Chapter 213 Battle with the elders!

"Little boy Huangkou, today I will teach you what it means to respect the elder and the younger!" Chen He looked cold.

In front of everyone, he must give Qin Ze a hat.

Only then can he take action openly!

"Come here and die!" Qin Ze only thought Chen He was ridiculous.

Thinking of it as a snake?

Since the battle has begun today, let’s fight happily!

The night was dark.

Behind Chen He, blue waves suddenly rolled.

Everyone was shocked.

In this mountain forest, a river and lake seemed to suddenly appear.

That was transformed by Chen He's powerful magic power!

Chen He stepped on the blue lake, looked at Qin Ze and smiled.

"You are very confident, but a little arrogant!"

"Do you really think that since you are the proud man of heaven, you can let me perish like this?"

He is an elder from Maoshan. He has lived for more than a hundred years, and his true energy is so rich and refined that ordinary heavenly masters cannot compare with it.

A Maoshan disciple wants to rebel against the elders?

This has never happened before!

Even if Qin Ze can't win the double crown, his fighting power is disappointing.

There has to be a limit.

Want to do this?

Absolutely impossible!

“Just because it didn’t happen before, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen now!”

Qin Ze's eyes were extremely bright, and the confidence in his words was moving.

Everyone felt trembling.

How confident is this?

Facing Elder Maoshan, the person second only to the head of Maoshan, Qin Ze still looked calm.

If it were anyone else, they would never dare to have such an idea.

Some people were greatly shocked, looking at Qin Ze's standing figure, their eyes full of admiration.

After today's battle ends, regardless of victory or defeat, Qin Ze's name will once again shock the cultivation world!

The number one genius in Maoshan may not be worthy of Qin Ze's name.

"Crazy, crazy!"

"Too arrogant!"

"You're just a Heavenly Master, and you just want to rebel against the elders?"

"Anyone who can become an elder of Maoshan is a person with great opportunity and great luck."

"Which elder has not practiced for nearly a hundred years? He is too young!"

Some people are horrified, some are disdainful, and there are even more people who are not optimistic about Qin Ze.

Qin Ze glanced at them.

These practitioners immediately shut their mouths and did not even have the courage to look directly into Qin Ze's eyes!

They don't want to be Qin Ze's appetizer before the war begins, and they don't have anywhere to run!

"Come on, let me teach you your secret skills!"

Chen He sneered.

He understood that Qin Ze's arrogance was due to his secret skills.


He is not a vegetarian either!

Since a fierce battle is unavoidable, we must have the confidence to win.

Between the lightning and flint.

The dharma seal in Chen Hezhong has been pinched.


True Qi surged out, and a terrifying aura filled the air.

Even if the rocks are hit, they will be shattered into foam!


As the heavy energy rushed towards Qin Ze, the seal in Chen He's hand changed again.

The faint thunder light caused the true energy to gather into a python.

The long snake flew across the sky, overwhelming the world. Such a powerful attack and killing move made people tremble uncontrollably.

Qin Ze's expression remained unchanged, as if the top of Mount Tai had collapsed, but his will would not be shaken!

He punched out with his right fist, and red and black domineering energy lingered around his fist.

At this moment, Qin Ze's fist became the biggest killing weapon in the world, and his fist of flesh and blood seemed to have turned into a divine weapon!


A deafening crash.

The long snake transformed from the true energy collided with the fist.

Many people were trembling. They couldn't believe what they saw.

Qin Ze used only his fists to smash the killing move made of true energy into pieces!

Blow it to pieces with one punch,

Qin Ze has arrived in front of Chen He, and his fists are becoming more and more fierce!


Chen He screamed, and his right arm was punched by Qin Ze, leaving a bloody hole.

"Oh my God!!!" "His body is so powerful?"

"Maoshan's magic is completely irresistible!

"What kind of practice is this? Just push it horizontally and that's it!"

"It's so brutal. Just looking at it makes your legs tremble!"

Some people find it too hard to accept. How amazing is Qin Ze's talent?

It is difficult for them to imagine how a person who has only won two championships can achieve this.

Not only is it successful, it’s also very strong!

Ignore spells at all.

This hardness is much stronger than some jade clothes with golden threads.

Some practitioners couldn't help but clenched their fists in shame. Qin Ze was much stronger than them alone in every aspect!

"A hole was made in Elder Chen He's arm. That arm is probably useless."

"It's incredible, how can Senior Brother Qin be so strong?"

The disciples of Maoshan felt that their eardrums were tingling. Qin Ze was so powerful that nothing seemed to be able to stop him.

Humans and demons can’t do it!

The king of the Western Zhou Dynasty can't do it!

Even Elder Chen He was injured in a confrontation!

"Qin Ze!!!"

Chen He was furious and stared at Qin Ze. He never expected that Qin Ze's physical body could be so strong.

It actually exploded with such terrifying lethality!

Although he knew that this battle would be difficult to deal with, he punched him until his blood spilled into the sky!

This kind of strength.

Even the leader can't do it.


In a trance.

Chen He took out a pill and swallowed it.

The injury on his arm healed quickly. His hairpin fell to the ground, and his white hair danced wildly, like a madman.

Xiu Xiu Xiu.

One after another, the infuriating magic light condensed in front of him. Under the moonlight, it exuded a penetrating chill, and there was a palpitating darkness at the tip of the blue magic needle.

"Xuan Ice Poison Rain!"

"It's Maoshan's high-level magic!"

Someone recognized the Maoshan spell cast by Chen He.


Chen He suddenly had murderous intent, rolled up his sleeves and robe, and the long blue needles formed by condensing his true energy fell like a curtain of rain.

It was like rain falling on a dark night, rapidly and widely.

Faced with this sudden situation, how to hide?

Qin Ze's eyes narrowed slightly. The old man who had lived for more than a hundred years was indeed extraordinary, and his moves looked quite impressive.

People who live longer still have trump cards.

When Maoshan's spell is launched, both the range and the lethality are extremely terrifying at this moment!

Qin Ze's eyes were as bright as fire.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The next moment.

His body shape changes.

The domineering power instantly washed away.

Go straight to Huanglong.

The dragon form is at this moment.

The tall body is exposed to everyone's view, full of violent aesthetics.

Standing tall against the sky and the earth, the ferocious aura of killing suddenly filled the space between the sky and the earth.

Everyone's eyes were wide open at this moment, and their legs could not restrain themselves from shaking.

They stared at the monster in front of them, no, it should be said to be a ferocious beast.

For a moment, I couldn't even speak. My mouth was so big that I couldn't express the shock in my heart.

They couldn't imagine that they actually saw the legendary beast.

Not entirely, but enough to be mind-blowing.

Bang bang bang.

Chen He's high-level Maoshan spell hit Qin Zelong's body without even cracking it, let alone hurting him!

Qin Ze simply stood.

It is already in an invincible position.

At this moment, he is the most solid wall in the world. No matter how wind blows from east to west, north or south, I remain unmoved.

(End of this chapter)

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