Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 23 Invite a warlord?No need at all!

Chapter 23 Invite a warlord?No need at all!
On the way back, Uncle Jiu's eyes kept flickering on Qin Ze. After hesitating for a while, he finally couldn't help asking: "Junior brother, do you really have no cultivation? Not even the first level of heaven?"

Just one person was able to take over the bandits' den. This strength is really puzzling.

But after carefully looking at Qin Ze, he still found no traces of cultivation.

This is even more thought-provoking.

Because according to the ability shown by the junior brother now, he definitely has the third level among earth masters.

Moreover, this is a safe place to say.

"Senior brother, lack of cultivation does not mean lack of strength!" Qin Ze raised his fist and said with a smile.

Uncle Jiu nodded, thoughtfully, what he said made sense, but his perspective was a bit narrow.

He did not delve further into this issue. After all, it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, a cat that can catch mice is a good cat.

It is always a gratifying thing to see a junior fellow from Maoshan who is so strong.

"Now that the horse bandits are almost wiped out, Ren Tingting should be safe!"

"But to fulfill Master Ren's request, we still have to find the person!"

Bringing the topic back to Ren Tingting, exterminating the horse bandits was not the purpose of leaving the town in the first place, but the junior brother was stronger than expected.

Find Ren Tingting and bring her back safely.

Qin Ze nodded. He had now checked everything inside and outside Renjia Town. He recalled the content of his previous chat with Ren Tingting, and roughly determined Ren Tingting's approximate location in his mind.

After coming out of home, she probably didn't dare to stay in the town. After all, she was so outstanding that she easily attracted others' attention and could be recognized at a glance.

The outside of the town is too dangerous and the place is unfamiliar.

Therefore, it is very possible to stay around the town.

"Check the boundaries of the town!" Qin Ze suggested.

Uncle Jiu agreed, and Wencai and Qiu Sheng naturally had no objections, and the four of them quickly took action.

When it comes to finding a living person, the compass in Uncle Jiu's hand has no effect, making the search extremely difficult. However, Qin Ze relies on his knowledge, knowledge, and domineering power to find him faster than using a compass to locate a living person.

This couldn't help but give Uncle Jiu a little shock.

Sure enough, Ren Tingting was found in an extremely secluded dilapidated house.

At this time, this rich young lady, whom Master Ren regarded as the apple of his eye, was a little dirty and looked particularly pitiful.

But even so, she still couldn't hide her delicate temperament.

Fortunately, only the clothes were a little dirty, but there was no damage elsewhere.

When Ren Tingting saw Qin Ze coming over, tears suddenly burst out of her red eyes. For a little woman to suffer such a thing, no one could bear it.

Just gave him a hug.

Qin Ze was stunned, but still comforted her, saying that she had avenged the horse bandits and sent them all to where they should go.

In this way, Ren Tingting's mood became better.

Afterwards, Qin Ze and his party took him back to Ren's house.

at the same time.

Inside the Ren family's mansion.

Mr. Ren is like an ant on a hot pot at this moment, spinning around anxiously.

Nearly six hours have passed since Ren Tingting disappeared, but there is still no good news.

Countless scenes have appeared in Master Ren's mind now.

Without exception, Ren Tingting was caught by the horse bandits, and then he could no longer see where the person was going.This is not because he wants to think in this direction, but after experiencing this situation personally, his brain will unconsciously go in the wrong direction.

"Master, please have a sip of tea!" Uncle Wu held a cup of tea in his hand, his expression equally anxious.

From now on, grandpa has never had a sip of water and has been walking around the house impatiently. He is really afraid that Tingting will be fine in the end and grandpa will fall down first.

But Mr. Ren has no such thoughts now. If the person is not found, let alone drinking water, it will be a question whether he wants to live or not.

Just when he was about to wave his hand to refuse, Captain Ah Wei walked in with someone.

"Awei, is there any news?" Master Ren asked hurriedly.

Ah Wei shook his head. He searched the entire town and couldn't find the person. He suspected that the person must have been captured by the horse bandits, so he simply stopped looking.

Master Ren's face fell into depression again, hoping to get a little lower. Even Ah Wei, who was very familiar with the town, couldn't find anyone there. It seemed that the worst outcome was indeed coming.

"Master, the lady has been found! Uncle Jiu and Daoist Qin brought her here!"

At this time, an excited shout from a servant freed Master Ren from his overheated ant state.

Ah Wei's face was full of disbelief. Shouldn't Tingting have been kidnapped by the horse bandits now?

My reasoning so smart was actually wrong?
At the same time as the words fell, Uncle Jiu and his party stepped into the house.

"Tingting!" Seeing his daughter really appear in front of him, the old Master Ren swept away the haze before and suddenly seemed to be several years younger.

The stone in my heart was finally let go.

"Okay, okay, it's good to be back!" Master Ren said excitedly, and then he looked at Qin Ze, Uncle Jiu and others.

"Thank you so much for your help. I will never forget this kindness!"

"If you want to thank me, thank my junior brother first! He can do the most to find your lady!" Uncle Jiu said cheerfully.

Although he also played a role in it, finding the person was indeed largely due to Qin Ze.

"Hahaha, thank you, Taoist Qin!" Mr. Ren cupped his hands to express his gratitude. This was the second time Qin Ze had rescued his daughter, and he didn't know how to repay this kindness.

Qin Ze didn't care very much: "It's a small effort, let your lady have a good rest first!"

Master Ren slapped his head: "Look, I'm really excited!"

"Take the lady to rest first!"

Ren Tingting must have been frightened a lot along the way, so she had to take good care of herself.

After receiving the order, the servants took the people down.

Master Ren's face became solemn again, with a hint of ruthlessness. Now that the person has been found, these damn horse bandits must be made to taste the consequences.

Who knows if the same thing will happen again.

The Ren family has been in Renjia Town for so many years, and they are not soft persimmons who can only be manipulated. They have repeatedly provoked the bottom line, and they have to pay the price even if they lose everything.

"Uncle Wu, liquidate all your liquid assets and prepare to invite warlords to suppress the bandits!"

As soon as the words came out.

Uncle Wu was excited and quickly tried to dissuade him: "Master, please think twice!"

It's easy to invite gods but hard to send them away. In today's troubled times, if you really invite warlords, the price will probably be more than just the things you bring out.

Uncle Jiu smiled and said nothing. The horse bandits had just been wiped out. Wen Cai jumped out and said with a proud face: "Master Ren, all those damn horse bandits have been wiped out by my uncle!"

After saying that, he rolled his eyes and rubbed his hands with a smile: "How about, Grandpa Ren, give us some of the money to hire the warlord?"

(End of this chapter)

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