Chapter 29 Lifting the coffin!

Master Ren and Ren Tingting looked gratefully at Qin Ze who spoke for them.

Uncle Jiu nodded: "Breaking ground is a must. After all, zombies are not unearthed now. If they appear again in the future, they will only be stronger than they are now, and they will be even more difficult to deal with by then!"

"Then it's settled, listen to Uncle Jiu, let's break ground together and dig out Old Master Ren while the sun is still strong!"

A slightly older town citizen shouted directly.

The companions around him took various shovels, hoes and other tools in their hands and began to dig hard.

Everyone stared intently at the excavation location.

About a quarter of an hour later.

at last.

With the concerted efforts of the townspeople, a coffin slowly appeared in front of people.

However, unlike ordinary coffin burial methods, this coffin only has one head exposed.

Uncle Jiu's eyes narrowed: "It is indeed a legal burial!"

"Falun Gong?"

"What is a legal burial? Does it mean a French funeral?" Wencai asked curiously with a question mark on his face.

"Falun burial is another name for vertical burial. It is a special burial method in the Dragonfly Point Water Cave!" Qin Ze said slowly.

The so-called dragonfly taps water, and the location of the entire acupoint can be used to tap water.

That is, it is four feet long and three feet wide.

These things are recorded in the miscellaneous notes of the Maoshan Tomb Chapter. Of course, Qin Ze has read the original work, and even if he has not studied the miscellaneous notes, he still knows this burial method.

After hearing this, Uncle Jiu nodded with satisfaction, then glared at the literary talent: "Go back and copy the miscellaneous notes from Maoshan Tomb ten times!"


"Master, it takes a long time to copy one article. If there are ten articles, wouldn't it take several days to copy?"

"Then a hundred times!"

Wencai, who was about to continue begging for mercy, suddenly fell silent.

Ten times is enough.

If it were true a hundred times, the hand would be dead before the person.

But at this moment, a shout suddenly came. Everyone was not talking, but focused all their attention on Mr. Ren's coffin.

"Raise the coffin!"

A few finger-thick ropes were tied around the head of the coffin, and a few pieces of wood were used to build a simple bar on top of the tomb.

Fall with the sound.

Some strong men in the town pulled the end of a rope to pull the coffin out of the soil.

Several big men worked hard together, and soon there was a creaking sound from the head of the coffin.

The coffin moved.

The muscles on the faces of the big men twitched, huge force was transmitted from the rope, and the coffin was pulled up a little.

But soon.

Suddenly there was a rumble of thunder in the sky, and the originally sunny sky became a little gloomy.

On the top of the mountain, there were strong winds, which made people's cheeks hurt.


With this change.

The coffin, which had been pulled up a little, fell back.

Several strong men staggered and almost fell. They clearly felt that there was some suction pulling on the rope, and the force was heavy.

"How is this going?"

In an instant, several strong men were stunned.

"The coffin is so heavy, and it seems like there is some force pulling it underneath!"

"Come and help!"

The sudden scene made the surrounding townspeople change their expressions.

There are so many people that they can't even pull up a coffin. This is so strange!
"Dad!" Ren Tingting was a little scared and quickly approached her father.

"Don't be afraid, Daoist Qin and Uncle Jiu are here!" Mr. Ren calmed down and comforted him. Then he looked at Uncle Jiu and asked, "Is it the zombies?" Uncle Jiu shook his head, it must be evil. The aura formed by the aura gathered in the cemetery all year round.

After this, it becomes difficult to lift the coffin.

The townspeople holding the ropes looked at each other in confusion. After the instantaneous explosion, they had already lost a wave of physical strength. If they pulled again, it would not be possible to erupt with more violent force than before.

Besides, there is still pulling force underneath.

The most important thing is that there are psychological factors at work, as if God doesn't want them to lift the coffin, so none of them dare to move.

"Master Ren, why don't you call some people over?"

"It's still early, there should still be enough time!"

"Prepare some more ropes!"

the townspeople suggested.

Mr. Ren knew that this seemed to be the only option for now, but it would take a lot of time.

Qin Ze walked to the townspeople and reached out to take the rope from their hands: "I'll do it! There isn't much time!"

In terms of Taoism or Taoism, he may not have any advantage, but in terms of strength, he can be described in that sentence: I can fight ten.

"Taoist Master Qin, we can do this rough work!"

"Yes, just rest aside!"

The people around him immediately said, how could they let Qin Ze do such a thing personally? Naturally, they refused.

"There's something weird about this coffin. You can't pull it up with your strength!" As Qin Ze spoke, he took the rope from a town citizen's hand.

"Give me the rope in your hands too!"

"Then back away!"

Qin Ze grabbed the rope in his hand and continued to talk to the other strong men.

The people around him were confused.

Give you the whole rope?
Meaning, you're coming alone.

They suddenly felt unreal. Even six or seven strong grown men couldn't pull them up. Qin Ze could do it alone?

However, although there were some doubts, Qin Ze's ability was widely circulated in the town, and he did not seem to be a boastful person. Without saying anything more, after handing all the ropes in his hand to Qin Ze, the townspeople quickly retreated. A few meters away.

As soon as they retreated, Qin Ze, who was holding several ropes in each hand, suddenly raised his momentum, and violent energy burst out from his body.

Two footprints were dug into the ground.

Visible force was transmitted from the rope to the coffin.

The sky changed color again, and the wind blew.

Only this time, it looked like it was just a bluff.


next moment.

As Qin Ze raised his arm, in front of everyone's stunned eyes, Mrs. Ren's coffin rushed out of the ground with great force, flew several meters into the air, and then fell at an extremely fast speed.

Just when the coffin was about to hit the ground, Qin Ze's figure flashed under the coffin and caught it firmly.

With a violent shaking sound, the coffin was placed on the ground by Qin Ze.

This scene made everyone around take a breath, what a terrifying power, what a fierce Taoist priest. The rumors are absolutely true!

But after the shock, their eyes were soon attracted by the coffin falling on the ground.

Waves of vague evil energy slowly rose from above.

"Do you want to open the coffin now?" one of the townspeople asked.

Uncle Jiu glanced at Master Ren, who nodded: "Let's open the restaurant!"

The voice fell.

Several strong men took crowbars and bravely stepped forward to occupy the four corners of the head and tail.


With a harsh sound, the coffin board was lifted.


A thick cloud of black air came out from inside, and at the same time, a crowd of crows appeared around, and the temperature on the entire mountaintop seemed to have dropped a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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