Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 24 Taoist Priest 4 is coming!Royal coffin?

Chapter 24 Taoist Priest Four Eyes Arrives!Royal coffin?
Uncle Jiu frowned. You really have fallen into the eyes of money. With such a proud and credit-seeking expression on your face, those who didn't know better thought you were responsible for the extermination.

"Literary talent must not be rude!"

Wen Cai was glared at by his master. Although it was true that he didn't help much, he still helped the young master to cheer him up. But there was hard work without credit!What's wrong with asking for money?
"You, what did you just say?" Mr. Ren didn't pay attention to Uncle Jiu's words at all. He focused entirely on Wencai's previous sentence.

That damn horse bandit has all been wiped out?

"Uncle Junior has already wiped out the horse bandits, so you don't need to invite any more warlords!" Wencai curled his lips and said it again.

Master Ren's eyes widened and he was speechless for a long time.

This... how long is this?

Qin Ze found the lair of the horse bandits and destroyed them?

You know, the horse bandits have been standing around Renjia Town for many years. They are powerful and every member is a good hand.

Not to mention wiping them out, even breaking in requires a lot of courage.

He couldn't help but look at Uncle Jiu to confirm the authenticity of the information, and the latter nodded.

"Taoist Master Qin, you are truly a god descending to earth!" Master Ren looked at Qin Ze and said sincerely.

This is his truth.

He felt that he had underestimated Qin Ze very much before and regarded him as a talent only second to Uncle Jiu, but now he realized that he still underestimated him.

After all, what could only be accomplished by a warlord was accomplished by Qin Ze alone. It is no exaggeration to say that this is like a god coming down to earth.

Ah Wei was listening to the conversation of several people, his face was livid, and his teeth were about to be broken. At this moment, he felt that he was being made like a clown in front of Taoist Qin.

I couldn't find someone to look for, I couldn't win a fight, and now I've been busy for a while, but I didn't get anything, and I was kicked by a horse bandit. It's as miserable as it gets.

The look he looked at Qin Ze couldn't help but contain a hint of jealousy and resentment.

"Daozhang Qin, Uncle Jiu, let me make some preparations here. I will deliver the things to you personally the next day, and you will be paid double the original fee!"

Master Ren took the initiative and became familiar with it, but he couldn't leave out what was promised. He was very clear about the stakes involved.

Qin Ze wiped out the horse bandits, which meant that he no longer had to worry about things like today happening again.

Giving double the remuneration is completely reasonable.

Uncle Jiu originally wanted to refuse. As long as the money was enough, too much would make people lose their sense of self. However, Wencai and Qiu Sheng got excited when they heard about the double remuneration, and immediately helped the master agree.

Qin Ze would not refuse this. Money will always come in handy.

Master Ren originally wanted to stay with Uncle Jiu for dinner, but neither Qin Ze nor Uncle Jiu liked this bragging occasion, so they left the Ren family.

Back in Yizhuang, the story of the horse bandits spread in the town.

Yizhuang, which was slightly famous before, became famous this time. Qin Ze's name was naturally spread.

Qin Ze does not resist these names. After all, as reputations increase, more people will come to him for help when they are in trouble, which is conducive to the collection of merit points.

However, not long after returning to Yizhuang, an old acquaintance came.

Four Taoist priests brought a group of zombies to Yizhuang at night.

"Long time no see! Senior brother!" Taoist Priest Simu greeted Uncle Jiu with a smile.

They hadn't seen each other for a while since they came out of Maoshan. He took some time out for this meeting. "Hahaha! Junior brother, junior brother, I haven't seen you for several years and you are still the same as before!"

Uncle Jiu had a smile on his face and quickly invited him into the house.

"I've met Senior Brother Four Eyes!"

"I've seen Uncle Four Eyes!"

Qin Ze stood aside and nodded with a smile.

After Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng said hello, his eyes were attracted by the walking corpse with the talisman paper behind it, and he looked left and right.

The four-eyed Taoist priest glanced at Wencai and Qiu Sheng, then focused on Qin Ze: "Good boy, you are getting more and more energetic!"

Uncle Jiu was stunned for a while: "You know Junior Brother Qin!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes laughed: "We had a chance encounter before!"

Uncle Jiu glanced at Qin Ze, then at Taoist Priest Si Mu, wondering how the two of you knew each other.
"Junior brother, how many days do you plan to stay in Yizhuang this time?" Uncle Jiu asked.

"I should stay for one day and then leave. As you know, senior brother, these guests are very time-efficient!" Taoist Priest Four Eyes pointed at the walking corpse behind him.

"Can't delay any longer!"

Uncle Jiu nodded to express his understanding. When you are outside, there are always various things to worry about. There are rules for the corpse exorcists. Since you have accepted this job, you must arrive at the destination at the time agreed by the employer!

"But besides that, there is one more thing!" Taoist Priest Four Eyes continued.

"Oh?" Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

"Junior Brother Qianhe is going to escort the royal family's coffin recently, and it will pass by where I live, so I have to get rid of everything on hand as soon as possible!"

He had received a letter from Qianzhe before, which clearly stated the location of escorting the royal coffin, which happened to pass by where he lived, and said that he would stay overnight.

Uncle Jiu laughed when he heard Taoist Master Qianhe's name: "Junior Brother Qianhe seems to be doing well now! He has already done things for the royal family!"

This was a bit of a joke, but the news was not surprising.

When they were studying together in Maoshan, Taoist Master Qianhe had lofty ambitions and a strong personality. He always only liked to challenge those who were stronger than him. It was natural for him to reach this point.

Taoist priest Qianhe?Royal coffin?Qin Ze, who was listening to the conversation between the two senior brothers, was stunned. Is this the plot of Uncle Zombie?
What a coincidence!
"Senior Brother Four Eyes, I will also go to see Taoist Master Qianhe when the time comes. I have always heard of Senior Brother Qianhe's name before, but I have never seen him in person!" Qin Ze took advantage of every opportunity.

Naturally, this opportunity cannot be missed. The royal zombies in Uncle Zombie are very powerful, even much stronger than Mr. Ren.

The stronger the zombie, the more merit points can be harvested.

Whether it was to improve his strength or to save Taoist Master Qianhe, he should go there.

Naturally, the four Taoist priests would not refuse. They had seen the strength of their junior brother with their own eyes, so they could introduce him to Qianhe. Maoshan had another strong fellow disciple.

"Of course it's no problem. Junior Brother Qianhe said in his previous letter that he will arrive in about ten days. I will leave you an address. You just need to come directly!"

Qin Ze nodded: "Thank you, senior brother!"

Having said that, he did not interrupt the gathering of the two old friends. After saying hello, he returned to his room.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes looked at Qin Ze who was leaving, but smiled, then turned to Uncle Jiu and said, "Senior Brother, can you see the difference between Junior Brother Qin and us?"

(End of this chapter)

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