Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 28 This is a corpse transformation!

Chapter 28 This is a corpse transformation!

When he came before, he saw that there was something wrong with the feng shui around the tomb, and now there were little red figures specially used for raising corpses, plus the soil dug out from under the limestone.

Combining this information, Mr. Ren may be about to transform into a corpse.

"It seems that Mr. Ren is about to turn into a zombie, and he is not weak at all!" Qin Ze came over, squeezed the dirt and said.

Uncle Jiu nodded: "Yes, Mr. Ren has been nourished by Yin Qi for nearly 20 years after being buried for nearly 20 years. Observing the layout of this tomb, it is a typical dragonfly-dotted water hole. If he really wants to transform into a corpse, I am afraid that he will at least have the strength of a mid-stage green zombie." !”

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows, I'm afraid the middle stage of green stiffness is not over yet!
According to Mr. Ren, these villains were deliberately placed around, indicating that someone must be behind the scenes. It is easy to deduce that it was the Feng Shui master who selected the cemetery for Mr. Ren.

The red color in the soil is also unusual. This is a phenomenon caused by the penetration of blood, and it is not the blood of ordinary animals, but human blood.

Generally speaking, there are high and low levels of blood for raising corpses.

The lowest level is naturally chicken blood, or black dog blood without stray hairs, followed by human blood, and the best is the blood of cultivators, or the blood of girls with special physiques.

Having reached this point 20 years ago, this Feng Shui master as Mr. Ren calls him is definitely not a simple charlatan, but a real Taoist man.

And the cultivation level is not low!
To nourish with the blood of cultivators, the purpose is very big!
At this time, Master Ren also discovered that the problem was somewhat unexpected. He walked over and looked at Uncle Jiu and asked, "Is there anything wrong with this cemetery?"

Uncle Jiu's eyes were a little solemn: "There are indeed some problems. This tomb is not as simple as it seems on the surface, but a rare water tomb with dragonflies dotting it!"

"Master Ren, is that Feng Shui master you were talking about really paid for by your family?"

There was a hint of doubt in Uncle Jiu's tone.

Master Ren scratched his hair and looked a little embarrassed: "Uncle Jiu really has good eyesight. This tomb is indeed a dragonfly-dotted water hole. The tomb was actually bought from that Feng Shui master. Originally, the tomb was reserved for his own use! "

"Is it really just bought with money?" Uncle Jiu continued to dig deeper.

Master Ren's face was even more embarrassed.

"That means there is still coercion and inducement!" Seeing Mr. Ren like this, and then thinking about Mr. Ren's reputation back then, Uncle Jiu understood.

The so-called dragonfly touching the water needs to be covered with snowflakes.

But now this tomb not only uses quicklime to cover the dragonfly's water point, so that the dragonfly can't reach the water, but also uses villains to gather evil spirits.

Not only will this method not bring happiness to future generations, it will actually lead to death!Let the Ren family wither away.

"No wonder any member of the family is at fault. This cemetery should be the culprit!" Qin Ze said with a frown.

In the original work, he was curious about why the Ren family was so powerful and why they only had one daughter and not even a son.

Co-authoring is the reason.

Master Ren was shocked when he heard Qin Ze's words.

Although it is true that the Ren family is a big force in Renjia Town, their population is indeed very small. There is only one male in Mrs. Ren’s generation, Mr. Ren.

Master Ren was even worse. He had no children, and his wife died early, leaving Ren Tingting alone.

Before, he thought it was fate and God was torturing him. He had done a lot of good deeds in these years and accumulated good deeds for himself.

Unexpectedly, someone was plotting behind his back, and it was because of his father's grave.

"What should we do?" Mr. Ren couldn't believe it, but he was more frightened after thinking about it.

Uncle Jiu nodded: "My junior brother is right. Although I dare not say that it is [-]% the reason, I am definitely close to it. There are many problems in your father's tomb!"

While he was talking, a fishy smell came from the soil under the limestone. When the people around him smelled this smell, their expressions changed drastically. "And if I'm not wrong, your father has now transformed into a corpse!" Uncle Jiu said his guess directly.

"The matter is very clear. That Feng Shui master asked you to open the coffin and move the grave in 20 years. It is not for your own good. He wants to use the hands of Old Master Ren to kill all your Ren family members."

"Even the entire Renjia Town will suffer."

As soon as this word comes out.

Not only Master Ren, but all the people in Renjia Town who were invited to move the grave were anxious.

I didn’t expect that if I moved a grave, it could be moved to my head.

"Uncle Jiu, then, what should we do?"

Master Ren is really anxious.

He didn't expect that a Feng Shui master with 20 years of experience would actually lay such a big trap, and he almost fell for it.

However, he soon fell into entanglement again. If he couldn't move the earth, the curse of his Ren family was still there, and something would happen to him, Ren Tingting, and even the entire Ren family.

But if the ground is broken, it will not only harm the Ren family, but also the entire town.

"Uncle Jiu, how about letting him be buried here? Wouldn't it be better if we don't move!"

"Yes! If you really turn into a zombie and crawl out, it will be a big disaster!"

"Yes, yes, it's better to bury Mr. Ren in the soil!"


The surrounding townspeople spoke quickly, fear flashing in their eyes.

"Oh, what are you afraid of? It's just a little zombie. Even if it turns into a zombie, so what! My master and uncle are here!"

Wencai jumped out and said at this time, calming everyone's panic.

"Yes, that little zombie is so ridiculous. My master has a mahogany sword in one hand and a spell in one hand. My uncle will knock him down with one more punch!" Qiu Sheng continued.

The two of them didn't take zombies seriously at all.

: "No matter how old Mr. Ren is, he is just a zombie that took shape in 20 years. He really can't make any trouble!"

"Furthermore, Mr. Ren has been in the town for so many years and has done a lot of good things for the Ren family town. Seeing the Ren family disappear like this is not what everyone wants to see!"

Qin Ze also spoke at this time.

According to preliminary judgment, this zombie is at the peak of Green Zombie's strength and can be completely dealt with. Of course, one more important point is that the Feng Shui master behind it must get him out.

If the grave is not moved, the other party will have to hide it for an unknown period of time. An evil cultivator can also bring a lot of merit points.

Qin Ze's words made the surrounding townspeople feel guilty. Indeed, if the Ren family had not been doing charity and promoting business in the town, many people would not even have enough to eat in this troubled era, let alone live a good life. .

"Taoist Master Qin Ze is right. Even if there is danger, with the Taoist priest here and there are so many of us, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"That's right, let me start the work!"

“We fully support it!”

(End of this chapter)

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