Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 214 Destroy the enemy like never before!

Chapter 214 Destroy the enemy like never before!

"Oh my god, what did I see?"

"Is this Qin Ze's confidence?"

"The rumored Shenlong inheritance is too terrifying!"

“Just looking at it makes people feel frightened!”

"Such a strong defense. Elder Chen He's spells can't even break the skin!"

The onlookers were extremely horrified.

At this moment, they realized what it meant to be truly strong.

This mysterious power.

Just take a look.

I will have no regrets in this life.

Wu Gensheng was equally shocked, but what he saw was different from ordinary monks.

"It's not that simple!"

"There must be a big secret about Qin Ze!"

He murmured in a low voice, his face no longer calm, and he stared at the center of the battlefield, fearing that he would miss something.

"Damn! How...how is this possible?"

Chen He's eyes were splitting, and his eyes looking at Qin Ze were filled with disbelief.

Not only Qin Ze's current form, but also the inability of his own moves.

He changed his moves again.

"Array in five directions, Immortal Killing Array in five directions, rise!"

There was a loud roar, a roar, and the color of the world changed.

Five huge command flags fell from the sky and were stuck straight on the ground. Chen He pointed them together to form swords, causing the magic power on the flags to surge and condense into a magic sword.


Chen He swung his sword and slashed straight. With this slash, he seemed to be riding the wind and waves, overcoming thorns and thorns, and creating a bright world!

The trees in the formation collapsed and turned into sawdust. The stones stained with a little sword energy also collapsed and were destroyed! Everyone was trembling with fear.

"This is the true strength of the Heavenly Master!"

"The color of heaven and earth changes!"

"This confrontation is really rare in a hundred years!"

"Is it over?"

"It feels like Qin Ze is going to lose!"

"It seems that this move has used up all Chen He's confidence, and Qin Ze will be in trouble!"

Some people sighed aloud, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

They were glad that Qin Ze was about to lose.

After all, the strength Qin Ze showed before was terrifying enough! If Qin Ze still survives intact today.

That would be too scary!

None of them wanted to see this scene, otherwise, Qin Ze and his peers would be too desperate!

Suddenly, between heaven and earth, there was a sound of two qualities.

It's like the ancient mythical beast is resurrected.

The surrounding cliffs were shattered and countless rocks fell.

Next to Qin Ze, there seemed to be a dragon roaring!

In the blue sky, an ancient beast seemed to appear!

Bai Rourou was dumbfounded at this moment.

"Teacher, is senior brother really only in the Heavenly Master realm?"

She was really confused.

Qin Ze's displayed strength and momentum, how come he seems to be much stronger than Chen He? He seems to have no limit.

Kill the demon and kill the king of Western Zhou. Could it be that now, can he really kill Chen He?

Nian Yingmei's eyes were filled with brilliance.

The mythical beasts screamed and everything trembled.

Qin Ze used another trump card at this moment.

Who to contend with?

next moment.

The distance between Qin Ze and Chen He was shortened.

Such speed made Chen He a little stunned, and he subconsciously stopped swinging his sword.

At this time, Qin Ze had already raised the Bazhaijie in his hand, and in a trance, the divine beast in the blue sky had crashed into him.

Chen He coughed up blood, his chest dented downwards, and his whole body fell toward the ground.

The huge magic sword in the air also collapsed on the spot. Qin Ze's terrifying blow completely wounded Chen He's roots!

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Chen He kept coughing up blood and couldn't hide the shock in his expression.

too frightening!

I originally thought that the strength Qin Ze showed when he dealt with the King of Western Zhou just now was already at its limit.

did not expect.

The power Qin Ze is exerting now is even more terrifying.

And the most important thing is that Qin Ze seems to have unlimited physical strength in his body. Even after such a long war, there was no sign of fatigue.

Instead, it became more and more fierce.

In the end, he even almost created the legendary beast.

Qin Ze's height of more than six meters is accompanied by a fierce momentum and powerful domineering attitude.

Just standing there is already invincible.

There was silence all around, and everyone was speechless.

Even a dull person can see at this moment that Qin Ze has won.

Chen He was severely injured and his roots were injured.

Not to mention continuing to take action, it is not even certain whether he will survive or not.

Qin Ze is spotless, looks like a god, and has an aura as powerful as a rainbow.

"Qin Ze, I am the elder of Maoshan, do you dare to kill me?"

Chen He stood up from the ground, his breath was weak, and the shock in his heart was much stronger than that of others.

He is the third level of the Celestial Master, and the most powerful third level. He thought that he could suppress Qin Ze strongly by taking action and let this yellow-haired boy understand the meaning of the word elder!

But I never expected it.

After he took action, he quickly fell into a disadvantage. Now he is still seriously injured, and his defeat has become a fact.

The tide is over!

Qin Ze is unstoppable!

"Chen He, you want to kill me, and you secretly colluded with the demons to let him release the King of Western Zhou, in order to gain the power of the fisherman."

"As an elder of Maoshan, what's the difference between acting like this and being evil?"

"I, Qin Ze, am there anything I dare not kill?"

Qin Ze crushed Chen He's sternum with his foot.

His eyes were as cold as a knife, and his expression was as indifferent as the frost of the twelfth lunar month, which made people feel chilly in their hearts!

"you dare!!!"

Chen He's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Qin Ze would really dare to kill him in full view of everyone.

How dare he?

Even if he was wrong, he was still an elder from Maoshan.

"Don't you dare?"

"Shi Jian did the same thing as you!"

"I'll kill him too!"

"Why can't you kill me?"

Qin Ze's face was calm. At this time, he had returned to normal.


"Shi, did you kill Shi Jian?"

Chen He was shocked.

He didn't know about this at all.

He didn't expect it either.

The former number one genius in Maoshan actually died in Qin Ze's hands.

"No wonder, no wonder!" Chen He suddenly saw it and seemed to understand something.

No wonder Shi Jian was not seen in the conference.

No wonder the leader kept silent when he asked about it.


He had already been dealt with.

And it was the Maoshan disciple in front of him.


Qin Ze stepped down, and in despair, Chen He's head exploded on the spot.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Chen He, reward: 2 merit points!"

The system prompt tone also sounded at this moment.

Everyone was silent.

Qin Ze killed Elder Maoshan!

He really did it!

Moreover, before that, Shi Jian from Maoshan was also killed.

Some people feel that their minds are confused.

"What the hell is going on?"

"It's too strong!"

But the fact is right in front of them, and they cannot accept it, so they have to accept it.

These practitioners know it all.

Qin Ze's name is probably going to be resounding throughout the entire cultivation world!

Fierce and powerful in this world, unparalleled in combat power!

It is conceivable what kind of sensation will be caused in the next practice world.

One will be a million bones.

In Maoshan Village, Qin Ze first beheaded the human demon, then King Feizhiang of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and finally beheaded the elder Chen He.

The impressive record is shocking!

(End of this chapter)

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