Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 212 The King of Western Zhou Dynasty dies!

Chapter 212 The King of Western Zhou Dynasty dies!


In the stunned eyes of everyone.

The King of the Western Zhou Dynasty resolutely abandoned his body that was killed by the domineering Qi. His head detached from the body and turned into a stream of light, successfully escaping from the invasion of Qin Ze's domineering Qi!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!

"With only one head left, can it still fly?"

"He's not dead?"

But at the same time, they were even more frightened of Qin Ze.

Such a terrifying King of Western Zhou Dynasty, Qin Ze just used a stick to smash the golden jade clothes on the King of Western Zhou Dynasty.

Moreover, only one head of the Western Zhou King was left!

Many practitioners are trembling in their hearts.

Just now, Qin Ze was not serious at all and had not contributed any efforts.

Now, it is Qin Ze's strength.

The King of the Western Zhou Dynasty and Fei Zheng have no chance of resisting at all.

It's too scary. If you are an enemy of someone like Qin Ze, I'm afraid you will wake up from nightmares every time you fall asleep!

Chen He's eyes widened even more, and a chill suddenly surged in his heart.

"How can you be so strong?"

He felt a little unbelievable.

The King of Western Zhou Dynasty was released as he expected.

But after Qin Ze fought against the King of Western Zhou, it completely exceeded Chen He's imagination!

The king of the Western Zhou Dynasty, wearing gold and jade clothes, can be said to be invincible


Qin Ze's direct attack was to break open the King of Western Zhou's treasured clothes with one stick, and kill the King of Western Zhou with him, leaving only one head to run away like crazy.


Chen He looked at Qin Ze's peerless style, and these two words came to mind involuntarily. He shook his head quickly to get rid of this thought.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted coming here.

And face Qin Ze in person.

At this time.

A horrific scene occurred.

The king of Western Zhou suddenly opened his mouth wide.

Countless moonlight actually converged towards it.

Under the full moon, a ferocious head swallowed the moonlight, and its body that had been destroyed by Qin Ze actually grew back bit by bit.

The process is slow but literally, in a matter of moments.

Soon, an intact King of Western Zhou stood in mid-air again.

But compared with before, the King of Western Zhou who used the moonlight to heal his wounds no longer had the protection of the jade garment with golden threads! The jade garment with golden threads was a treasure, so Qin Ze broke it into pieces and scattered them on the ground.

Those jade silks that fell on the ground are also priceless treasures.

But no one picked it up. Everyone's minds were completely attracted by Qin Ze and the King of Western Zhou Dynasty!

Qin Ze has already stepped towards the King of Western Zhou Dynasty.

The domineering power of seeing and hearing enveloped this world.

With heavy footsteps, Qin Ze walked towards the King of Western Zhou step by step, like a peerless ferocious beast with unparalleled grace!

The murderous intent is so powerful that it makes one's limbs feel cold, and one's teeth are chattering uncontrollably!

"Heaven, is the Master really that powerful?"

Many people can't help but have such doubts in their minds.

Although it is said that the powerful Celestial Master cannot be humiliated.

But it doesn’t seem as outrageous as Qin Ze, right?

"I think should not be!"

"I heard that this person is just showing his strength and is in the Heavenly Master Realm, but no one knows how much strength he really has because no one has ever seen Qin Ze use his full strength!"

"Oh my god, you haven't tried your best? Doesn't that mean..."

"Is there a possibility that his strength is even more than that of the Heavenly Master, and the news is just fake news released by Nanmaoshan?"

"His potential is so terrifying. Where did Maoshan get such a disciple?"

Qin Ze's left hand is agitating, and his right hand is Ba Zhai. His body is extremely tall and his muscles are tangled, like a divine general in the ancient heaven, no one can stop him!

Just by walking around, Qin Ze seemed to be oppressing this world at any time.

"This, this, this!!!"

Chen He felt inexplicably shocked.

The strength that Qin Ze displayed now shocked him greatly. This was even more terrifying than during the conference at that time.

During the conference, although it was also scary, after all, Ye Xiao was suppressed all the way, but it lacked the fierceness.

But now, it's completely different. The whole person has become extremely competitive. He doesn't look like a disciple of Maoshan or a Taoist priest at all.

Even Wu Gensheng looked at Qin Ze with a solemn expression.

"But with two crowns, you have such unparalleled combat power?"

"Nan Maoshan is really going to rise!"

For a moment, he had murderous intention towards Qin Ze.

But it only took a moment for Wugensheng to give up this idea.

"Roar!" The king of Western Zhou roared in his throat.

It knows that if it doesn't fight hard, it will be killed by the person in front of it! Ha!

The king of the Western Zhou Dynasty opened his mouth again and spit out evil wind.

The black thunder, like sewage, gathered with the evil wind and turned into a black tornado, strangling Qin Ze.

Everyone was stunned.

How could Fei Zheng use such methods?

In addition to flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, you can also spit out demonic winds and control Yin thunder?

"Today, you shall perish here!"

Qin Ze's expression remained unchanged, and he swung the stick again.

Cutting through the night, breaking the silence.

The black tornado in front of him collapsed on the spot.


Domineering energy passed over the King of Western Zhou Dynasty.


The body of the King of Western Zhou Dynasty was scattered on the ground like porcelain!

What kind of evil are you pretending to be in front of me?

Qin Ze sneered and stepped down.

Those fragments immediately turned into flying ashes and were annihilated!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the King of Western Zhou Dynasty, reward: 2 merit points!"

The system prompt sounds.

Qin Ze didn't pay attention, but looked somewhere and shouted loudly.

"Chen He, get out!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyelids jumped.

I thought that the war should have ended with the fall of the King of Western Zhou Dynasty.

As a result, it’s not over yet?

"Who is Chen He?"

"Why does this name sound familiar?"

"I remember, he seems to be an elder from Nanmaoshan?"

"Is this internal strife?"

Everyone looked wonderful, and their hearts gradually became excited.

Bai Rourou is also trembling.

"How does this matter have anything to do with Elder Chen?"

She quickly looked at Nianying.

"Sister Bai, we don't know about this either." Nianying shook her head.

Qin Ze never told the two of them about this matter. Such a change was unexpected by everyone.

"This" Chen He himself was a little confused.

He always thought that he hid it well and Qin Ze didn't know that he was behind it.

Only now did I realize that people had known about it for a long time.

It's just that I have been cooperating with this acting.


When exactly?

Chen He said fiercely in his heart.

To be honest, now he really regrets coming here.

With the strength Qin Ze is showing now.

He was not sure of winning at all.

But he also knew that in the current situation, even if he wanted to, he couldn't escape.

Either Qin Ze dies or he dies.

"Haha, young man, don't be so angry!"

Chen He made up his mind and his expression returned to its previous arrogance.

A sly voice came out.

The moment Chen He finished speaking, he flew out.

Qin Ze's expression remained unchanged and he sneered.

"Old man, both the human demon and the King of Western Zhou are dead, it's time for you to take the right path!"

"Even if you are an elder from Maoshan, you have to do justice for heaven today!"

(End of this chapter)

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