Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 39 Mrs. Ren is here!Awei was frightened out of his normal speed!

Chapter 39 Mrs. Ren is here!Awei was frightened out of his normal speed!
Because of the incident of molesting Ren Tingting during the day, he now knew that his status in Master Ren's heart had plummeted compared to before, even to the point of disgust.

Although I have always thought about occupying the Ren family's property, I also understand that if Master Ren does not have the support behind him, he may be dismissed from the position of security captain at any time and go home to farm.

Ren Wei naturally didn't want to see this happen and hear the explosion outside, so he was extra active. Even if he was seriously injured, he had to go and deal with it immediately, so as to leave a good impression on Master Ren.

Following him came out the security team members who were temporarily staying at Ren's house.

There was a sound of footsteps, and the security team members stood behind Ren Wei with guns in their hands.

"Very good! Everyone is in good spirits!"

Ren Wei held the door and came out, nodding: "Let's go and arrest the bastard who set off firecrackers outside!"

Two discerning security guards quickly came up and helped Ren Wei towards the entrance of the courtyard.

However, they soon regretted it.

The originally aggressive group of people suddenly turned pale when they saw Old Man Ren standing in the moonlight with a sinister expression on his face, his face full of rotten flesh.

"It's a zombie!"

"There are zombies!"

"Everyone, run!"

What else could this thing be if it weren't a zombie?
Although I have never seen it before, I have heard of it quite a lot!
When the security personnel saw the zombie for the first time, they felt a chill coming from behind and stepped back.

Usually they just deal with some small things in the town, relying on the crowd to build momentum and so on. They have no ability at all. Now they can't care about any authority and run away.

"Damn it, you bastards! I haven't left yet!" Ah Wei was dumbfounded. These damn things helped him get here, but they helped him back!


Mr. Ren's eyes glowed with faint green light as he glanced at Ren Wei.

Ren Wei was glanced at by Mrs. Ren, his heart jumped into his throat, and he felt that death was waving to him.

At this time, he actually hoped that Uncle Jiu and that smelly Taoist priest could be here!
Bang bang bang!
Several gunshots rang out.

Ren Wei fell to the ground and stepped back, the gun in his hand steaming.

Qin Ze looked at this dramatic scene and was not in a hurry to take action.

"Damn, the boss is still here!"

"Bring the boss back first!"


At this time, a group of people subconsciously discovered that Ren Wei was still there. Several people suddenly became pale and rushed over to carry Ren Wei away.

As their captain, he is also a person related to Mr. Ren. If something happens to Ren Wei, they can quit their current job. In troubled times, it is still very comfortable to have a person with no brains as the boss.

"Shoot, shoot! You bastards!"

"He, he is Mr. Ren who transformed into a corpse!"

Ren Wei was so frightened that he almost peed his pants. He recognized this zombie and knew that it was destined to come back to claim his life. He quickly shouted to the boys around him.

Bang bang bang, gunshots rang out again, flaming snakes emerged from the muskets, and the bullets were tilted crazily towards Master Ren.

It's just that these bullets had no effect in front of Mr. Ren, but they broke the tranquility of Renjia Town at night. One by one, people got up from their sleep and looked at the situation of Ren's family through the window.

"Don't go out, everyone, close the doors and windows!"

At this time, Uncle Jiu and his two apprentices arrived and said to the curious townspeople.

"It's Uncle Jiu!"

"Why is Uncle Nine here?"

"A mahogany sword in one hand and a red rope in the other. Could it be that something happened to the Ren family?"

"There can't be zombies!!"

"Is it possible that it was Old Master Ren who raised the body?"


The moment they realized this, the townspeople living near Ren's house were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat.

Zombies, this kind of thing is only heard in stories, but they specialize in sucking human blood and eating people.

Without hesitation, he closed all the doors and windows, and the fire in the room that was originally extinguished lit up.

They had heard that what zombies fear most is light.

However, some curious people still had the courage to look at the situation of the Ren family through the windows. "Roar!!"

Mr. Ren looked at the humans who were shooting at him with muskets, and his green eyes flashed with light. Although these were not targets, sucking human blood was an instinct.

The next moment.

He jumped up and rushed towards several security personnel with bullets in his head.

"No, he's not afraid of bullets, run!"

Seeing this scene, the team members who originally thought that using bullets could delay the attack for a while screamed, turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

But the team member who was originally carrying Ren Wei, at the critical moment of life and death, threw aside any stable work and ran away at a speed of seventy miles.

"Depend on!"

Ren Wei was thrown down again. His survival instinct forced him to activate his own potential. His legs, which were originally unable to walk, now started to fly.


But his speed was no match for the zombies. He heard a roar, and Old Man Ren rushed to his side and then stabbed him.

With the zombie's strength and speed, if this hand really hits, it will definitely disembowel it.

"Get out of the way!" Ah Wei, perhaps feeling the zombies coming from behind, used all his strength to catch up with one of his fleeing men and pulled him back.

"The world is natural, the filth is dispersed!"

"The devil king is bound, guard my house!"

"The filth dissipates, but Dao Qi remains forever!"

"Hurry up as a law!"

However, at this moment, a deep voice burst out from behind Mr. Ren.

At the same time, a talisman floated in the air, and then exploded in the spell.

A dazzling light burst out from behind the zombie.

As if he sensed the danger, Old Man Ren suddenly turned around and stabbed backward with his claws.

next moment.

The claws with black nails directly collided with a bright light.

There was a sound.

In an instant.

The zombies flew out in the light.

His legs cut a ravine of about ten meters on the ground before he barely stopped.

"It is indeed the pinnacle of Green Zombie! What a powerful force."

"Maybe even more than that!"

Uncle Jiu held the mahogany sword and stared at Old Mrs. Ren with his eyes, feeling a little frightened.

next moment.

He turned around and walked towards Qin Ze.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Qin Ze glanced at Mr. Ren: "It's okay, just deal with him!"

Then, he looked at Ren Tingting who was shrinking behind: "You stay here first, I will come over later!"

"Wencai, Qiu Sheng, protect Tingting and Master Ren!"

"No problem, don't worry, little uncle!"

"I will definitely not let anything happen to Master Auntie!"

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng nodded repeatedly. Their ability to master the third level of the world had no effect in front of Mr. Ren. On the contrary, it would only hinder him. It was natural that the matter of the two key figures of the Ren family would fall on them for the time being.

The two of them were also very happy, after all, they didn't have to fight hard with Mrs. Ren.

"Junior brother, let's fight together!"

(End of this chapter)

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