Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 215 Improve the domineering power of knowledge and color!

Chapter 215 Improve the domineering power of knowledge and color!


Wugensheng was shocked.

Qin Zezuo really did this.

Something that had never happened before, happened at this moment!

Wu Gensheng thought, and couldn't help but look at the top of the mountain. There used to be a purple-robed figure there, but now it has disappeared.


"It seems that Head Zhang is determined to train him!"

How could Wugensheng not understand what the other person was thinking.

Use the life of an elder to build Qin Ze's reputation.

Good idea!

However, this is where Qin Ze's strength lies.

If not, even if there is such an opportunity, I am afraid that I will not be able to seize it!

Qin Ze fell to the ground.

Nianying came up immediately.

"Master, are you okay?"

Qin Ze smiled.

"Of course it's okay."

After a great battle, he received 40,000 merit points.

How can you not laugh.

"By the way, the gold-threaded jade garment."

Qin Ze has not forgotten this thing.

The most valuable thing on the King of Western Zhou Dynasty was this treasured garment.

Although it was broken into pieces, it can still be re-sacrificially sacrificed.

It’s just a lot of trouble!

Nian Ying should collect the fragments scattered on the ground.

No one dared to snatch it from her, and no one dared to have this greed.

After all, Qin Ze, the most ruthless man, is still standing there.

A person’s name is like a tree’s shadow!

Who dares to provoke Qin Ze at this time?


Collect all the debris on the ground.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Qin Ze waved his hand.

As for those zombies turned into by coffins falling to the ground?

He had died long ago in the aftermath of the battle between Qin Ze and the human demon, the King of Western Zhou, and Chen He.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer.

Although these zombies have transformed into corpses, they are just the most ordinary purple zombies. They are too fragile in front of Qin Ze.

Just the aftermath of the battle can crush them to death!

"Oh my God, how could there be such a terrible person?"

"Where are his limits?"

"How do I feel that he still had some strength left when he fought with that Maoshan elder?"

The crowd was in an uproar.

The strength Qin Ze displayed was shocking and even more terrifying.

But they all know.

Qin Ze, and the entire Nanmaoshan, will become completely famous!

In the future, Nanmaoshan will rise unstoppably under the leadership of Qin Ze.

The question is, do those people really want to see Qin Ze grow up like this?

Qin Ze’s residence.

"Huh, it still doesn't work."

He opened his eyes and shook his head.

After the incident in Maoshan Village was over, he returned to Maoshan.

He was thinking whether he should go to Wugensheng.

Among the thirty-six righteousnesses, the strength is uneven, and their respective characters are also good and bad.

"Qin Ze, come here."

While he was thinking, a gentle voice suddenly came to his ears.


Qin Ze was stunned and looked around, but did not see Zhang Lingbei.

He couldn't help but be surprised.

Zhang Lingbei’s strength is really unfathomable!

mountain top.

Qin Ze met the leader again.

"This performance is very good."

Zhang Lingbei looked at Qin Ze with a smile and did not hesitate to praise him.

Qin Ze was neither arrogant nor impatient, and stood aside without speaking.

Zhang Lingbei spread his hand, and a simple ring flew in front of Qin Ze.

"The training resources Maoshan gave you, as well as this reward, are all in it."

Qin Ze took the ring in surprise.

"Thank you, Master!"

Qin Ze thanked him. There are rich cultivation resources inside.

This thing can be given to other people, but he doesn't have much use for it. "Things will surely spread, so you should fix it well and go down the mountain when the time is almost up!"

Zhang Lingbei arranged.


Qin Ze's arrangements for Zhang Lingbei were meaningless.

I don’t know how many people are staring at him now.

Going down the mountain at this time is definitely not a wise move.

After the limelight was over, it took almost a month or two.

This is a buffer time.

Afterwards, Qin Ze said goodbye to Zhang Lingbei and walked to his residence.

"What a terrifying life!"

Zhang Lingbei looked at Qin Ze's leaving figure and couldn't help but think in his heart.

"Senior Brother Qin!"

"Hello, Senior Brother Qin!"

On the way Qin Ze went back, a Maoshan disciple immediately shouted.

Qin Ze's killing of Elder Chen and his treatment of Shi Jian have now spread throughout Maoshan. In addition, the dirty things Chen He did were also exposed one by one.

For a time, many disciples in Maoshan were filled with righteous indignation.

Regarding the fact that Qin Ze killed Chen He and Shi Jian, everyone clapped and applauded!


Qin Ze's prestige in Maoshan has surpassed that of his former senior brother Shi Jian by countless ways.


Qin Ze nodded, ignored these people, and left directly.


When I returned to my residence, I was greeted by Nianying.

Qin Ze touched Nianying's hair.

"Practice the new technique I gave you."

After returning, Qin Ze passed the contents of the ring to her.

By the way, I also prepared some resources for Uncle Jiu and several other senior brothers.

"I'm going to rest for a while. My senior brother, please give me a greeting. You will send these training resources to me later." Qin Ze said.

Handed a cloth bag to Nianying.

"Okay master!"

Nianying took the bag and watched Qin Ze return to the room.

When Qin Ze's figure completely disappeared, she reluctantly left to find Uncle Jiu.

in the room.

Qin Ze inspected the system panel.

Name: Qin Ze

Devil Fruit Development: Dragon Man Form (Unlocked), Blue Dragon Form (Unlocked)

Three colors of domineering: armed color domineering (advanced), knowledge color domineering (intermediate), overlord color domineering (intermediate)

Skill: Thunder Bagua! King Kong·Dian!

Weapon: Bazhai

Portable space: ten cubic meters

Merit Points: 136000

"Far more than 100,000 merit points!"

What a great harvest!

Qin Ze was in a very good mood.

This feeling is so refreshing!

Without any hesitation, Qin Ze directly consumed his merit points and raised his arrogance to a high level.

The system sound suddenly sounded.

"Ding! After spending 100,000 merit points, the domineering power of seeing and hearing has been improved!"

The voice just fell.

Qin Ze fell directly into a strange state.

Seeing and hearing domineering, advanced and intermediate, are two completely different concepts.

At this time, Qin Ze, after improving his domineering power, the template fusion progress has improved a lot again.

It's like heaven and earth merge into one, with a majestic momentum!

Just like raising the aura of armed domineering to the top level, a strange phenomenon was triggered outside Qin Ze's residence.

"what happened?"

"Why is there such a terrible smell coming from over there?"

"who is it?"

"Could it be Senior Brother Qin?"

The Maoshan disciples all raised their heads and looked at Yunfeng.

On the leader's mountain, Zhang Lingbei couldn't help but open his eyes from practicing.

He took one step forward and appeared outside the house. His speed was frightening!

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a gust of wind and arrived at the top of Yunfeng Mountain.

At this time, Qin Ze was sitting cross-legged.

The sea of ​​clouds, mountain wind, and vegetation all rolled, blew, and swayed with Qin Ze's breathing!

"So strong and fierce?"


(End of this chapter)

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