Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 216 Everyone in Maoshan was shocked!

Chapter 216 Everyone in Maoshan was shocked!

Zhang Lingbei looked wonderful.

He knew that Qin Ze was outstanding. After all, he was the only one among the disciples in Maoshan who had the ability to overpower Ye Xiao and kill Chen He.

"This kid's physical body is unbelievably powerful. Just his physical body can overwhelm most practitioners in the world."

“Now it’s even triggering a vision.”


—A very subtle cracking sound sounded.

Immediately, not far from Qin Ze, a huge stone suddenly split into two.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a chain reaction.

Rocks, pine trees, etc. were all torn apart!

"Master, what's going on?"

Elder Hongye, Elder Zhou Chu, Taoist Lingxiao, and several elders Qin Ze had never seen before also flew over.

"See for yourselves!"

Zhang Lingbei looked not far away.

Everyone was shocked when they looked at it.


"Qin Ze's strength has improved again?"

Elder Hongye's charming face also showed a look of astonishment like a young girl.

Maturity and youth appeared in her at the same time.

I'm afraid not many men can stop her from being so charming!

But right now, everyone's attention is on Qin Ze, but no one is enjoying this beautiful scenery!

"This amazing aura is just like this in real life!"

"The sea of ​​clouds is falling, the rocks are cracking, and the rays of light are shining. It's really a rare sight in a hundred years!"

"I don't know how much benefit he can get?"

Several elders couldn't help but become curious.

At this time.

Elder Zhou Chu suddenly spoke.

"Look around Qin Ze, the rocks and pine trees seem to have been torn apart by the black air waves!"

"In addition to the stones and pine trees being torn apart around Qin Ze, even the cliffs are not full of cracks!"

"Dragon Qi soars into the sky!"

"There is a phantom of a divine dragon hovering!"

Elder Hongye was a little unsure.

The leader Zhang Lingbei gave a positive answer.

"It's indeed a divine dragon. I'm afraid that boy didn't get some divine dragon inheritance!"

"It's the reincarnation of the dragon!"

Zhang Lingbei's eyes flashed.

He witnessed Qin Ze transform from an ordinary person into a dragon when he killed Chen He.

If there is any dragon inheritance that can achieve this step, he may be able to believe it.

But now combined with the scene in front of me, it is definitely not as simple as what outsiders have rumored.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lingbei couldn't help but look forward to it.

Elder Zhou Chu and Taoist Ling Xiao felt a great sense of oppression at this time.

Qin Ze didn't target anyone, but he still made everyone on Maoshan sweat.

Some disciples, after looking at it for a while, felt that their eyes were very dry, as if something was piercing their eyes.

"When I had an epiphany, I wasn't so perverted!" Elder Zhou Chu said in an incomprehensible tone. No one replied to him, and everyone was in mixed moods.

Zhang Lingbei's eyes smiled even more.

"it is good!"

"We, Maoshan, are finally going to have an unparalleled genius!"

He looked at Qin Ze, who was sitting silently, with a hint of memory in his eyes.

Don’t talk about Zhou Chu.

Back then, he had never reached Qin Ze's level.


Qin Ze's heart beat violently, like a war drum, breaking the silent atmosphere.


Dragon energy surged into the sky on him, and everyone felt tingling all over their bodies, as if their skin was about to be torn.

They quickly used magic to protect their whole bodies, and the tearing and stinging sensation disappeared.

At the foot of the mountain, those Maoshan disciples who had no intention of sleeping were all greatly shaken.

Qin Ze sat cross-legged, and the phantom of the divine dragon held up the sky.

At this moment, even the light became dim.

The wooden hairpin in his hair fell to the ground at some point. His black hair danced wildly in the wind, and his body was knotted, as if it had been continuously tempered by a god.

As the heart beats, every breath and every breath is like a war drum.

Qin Ze suddenly opened his eyes, and at this moment, his eyes were even more dazzling than the lights!

Elder Zhou Chu and Taoist Ling Xiao felt their eyes sting and couldn't bear to look directly.

What a terrifying gaze, the concentration of energy and energy, it is already a terrifying killing move! If Qin Ze takes one look at ordinary ghosts and monsters, they will probably die instantly.


In Qin Ze's body, domineering energy circulated in his meridians, and a dragon roar came out. “Qi and blood are like a dragon, how incredible is his flesh and blood?”


Everyone was shocked.

In the blue sky, a giant green dragon loomed, then melted into the rolling clouds.

"The green dragon appears?"

"It's really the legendary dragon!"

Everyone was speechless.

At this moment, they were extremely shocked.


Followed by.

The sky seemed to be torn open.

Dispersed towards both sides.

The Maoshan disciple's eyes widened, as if he had seen some extremely terrifying scene. "The sky is cracked!"

"This, this, this..."

Many disciples couldn't even finish their sentences and looked at the sky blankly.

The dragon stretched out its sharp claws and landed on Wuyun Peak, completely covering Qin Ze! A terrifying and ferocious aura raged.

Ho ho ho!

The surrounding mountains shook and echoed, and boulders fell.


Zhang Lingbei's expression changed and he immediately made a seal.

The surrounding chaos was immediately suppressed.

And the hundred-meter-long dragon shadow began to dissipate and merge into Qin Ze's body, and all the visions disappeared.


Qin Ze spread his hands and felt his condition.


Indescribably powerful.

His physique has once again reached a new level.

Qin Ze couldn't imagine how invincible he would be if he raised his domineering aura to the extreme and awakened the Azure Dragon Template.

Even though he is emotionally stable now, he can't help but feel a little agitated.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, congratulations!"


The elders came to their senses and congratulated Qin Ze repeatedly.

Although they are senior to Qin Ze.

But at this time, he was referring to himself as a Taoist friend.

Without him, it was because they were horrified to find that Qin Ze was far stronger than them.

Facing Qin Ze was like facing the leader.


"Okay, let's all disperse!" Zhang Lingbei waved his hand.

Elder Hongye and others then left.


Qin Ze raised his hands to Zhang Lingbei.

"Not bad!"

"You really surprised me!"

Zhang Lingbei looked at Qin Ze and sighed with emotion. He found that he could not see through Qin Ze's depth.

"Thanks to the master for cultivating me!"

Qin Ze said with a smile.

"Hahaha! Although you speak nicely, there is no need for us to say such kind words between us!"

"After all, I didn't cultivate you! You got all this on your own!"

Zhang Lingbei said with a smile.

In terms of strength advancement, he believed that he did not give Qin Ze any substantial help, so naturally he would not take the credit.

But Qin Ze's words were very useful to him.

Qin Ze is not only far superior to his peers in terms of strength, but also has a calm and humble personality.

There are so few such people.

The more he looked at Qin Ze, the more satisfied he became, and Zhang Lingbei couldn't help but sigh.

Why is he not interested in the position of leader?

(End of this chapter)

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