Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 38 Who sets off firecrackers in the middle of the night?

Chapter 38 Who sets off firecrackers in the middle of the night?
Well, it seems that we can't compare it like this. After all, our junior disciple's cultivation path is different from theirs.

Focusing on the broken artifacts again, Uncle Jiu said: "The existence of such a thing shows that the Feng Shui master is not weak, and the fact that the breath has been wiped off in advance shows that he is very cautious!"

"He's a tough guy!"

There was a hint of solemnity in Uncle Jiu's analysis, but if you think about it carefully, it's not bad. The junior brother is stronger than expected, and the risk on their side is naturally much smaller.

Boom boom boom!
At this time, there was another noise in Mrs. Ren's coffin.

"It's almost time, Old Master Ren is coming out!" Uncle Jiu had no time to worry about anything else, and looked at the crazy rioting coffin board in front of him.

Qin Ze nodded: "I will go to Ren's house to protect the safety of Ren Tingting and Master Ren!"

"Brother, be more careful!"

When Mrs. Ren appears, the most important target must be the Ren family. The location of Mr. Feng Shui is currently unknown, and everything must go according to plan.

And you can't kill the zombies directly, so you have to go to Ren's house in advance to prevent accidents.

Uncle Jiu nodded. After Qin Ze left, he shouted to the door: "Wen Cai Qiu Sheng, prepare your things!"

When the two apprentices knew that Mr. Ren was about to exhume the body, they stopped joking and immediately got everything ready.

Seeing that his junior uncle was not there, Qiu Sheng asked in confusion: "Master, where is my uncle?"

At this critical moment, with his junior uncle, whose strength was beyond the limit, absent, he suddenly felt that he lacked an inexplicable sense of security. Wen Cai was also a little puzzled.

"You junior uncles have your own mission, and you will know it later!" Uncle Jiu was too lazy to explain to them. Two big mouths could say anything, so it would be better to let them know nothing.

Wencai and Qiu Sheng knew that the master was being too secretive again, so they curled their lips and hesitated to continue asking.


After two days of filling the coffin with ink fountain bullets, it finally couldn't hold on anymore and was knocked away by Mr. Ren.

The coffin boards flew into the sky and then hit the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust.


Mr. Ren sat up straight from the coffin, breathing black air from his mouth.

"Peak Green Zombie!" Uncle Jiu's eyes twitched. This master's strength was stronger than he thought. He originally thought he was only around the middle stage of Green Zombie, but he didn't expect that he actually had the strength of Peak Green Zombie.

"Master, come out, come out!" When Wencai and Qiu Sheng saw the zombies, their faces turned pale with fright, and their initial fighting spirit completely disappeared.

Apart from walking corpses, this was the first time they had seen zombies, and they were still at the peak of green zombies. It was impossible to say they were not afraid.

Uncle Jiu held the mahogany sword in one hand and the magic weapon in the other: "Stand behind me!"

However, after Mr. Ren got up from the body, he just glanced at Uncle Jiu and the others, then flew out of the coffin, and jumped towards the Ren family's position as if he had received some instructions.

Uncle Jiu frowned: "Chase! Don't let him hurt anyone along the way!"

While he was talking, he took his two apprentices and also headed towards the Ren family.

Renjia Town is peaceful.

It's night now, and most people in the town are asleep. At Ren's house, Mr. Ren is pacing back and forth in the lobby, his face anxious, as if he is waiting for something.

According to the agreement with Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu, my father will transform into a corpse tonight, and there is a high probability that he will come to his place.

Although he said that he was his own father, after the corpse transformation, his favorite food was his own son.

The matter was not over yet, and there was always a stone hanging in his heart.

"Dad! What's wrong with you today?" Ren Tingting stood beside Mr. Ren in pajamas and asked involuntarily.

She felt that her father was very abnormal today. Not only did she secretly put on a dead man's makeup on him, but he also didn't sleep at night.

Master Ren said in a gentle tone: "Taoist Master Qin will come over in the evening, dad is waiting for him!" Taoist Master Qin?
Hearing Qin Ze's name, Ren Tingting paused in thought, and her sleepiness suddenly disappeared.

"Daozhang Qin is really coming?" she asked happily; "But why is he coming to our house so late?"

"You'll know when he comes!"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. Just as the father and daughter were talking, Qin Ze climbed over the wall and entered Ren's house, crossed the yard, and came to Master Ren.

"Dao Zhang Qin, you are finally here!" When Master Ren saw Qin Ze, the panic in his heart immediately dissipated.

If anyone in this town can give him a sense of security, it must be the young Taoist priest in front of him.

"Hello, Master Qin!" When Ren Tingting saw Qin Ze, her face also lit up and she gave a slight salute to Qin Ze.

Qin Ze glanced at Mr. Ren, and his eyes moved slightly. His makeup skills were good, his face was dark, his neck was full of blood, and there were two holes. For those who don't know, I really thought you were bitten by a zombie.

Then he glanced at Ren Tingting, nodded slightly, and said.

"To make a long story short, Mrs. Ren has now got up his body and is heading towards the Ren family! Their target is two people!"

Master Ren didn't ask any more questions. He knew what he should do and cupped his hands: "Then I'll leave it to Taoist Qin!"

Ren Tingting was a little confused and said what happened?
Qin Ze walked up to Ren Tingting and told him the story.

Ren Tingting was even more confused!

My father put on makeup to pretend to be dead?

Grandpa turned into a zombie and wanted to kill himself?

And Qin Ze came here specifically to protect herself and her father. Ren Tingting instantly realized the seriousness of the problem.

At the same time, a warm current could not help but flow through my heart.

"Then Taoist Qin, what can I do to help you?" Ren Tingting asked in a low voice. With Qin Ze here, she didn't know why she didn't feel so scared after hearing the news.

Of course, I don't want to hold Qin Ze back.

Do you still want to help me at this time?You should worry about your own safety. Qin Ze smiled and said, "Just follow me!"

"Okay!" Ren Tingting immediately took a few steps towards Qin Ze and leaned behind him.

Qin Ze's thoughts moved. The unique body fragrance of girls hit his face. Ren Tingting was wearing pajamas and her hair was disheveled. She had a special kind of beauty.


Qin Ze slapped himself, when?If you are still thinking about these things, don’t get distracted.

"Taoist Master Qin, why are you beating yourself?" Ren Tingting was confused.

"Oh, there are mosquitoes!"

About a quarter of an hour later, accompanied by a violent explosion at the door of Ren's house, Mrs. Ren arrived.

Under the dim moonlight, a zombie fell in the middle of the yard, with a green face and fangs, and an overwhelming arrogance.


Qin Ze looked at Mr. Ren and said, "You can lie down now!"

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Ren fell down, kicked his legs, closed his eyes and remained motionless.

"Damn, who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night! Dare to set off firecrackers in front of Ren's house?" At this time, a loud shout came from Ren Wei's room, and then Ah Wei, who had been beaten and covered with white bandages for most of his body, took a handful of Qiang staggered out while holding on to the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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