Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 32 Go to Ren’s house again!Lay out the plan!

Chapter 32 Go to Ren’s house again!Lay out the plan!
After explaining these things, Qin Ze returned to his room to rest.

It's just that Yizhuang has changed from its previous tranquility.

There were always banging sounds coming out in the middle of the night.

This was the sound of Old Master Ren transforming into a corpse and knocking on the coffin.

However, after the ink line was painted on the bottom of the coffin, no matter how much Old Master Ren struggled inside, it would be impossible for him to come out for the time being.

Therefore, apart from Wencai being worried all night and not sleeping for half the night, nothing happened all night.

The next day.

The sun rises high.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng walked out of their respective rooms.

"This old man is too energetic. He had been arguing all night and finally stopped during the day!" Wencai yawned repeatedly with two dark circles under his eyes.


"I don't know what the master and the junior uncle are doing, but I can still sleep with this movement!"

The dark circles on Qiu Sheng's face were bigger than Wen Cai's, and he looked listless.

"Holy shit, what did you do last night?"

Seeing that Qiu Sheng's appearance was even worse than his own, Wen Cai cried out, but mostly he couldn't help but want to laugh.

It looked like he hadn't slept for several days.

Qiu Sheng waved his hand, not wanting to say more, but just smiled meaningfully.

Brother couldn't sleep last night and went out and had an affair with a beautiful woman. Now, unlike you, I am not a bachelor.

At this time, Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze walked out of the room: "It seems that you two haven't slept well. I and your uncle are going to the Ren family, so you two should stay in Yizhuang!"

Uncle Jiu looked at the two apprentices who were not sleeping well and said with a sideways glance.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng originally planned to catch up on sleep during the day, but when they heard that they were going to Ren's house, they immediately cheered up: "Master, we are young and in good health. Sleeping is not important at all. We will go there with you." !”

Uncle Jiu snorted coldly and walked out of the house.

Qin Ze shook his head, thinking that they are really two living treasures. When he raised his eyes, he suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Qiu Sheng. You are so weak. He sensed it with domineering energy and found that Qiu Sheng was haunted by ghost energy. He couldn't help but frown. frown.

However, he didn’t say much, and followed Uncle Jiu away from Yizhuang. Qiu Sheng felt as if something had penetrated him, and cold sweat broke out from his back. He looked at each other with Wen Cai, and then hurriedly kept up. The four of them headed towards the Ren family.

After a while, the group of people arrived at the Ren family's mansion. It was a magnificent building that combined Chinese and Western styles. There was a fountain next to it, which looked very grand.

However, this was not the first time he came to the Ren family, so he was not surprised at all. He walked straight into the Ren family mansion.

"Oops! Uncle Jiu, Taoist Master Qin, please come in quickly!" Uncle Wu, the housekeeper of the Ren Mansion, looked at the visitor, his eyes lit up, and he quickly stepped forward to usher him in.

When Master Ren heard the report from the people below, he also dropped the matters at hand and hurried out to greet him. He cupped his hands towards Uncle Jiu and others and said, "Hahaha, I saw Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qin early in the morning. It seems that Something good must be coming to your door today!"

Captain Ah Wei, who was begging Master Ren to let Ren Tingting marry him, became furious when he saw Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu.

"Why are these guys here again? They are as clingy as flies!"

Naturally, he didn't dare to say this out loud, so he could only whisper it in a low voice, but whoever Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu were, they all heard it.

Uncle Jiu ignored Ah Wei at all, looked at Mr. Ren and said, "We do have something to discuss, it's about how your father should deal with it!" Mr. Ren learned that it was Mrs. Ren's matter, and his face immediately became serious: "Uncle Jiu It’s time to get along with Taoist Master Qin, let’s go into the house and want to talk!”

As he spoke, Master Ren introduced Uncle Jiu and his party into the lobby.

"Uncle Jiu, tell me what to do, and that's what we'll do!"

Sitting on a chair made of fine wood, Master Ren unconditionally trusted Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze after all the previous events and asked immediately.

Uncle Jiu cupped his hands and looked at Qin Ze. Qin Ze understood and roughly explained the matter.

The content is very simple, that is, let Mr. Ren pretend to be dead after his father's body is raised, so as to lure the snake out of the hole.

Because according to the way zombies improve their strength, they drink the blood of their immediate family members, which is the fastest way to increase their strength.

Therefore, Mr. Ren was bitten to death by Mr. Ren, which played a vital role.

Spread this news, and Mr. Feng Shui will come out to take back Mr. Ren, who has greatly increased his strength, and then harvest and exterminate the Ren family. This is the best time.

Of course, there will be some risks involved, because they have to ensure that Mr. Ren will not be really bitten to death by zombies, and they have to be strong enough to deal with Mr. Feng Shui.

After hearing this, Master Ren couldn't help but frown. He glanced at Uncle Jiu, then at Qin Ze. Finally, he made up his mind: "Okay, just do what Taoist Master Qin said!"

To him, Qin Ze is already a god-like existence. Although this matter is indeed risky, he believes that with Qin Ze's strength, he will be able to solve all the troubles.

Qin Ze nodded, appreciating Mr. Ren's magnanimity. If it were another person, he would not dare to do this: "Then it's settled, the plan will be launched tonight!"

"Dad, this is the dessert making that my daughter learned when she was studying in the provincial capital. Please try how this pastry tastes!"

At this time, Ren Tingting walked in with a plate and placed a row of snacks on the table, but her eyes were directed at Qin Ze.

Mr. Ren raised his eyebrows and looked at his daughter meaningfully. I haven't seen you do it to my father for so long since I came back. This Taoist Qin showed off his tricks as soon as he came here. I am embarrassed to expose you.

"Come on, Uncle Jiu, Taoist Qin, you guys should try it too. My daughter's craftsmanship is not bad! Whoever you marry in the future will definitely enjoy a happy life!" Mr. Ren picked up a piece of pastry with a smile, and then rolled it silkily. The plate was pushed in front of Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qin.

Uncle Jiu smiled, picked up a piece, and tasted a few mouthfuls: "It tastes really good! I didn't expect that your daughter is so beautiful and has such good skills!"

Qin Ze also picked it up and took a bite. It tasted a bit like the cream cake in his previous life. It was indeed delicious. He looked at Ren Tingting and nodded: "Thank you for your hospitality!"

Ren Tingting's slightly nervous face relaxed and she said excitedly: "Besides this, I can also make coffee. If I have time, I can make it here for you to try!"

Qin Ze did not refuse and said he would do it next time.

After hearing this, Ren Tingting smiled and left. Wencai and Qiu Sheng looked on with envy and said teasingly: "Uncle, I want to drink coffee too!"

Qin Ze glanced at the two of them: "It seems that you not only want to drink coffee, but also want to eat fists!"

Seeing the little uncle's raised fist, the two of them were so frightened that they immediately shut up and stopped talking. The uncle could kill a horse gangster with one fist. One punch would make him unable to get out of bed for several months.

"Then it's settled!"

"Master Ren, we don't want to stay much longer, so we're leaving!"

Uncle Jiu looked at Master Ren and said with an arched fist.

"Okay, okay, then I'll send off the two Taoist priests!" Master Ren stood up.

However, at this moment, a scream suddenly came: "Dad, Taoist Master Qin!"

After hearing the voice, Mr. Ren's expression immediately changed. Isn't this the voice of his daughter who just went out?
(End of this chapter)

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