Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 33 I want to make progress so much!Ah Wei was beaten violently!

Chapter 33 I want to make progress so much!Ah Wei was beaten violently!

outside the house.

"Cousin, just promise me!" Ah Wei, with a perverted and pleading expression on his face, forced Ren Tingting into the corner: "Cousin, I want to make progress so much!"

"As long as you agree to marry my cousin, I swear that I will treat you well in the rest of my life!"

"Don't be deceived by that stinky Taoist priest. You are still young and you can't grasp it. They are all charlatans and they are just looking at the Ren family's property!"

"It's not like my cousin is sincere to you!"

Ah Wei said as he was about to attack Ren Tingting.

He came to Ren's house today to facilitate his marriage with Ren Tingting, but he didn't expect that Master Ren, who had previously been interested in this, actually refused.

You can use your toes to figure out the reason why Qin Ze exists.

Since you can't deal with it, then strike first.

After taking down Ren Tingting and getting the property of the Ren family, those bullshit Taoists will be liquidated one by one.

However, just when he was about to reach out and touch Ren Tingting, a high-speed pebble flew over and hit his wrist. The pain caused him to shake his hands wildly and grimace.

"His grandma's is the one without eyes? How dare you touch me!"

Ren Wei immediately cursed, but in the blink of an eye, he was dumbfounded.

He saw Master Ren, Uncle Jiu, Qin Ze and others looking at him with burning eyes.

Especially Qin Ze, whose arms were still hovering in mid-air.

There is no doubt that he was the one who popped out the stone just now.

Ren Wei's feet suddenly felt chilly. He couldn't stand up to Qin Ze head-on, so he simply went into pretending to be stupid mode: "Tingting, aren't you scared? My cousin didn't mean it just now. It seemed like he was possessed by something."

"Damn it, you actually dared to get on my body. If I hadn't told you that day, you would have been beaten to death!"

Ren Tingting quickly ran away from Ren Wei. Fortunately, she had experienced the previous incident with the horse bandits, otherwise she would have been crying like a tearful person now.

The last trace of goodwill towards my cousin that I had in my heart also disappeared completely. Compared with Qin Zexiang, there was absolutely nothing he could do with him.

Master Ren naturally didn't believe Ah Wei's poor acting skills. This kid actually bullied Tingting. It was really lawless.

"Damn things!!"

Master Ren shouted loudly that he used his connections to place him in the security team as the captain. Unexpectedly, this bastard not only did not repay the kindness, but also went beyond the limits.

Awei trembled in fear and scrambled.

Qin Ze's figure disappeared on the spot and appeared next to Ren Wei.

"Qin, Taoist Master Qin, you have something to say!"

Ren Wei suddenly felt as if he was being targeted by a ferocious beast, and his legs were trembling wildly. He had only watched Qin Ze's methods before, but this time he experienced this sense of oppression in person and almost became incontinent on the spot.

Qin Ze ignored him at all, and did not want to argue with him. He raised his foot, bent his knees, and kicked him. He flew several meters away and hit the wall, causing him to faint on the spot.

"You can't help but fight?" Qin Ze shook his head. You fell down before he even exerted any force.

"Are you OK?"

After retracting his legs and coming to Ren Tingting's side, Qin Ze checked briefly and asked.

"I, I'm fine!" Ren Tingting choked with tears in her eyes; "Thank you!"

Master Ren glanced at Qin Ze gratefully and slammed the emerald crutch in his hand on the ground.


"This Ren Wei is usually too nice to him! I have to teach him a lesson!" He is just a daughter, but he was bullied by his family. If it weren't for the fact that Ah Wei is a rare male in the Ren family, and he is The son of a relative, then he is not lying there now, and his hands must be destroyed.

However, just like this, he was not relieved. Master Ren greeted people and said: "Drag Ren Wei down and beat him again!"

When Wencai and Qiu Sheng heard this, they quickly volunteered: "Master Ren, let us do this kind of work!"

"We know how to beat people best!"

Looking at the two people who were eager to give it a try, Mr. Ren immediately agreed. Wencai Qiusheng smiled and ran over, punching and kicking Ren Wei who was lying on the ground. It was like a thunderbolt.

"I told you to bully my aunt!"

"How can a guy like you touch my aunt?"

"I've been displeased with you for a long time!"


The two of them were chatting while fighting.

After listening to the words, Ren Tingting's face, which was a little aggrieved, showed a trace of blush, and she couldn't help laughing.

But she didn't feel sorry for her cousin. When he wanted to do something to her, the friendship they had grown up with was gone.
Ah Wei was not so good, his face was covered with snot and tears. He originally fainted, but he woke up again after being beaten, and then fainted again due to a burst of pain.

"Thank you, Daochang Qin, for taking action just now! I can't thank you enough!" At this time, Master Ren didn't bother to see how Ren Wei was doing, and said with an arched fist towards Qin Ze.

"It's okay, it's just a little effort, just fine Tingting!"

Qin Ze said with a smile: "That's nothing, we won't be staying for a long time. Say goodbye!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Ren Tingting, then at Wencai and Qiu Sheng, who were very happy: "Let's go!"

Wencai finally kicked Ren Wei again, spat before leaving angrily.

"Uncle, wait for me!" The two men looked at the master and uncle who were about to walk out of the door, and quickly chased after them.

Ren Tingting looked at Qin Ze leaving with some reluctance in her eyes.

"People have gone far away, and you are still watching! Why don't we just let him live in Ren's house, so that he can watch every day!" Mr. Ren joked, but in fact he was comforting his daughter in disguise. Don't let him live in Ren Wei's house just now. Keep things in mind, he is just a person who has nothing to do with your life.

Ren Tingting was a young girl, and her sadness came and went quickly. She pursed her lips and clenched her feet: "Dad, I won't pay attention to you!"

After saying that, he turned around and left with small steps.

Master Ren looked at his daughter's back and smiled helplessly. He really didn't want to keep a daughter. He, a bad old man, has fallen out of favor!
On the other side, Uncle Jiu and his party returned to Yizhuang.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were still in a state of excitement. After analyzing their performance just now, they both felt that they had failed in beating Ren Wei.

For example, which punch can actually hit harder, and which kick can be more accurate.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret.

Qin Ze listened to the conversation between the two and shook his head. He had heard of two parties quarreling before and felt that he couldn't perform well afterwards. It turned out that there were also fights!
"You two brats, it's fun to hit people, isn't it? If you are so excited, being a Taoist priest will really wrong you!" Uncle Jiu snorted coldly after listening to the words of the two apprentices.

"Why don't you become a horse bandit? That way you can practice your abilities!"

Wencai touched the back of his head and smiled: "Master, please don't push your apprentice into the fire pit and make fun of us. Who doesn't know that our uncle is the best at beating horse bandits? One punch at a time. We don't want to try his iron fist." !”

Qin Ze was suddenly called, raised his fist and said, "Actually, if you are not horse bandits, you can still give it a try!"

Hearing this, Wen Cai Qiu Sheng and the two men immediately hid behind their master, saying that you should be kind to your juniors, young master, and you must not have such evil thoughts.
The day passes by in dull time, and the night follows one after another.

In the Yi Zhuang, at night, there was a banging sound, and old man Ren hit the coffin board, as if ringing a death knell.

(End of this chapter)

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