Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 30 The evil cultivator and the witch!It’s okay not to burn it!

Chapter 30 The evil cultivator and the witch!It’s okay not to burn it!

At the same time, just as the coffin was being opened, at a location not far away, the evil cultivator who had appeared in the horse bandits' den suddenly had his eyes fixed.

He looked at the hexagrams placed in front of him with burning eyes.

"The hexagram of the Ren family actually turned the crisis around?"

"how is this possible!"

"Did something happen to the Ren family?"

As he spoke, he looked towards a mountain in the distance with twinkling eyes.

At that time, he deliberately revealed that he had a geomantic treasure land to attract the attention of Mr. Ren. Sure enough, the greedy Mr. Ren was immediately fooled and used money and preemption to take away the so-called geomantic treasure land.

He has been planning for 20 years in order to seize the Ren family's luck, refine corpses, and improve his own cultivation.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary person like Mr. Ren be able to fight against him?

Steal the Feng Shui treasure land from him?


Totally impossible.

But now, the situation seems to have changed.

"What's wrong? Did something happen again?" At this time, a woman with messy hair and a pale face asked coldly.

This person is the witch who was beaten away by Qin Ze before.

The bandit's den was burned down and his subordinates were killed. It was impossible to go back, so he hid in the evil cultivator's place to discuss his future plans.

"Let me see!"

The evil cultivator took out some utensils made of human bones from his arms and placed them on the Bagua chart. He then took out a few hairs of Old Master Ren and recited the magic formula. After a while of fussing.

The evil cultivator showed a hint of madness: "Hahaha! The Ren family has opened the coffin! That idiot from the Ren family has indeed opened the coffin!"

However, he hadn't been excited for long when his face suddenly stiffened.


"The corpse-raising array has also been broken!"

"How could this be Uncle Nine?"

When he was refining the villain, he specially made some tricks on the formation, and every once in a while, he would come back to check and strengthen it to block the perception of his fellow Taoist priests.

Practitioners cannot discover its location.

Even Uncle Jiu in Yizhuang is impossible.

"Could it be that damn young Taoist priest?" the witch said in a sinister voice, full of anger in her tone.

The evil cultivator's eyes moved slightly, and he naturally knew who the witch was referring to: "This guy! It's possible!"

He is a troublesome guy who can kill all the horse bandits and force the miko to this point.

Now that the layout of the cemetery has been cracked, it is even more elusive. This person is definitely not as simple as he seems on the surface.

"I didn't expect that besides Uncle Jiu, there would be such a difficult guy in Renjia Town!" Xie Xiu's voice gradually turned cold, and things became a bit unexpected.

"What to do next? Will Mr. Ren transform into a corpse again?" the witch asked with concern. She didn't care about anything else, but this matter was related to her own revenge, which was very important.


The evil cultivator snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter!"

"Old Master Ren has completed his transformation in 20 years. Even if the corpse-raising technique is broken, it cannot prevent him from transforming into a corpse!"

"According to Mr. Ren's courage, he would never dare to place the coffin in his own residence after lifting it. He would probably choose to spend the night in Yi Zhuang!"

The situation of the Ren family is now basically clear, and the rest can only wait. "Hmph, we must make that smelly Taoist priest's life worse than death!" The witch's eyes were full of resentment, and she was naturally referring to Qin Ze.

"He's just a young Taoist priest with some skills. After Old Master Ren raises his body and sucks the blood of his immediate family members, it won't be difficult to crush him to death!"

The evil cultivator didn't take this to heart. Although Qin Ze had methods that he couldn't see through and killed a group of horse bandits, apart from making him marvel, that was all.

"Would you like me to go to Yizhuang to inquire and see what's going on?" the witch said coldly.

"With Uncle Jiu and that Taoist priest in Yizhuang, it might be difficult!" Xie Xiu said.


The witch said disdainfully: "I have my own methods. I can't deal with Uncle Jiu and that smelly Taoist priest, but their apprentice can do something!"

"Isn't there a sexy ghost in the mass graves in the back mountain? Let her try it!"

After thinking for a while, the evil cultivator stared at the witch, paused and nodded: "Okay!"

After saying this, he took out a Taoist artifact from his body: "The young Taoist priest named Qin Ze has different methods from ordinary people. This thing can defend against fist and kick attacks, so that you will not accidentally encounter him and be unable to deal with it!"

Disdain flashed in the witch's eyes. Even if a young Taoist priest encountered me, what could he do to me?But the next moment, Qin Ze's fierce and invincible posture that day appeared in her mind, a trace of fear flashed deep in her eyes, and she was still scared inside.

Taking something from the evil cultivator's hand, the witch sneered and left.

On the top of the Ren family mountain, as the coffin was opened, the faces of the people around them changed suddenly when they saw Mr. Ren inside the coffin, and they quickly moved closer to Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze.

Mr. Ren inside the coffin looked like someone who had been buried for 20 years. There was no sign of decay at all. His face was as thin as iron, his face was as black as iron, and his eyes were tightly closed. He looked like a mummy.

Master Ren and Ren Tingting were kneeling aside.

Master Ren was mumbling something, but he didn't know what he was talking about.

"As expected, the body has been transformed!" Uncle Jiu walked to the coffin, looked at Old Mrs. Ren lying inside and shook his head.

"Uncle Jiu, what should we do now?" Mr. Ren asked in a panic: "Can this point still be used?"

"The dragonfly touches the water, and it touches it again and again. It will definitely not touch the same place again! It's useless!"

"Now before the body is picked up, cremate it on the spot!"

"Cremated?" Master Ren looked a little embarrassed when he heard this: "To be honest, what my father was most afraid of during his lifetime was fire. If I were to be cremated directly, then he would have to curse me down below!"

"Uncle Jiu, do you have any other methods?"

"Of course, if there is really no other way, then just burn it on the spot as you said!"

Master Ren also understood that if the body was really recovered, the whole town might suffer, and he was not an unreasonable person.

But deep down I don’t want to do this.

"Of course there are other methods!" Uncle Jiu said meaningfully.

Looking at the expression on Uncle Jiu's face, Qin Ze knew that he and he were thinking about the same thing. He leaned over and whispered, "Senior brother, are you planning to use him as bait?"

Uncle Jiu naturally saw what Qin Ze was thinking, nodded and said: "Although Mr. Ren is very troublesome, that Feng Shui Mr. is even more troublesome. If we don't get rid of him, then even if Mr. Ren is cremated, it will not completely remove Mr. Ren." Worry for our town!"

"Besides, if you burn Old Mrs. Ren, the other party won't come out so easily!"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng looked at the master and uncle who were looking at each other with confusion on their faces: "Master, uncle, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand!"

"It's okay if you don't understand. You two put a stick of incense on all the cemeteries around you. Remember, ask for each one. Then come back and tell me how you burn the incense!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Mr. Ren and said, "If you don't want to be cremated, then let's place Mr. Ren in the Yizhuang first!"

Mr. Ren was worried about where Mr. Ren would be from now on. Hearing what Uncle Jiu said, he happily agreed.

"Awei, cover the coffin and transport it to Uncle Jiu's righteous village!"

(End of this chapter)

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