threads and gathers here!

"Let me see what's down there."

The human demon waved his right hand without any hesitation, and his evil energy surged.

The rocks piled up in front of me were blown away like goose feathers and fell to the ground!


The expression of the human demon changed slightly.

In front of him, in the pit, was a zombie dressed in gold and jade, which stood out in the eyes of the human demon.


"Wearing jade clothes with golden threads?"

The human demon did not expect that there would be such a terrifying zombie under the pile of rocks. Just its breath was more terrifying than him.

Not to mention, there are precious clothes like gold jade clothes draped on the body!

For a moment, the demon wanted to pull out the golden jade clothes from the zombie and wear them on himself.

But soon, the human demon gave up this unrealistic idea.

The golden jade clothes have been integrated into the flesh and blood of the zombie. It is not easy to take them off.

What's more, this zombie has absorbed the essence of moonlight and is about to revive! It must be extremely powerful.

At this juncture, the human demon does not want to become a mortal enemy with this terrifying zombie because of a piece of gold jade clothing!

"No wonder he asked me to destroy this place!"

The human demon snorted coldly.

How could it not understand now that Chen He's purpose was to let it release this zombie and then kill people with a borrowed knife? But even if it knew that it was being used as a weapon, there was nothing the demon could do. He was no match for Elder Mao Shirt!

The weak.

No choice!


The sound of footsteps came.

The human demon turned around and his eyes turned red immediately!

"Qin Ze!!"

Angry roars came from the mouth of the human demon.

Those cultivators who had not yet come close to this place all heard this roar.

"Let me go. The hatred for killing my father and taking away my wife is nothing more than that, right?"

"Stop joking, does that kind of monster have a family?"

"Haha, it's just because I suffered a defeat at the hands of senior Qin Ze last time and I feel resentful!" Someone who knew the inside story told the reason.

The other cultivators looked on with excitement and disdain. This demon is really narrow-minded and will surely retaliate! If you are targeted by such a monster, you will worry that your throat will be suddenly bitten off by it even if you fall asleep at night!

"Hey, interesting!"

Qin Ze's eyes lit up when he saw the human demon.

The human demon didn't know what method he used to reintegrate his lifeblood into his body.

Obviously, this was a desperate choice. Either he, Qin Ze, would die today, or a human demon would fall in front of this Maoshan cemetery!

"Today, I will fight you until death!" the human demon said, and looked at Nianying not far away.

The killing intent in his eyes was even more horrifying.

People born in the time of Hai are not difficult to find, but ordinary people, even if it is the time of Hai, the lifespan they can get after being killed by human demons is very small. If it is more, it will be twenty days, if it is less, it will only be three years. five days.

The human demon has long since reached its end. Anyone who stops killing will die. Before being sealed, the human demon had massacred a lot!

Fortunately, those idiots of the evil master were able to break its seal before its lifespan ran out! Right now, he only has less than a month of lifespan left!

But if you can kill Nianying too.

Judging from the monks born in Haishi, the human devil estimates that his lifespan can be increased by at least ten years! That is tantamount to taking extremely precious treasures of heaven and earth to extend his life!

So even without Chen He, the demon would still find Nianying and try to kill her!

It's just that we have to see if we can pass Qin Ze's test.

"Until death?"

"What a loud tone!" Qin Ze said lightly.

He ignored the human demon and looked at the human demon's side.

In the cracked pit, there was a zombie lying there wearing golden jade clothes.

The moonlight is like silk thread, absorbed by it!

Qin Ze's target has appeared!

Thinking of this, Qin Ze even showed an inexplicable smile on his face. This smile fell in the eyes of the human demon, making the human demon extremely angry.

"You bastard, why are you laughing?"


Don't care. Such an attitude of belittling oneself makes people furious.

It is a demon!

The most sinister and evil existence!

Why does Qin Ze regard it as an ant?

Even if you have the strength of a heavenly master, you can't be so arrogant!


Qin Ze waved his hand.

The force of the fist is like a gust of wind and rain, blasting towards the human and demon.


"Qin Ze!!!" The human demon suddenly ran away with his head in his arms.

It was very afraid of Qin Ze's power.


And at this time.

The zombie King of Western Zhou who was lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and stood up straight from the ground.


In an instant, evil winds were everywhere.

Many people were so blown away that they couldn't open their eyes and backed away.

After retreating several hundred meters, he was no longer affected by the evil wind.


Black thunder surrounded the king of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

"This, this, this, what kind of monster is this?"

"Yao Feng, Yin Lei. Is there such a terrifying zombie buried in the cemetery of Maoshan Village?"

The practitioners who came to join in the fun were now frightened out of their wits by the King of Western Zhou Dynasty.

All of them looked pale, their throats were dry, and their hearts were even more clogged.

Nianying and Bai Rourou also looked solemn.

"Senior brother came to Maoshan Village just for this zombie?" She had already guessed.

Qin Ze must have some mission when he goes down the mountain.

Now it seems that it is probably just to see this terrifying zombie.

Even Chen He in the dark couldn't help but squint his eyes when he saw the awakened King of Western Zhou Dynasty.

"The King of the Western Zhou Dynasty, a zombie with thousands of years of Taoism, let's see how Qin Ze deals with him this time." Chen He shook his head and sneered.

"I will take action when that little boy is dying!"

He had already made up his mind.

Even if Qin Ze gets rid of the zombies, it will definitely consume a lot of money.

When Qin Ze was dying, he took action to rescue Qin Ze.

If you can get the secret skill without breaking your skin, that would be the best thing!

"Hahaha, Qin Ze, today I want to see how you break the situation!"

The human demon couldn't help laughing at this moment.

When the king of Western Zhou Dynasty was still awake.

It knows the terror of the King of Western Zhou Dynasty.

But I didn’t expect that the King of Western Zhou Dynasty would be so terrifying!


A deep roar came from the mouth of the King of Western Zhou Dynasty.

"Ah! My ears."

"Back away, stay away from here!"

Some weak cultivators covered their ears on the spot, and blood was already flowing down between their fingers.

Accompanied by the roar of the King of Western Zhou Dynasty.

The ancestors of Maoshan Village who had turned into corpses all stopped and then knelt down to the King of Western Zhou Dynasty! It was as if the ministers were kowtowing to their king!


Everyone was terrified.

Qin Ze had turned into a black flash of light and rushed towards the human demon.

Kill the weakest first!

(End of this chapter)

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