Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 31 Taoist Priest 4 is leaving!Play the ink fountain!

Chapter 31 Taoist Priest Four Eyes Leaves!Play the ink fountain!

Ah Wei led the people and closed the coffin again.

"Mr. Ren, let's go back first. Your father's body will be placed in our Yizhuang first. Our brothers will think of a good way and then inform you!"

Uncle Jiu said something to Master Ren, and then went down the mountain with Qin Ze.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng followed their master's request and took out flint and grave-going incense from their backpacks. Then they placed the lit incense in various graveyards around them.

After interfering for a while, Qiu Sheng came to a grave.

"Hey, it's such a pity to die at the age of 20!"

"Come on Zhuxiang!"

After putting the incense on the grave, Qiu Sheng shook his head and sighed.

"Thank you!"

But when he turned around, Ruoyouruowu suddenly heard a voice behind him, and Qiu Sheng's hair stood on his head for a moment. This, maybe it was a ghost, frightened him and he quickly ran away, just in time to bump into Wencai running over.

"Qiu Sheng, do you think this incense burns like this?" Wen Cai held three incense sticks in his hand, his face also full of panic.

Qiu Sheng was in shock, and when he saw this strange scene, he was even more frightened: "Let's go, tell the master as soon as you're done!"

Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze returned to Yizhuang. It was already approaching night.

"To be able to plan for 20 years and arrange a corpse raising array, this so-called Feng Shui master is not simple!" Uncle Jiu muttered to himself as he looked at the coffin placed in the lobby.

His strength is indeed not simple. After all, he can't play such a big game. Qin Ze looked at Uncle Jiu: "Brother, how do you plan to lure this Feng Shui master out?"

Uncle Jiu pondered for a while: "Now that Mr. Ren is placed in Yi Zhuang, since he cannot be burned, the only way to lure him out is to exhume his body!"

"Mr. Feng Shui's purpose is to turn Mr. Ren into a zombie. He won't show up easily until he reaches this stage!"

"But there is a problem. If we don't burn the zombies, there is a big risk if the zombies come out. If something happens to Master Ren and endangers the town, wouldn't we become indirect murderers!"

For a time, Uncle Jiu was in a dilemma.

Qin Ze's thoughts were similar to Uncle Jiu's, but he had much fewer concerns, because the focus of this matter was not whether to burn the zombies, but the Feng Shui master behind it.

Even if Mrs. Ren is really burned, will Mr. Feng Shui let the Ren family go?

The answer is definitely not.

Someone who can spend 20 years planning and waiting is definitely an old coin, and an old coin with good strength.

Therefore, if you want to save the Ren family, you can only take risks.

Of course, from Qin Ze's point of view, there is no danger or anything like that. Even if Mr. Ren does come out, he can definitely deal with it.

Thinking of this, Qin Ze smiled slightly, looked at Uncle Jiu and said, "I have a way, but I need Master Ren's cooperation."

Uncle Jiu's eyes lit up and he became interested instantly: "Tell me about it!"

Qin Ze dragged out all his thoughts, but Uncle Jiu frowned slightly. This method could indeed draw them out, but it was somewhat risky.

But he knew that this was all he could do now.

It was at this time.

Suddenly Wen Cai rushed in from outside and shouted.

"Master, it's bad, look at this fragrance!"

Uncle Jiu frowned. He was just about to say to stay calm and stop shouting when he saw the three incense sticks held by Wen Cai in his hand.Qiu Sheng quickly asked: "Master, is there something wrong with the incense burning like this?"

Hearing the disciple's question, Uncle Jiu said angrily: "I don't know, you two learn from dogs every day!"

Just as he was about to explain something to them, a man walked in: "If the incense is long and the other is short, there is naturally a big problem. As the saying goes, people are afraid of three long and two short, and people are afraid of two short and one long incense. If this incense is found in the home, there must be someone there. Death!"

"The fact that the incense to the grave is burned like this means something bad has happened!"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng said embarrassedly: "Uncle Four Eyes!"

Uncle Jiu looked at Taoist Master Yi Jing, who was resting, and then at his packed outfit: "Junior brother, are you ready to set off?"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes nodded: "It's getting late, it's the right time to drive away the corpse!"

As he finished speaking, his attention was attracted by the coffin placed in the yard: "This coffin is so heavy that it makes the corpse scream, I'm afraid it will transform into a corpse!"

Then, his eyes fell on Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze, their expressions seemed to say, what's going on?What happened?
Why do you put such a coffin in Yizhuang?

"Hey, Uncle Four Eyes, you didn't know that we went to the Ren family cemetery during the day." He was not good at writing anything else, but his skill in talking was absolutely perfect.

He described what happened during the day to Taoist Priest Four Eyes in extremely tense terms.

After hearing this, Taoist Priest Four Eyes knew that Mr. Ren was about to exhume the body. His expression suddenly changed and he looked at Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu: "Hurry up and burn it with fire!"

According to Wencai's description, this zombie would be very powerful if it were raised from the dead!

Qin Ze smiled: "Brother, we can't burn it now!" As he spoke, he walked to Taoist Priest Simu and muttered a few words in a low voice.

The four-eyed Taoist priest's expression changed for a while, and finally he suddenly realized: "Good boy, you are really a fucking genius for using zombies as bait!"

But soon, he frowned: "Are you sure? Why don't senior brother leave for a day later and help you deal with this matter together!"

Qin Ze smiled slightly and understood the good intentions in his heart, but this kind of thing should not be done with too many people. Otherwise, if there are three Maoshan Taoist priests in Yizhuang, whether Mr. Feng Shui dares to take the lead is another matter.

"No need, senior brother, please finish what you are doing quickly, I'm still waiting to see senior brother Qianhe!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes thought of the previous scene where Qin Ze tore the green zombie with his hands, and what Qin Ze did in the Ren family cemetery, and felt that his worries were indeed a bit unnecessary.

My junior brother Maoshan, who has taken a different approach, is much stronger than when we first met him!It should be no problem to deal with zombies, and Uncle Jiu is still here.

"Okay, senior brother will be waiting for you at your residence. See you then!"

After that, he looked at Uncle Jiu: "Junior brother, I'll take my leave now! Be careful!"

Uncle Jiu hurriedly stepped forward, picked up the dry food and some water that he had prepared earlier from the table next to him and handed it over: "Junior brother, the mountains are high and the roads are far, so be careful!"

Under the escort of Uncle Jiu and his entourage, Taoist Priest Four Eyes shook the copper bell, followed by a row of zombies, and walked out of the gate of Yizhuang, gradually disappearing into the darkness.

"Master, what should we do next?" Qiu Sheng asked.

"You prepare paper, pen, ink, sword, and chicken blood!"

Although the two apprentices didn't know what they wanted to do, they still nodded. After a while, they prepared the things. Uncle Jiu used the Bagua Mirror and magic to simply refine the ink pipe thread.

"Bounce the coffin with the ink fountain once, remember, hit every place!"

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng followed the instructions and chatted while playing. Qin Ze looked on: "Don't forget the bottom of the coffin!"

After confirming that the two people had put ink on the bottom of the coffin, Qin Ze came to Uncle Jiu: "Senior brother, go to Ren's house tomorrow and tell him something!"

Uncle Jiu nodded: "Well, let's go there together then!"

(End of this chapter)

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