Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 41 Beat away Mr. Ren!Stay at my place!

Chapter 41 Beat away Mr. Ren!Stay at my place!

In the original plan, Uncle Jiu wanted to protect Ren Tingting and Mrs. Ren while letting Mrs. Ren go back to find Mr. Feng Shui.

But we need to prevent Mr. Ren from injuring the residents of the town after he escapes!

Although the junior brother said that he would beat Mr. Ren violently, which was very shocking, he could definitely do it. I have to say that this simple and crude method would indeed be effective.


At this time, the angry old man Ren ejected from the soil, his black cheeks covered with dust, his fangs in his mouth wide open, and he let out bursts of roars.

It looked scary, but apart from scaring the townspeople, it actually didn't have much effect. In the horrified eyes of everyone, Old Master Ren was once again punched away by Qin Ze.

Then, Qin Ze's fists fell on the zombie like raindrops.

Mr. Ren, who had some ability to resist at first, was unable to resist at all later on, and could only let the fists and shadows overlap.

Uncle Jiu stood nearby, looking at it for a while.

"Little uncle, come on!"

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at Qin Ze who was suppressing the zombies and beating him. They rolled up their sleeves as if they were getting blood, and they were eager to give it a try.

"Miss Ren, let's see if my uncle is powerful!"

"I've told you a long time ago that any zombies in the hands of my uncle are just chickens and dogs!"

The two of them looked at Ren Tingting next to them, their faces full of pride and they praised Qin Ze. Those who didn't know the situation thought they were the ones fighting against the zombies now.

Ren Tingting couldn't help but chuckle. She learned an idiom when she was studying in the provincial capital, called the fox pretending to be the tiger's power. She felt that it could not be more appropriate to apply it to the two of them now.

However, seeing Qin Ze use force to subdue zombies with your own eyes is indeed impressive.

When Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng saw Ren Tingting smiling, they thought their words had an effect, and couldn't help but look even more proud on their faces.

at last.

Under a blast.

Mr. Ren was beaten until he lost his temper and lay motionless on the ground.

But suddenly.

Just when everyone thought the zombies had been completely subdued.

Old Master Ren suddenly gained momentum, stood up straight, shook Qin Ze's fist, and fled outside while roaring in pain.

Upon seeing this, Qin Ze chased after him slowly, and then saw his figure disappearing from his eyes.

"Run away!" Qin Ze shook his head and said with some thumping on his chest.

"This master is too capable!"

"I'm still a little weak in dealing with him now!"

Uncle Jiu came over, patted Qin Ze on the shoulder, and pretended to comfort him: "Junior brother, don't be sad. You are already very strong now. If you practice hard in the future, you will definitely be able to defeat him!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Some people who came out of the town heard the words of Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze and saw the zombies running away. Their expressions suddenly changed and they quickly shrank back.

"Master, Master Uncle!"

"Zombie ran away!"

"What should I do!"

The two apprentices who were bragging about Qin Ze just now were dumbfounded. This change happened too fast!
"What do you mean!"

"As a teacher, I have my own way!"

Uncle Jiu said angrily.

"Where are the zombies? Where are the zombies?"

At this time, Ren Wei, who was hiding in the house and shivering, found that the zombie was gone and jumped out immediately.

"The zombies have escaped!"

"Are you blind?"

Qiu Sheng was scolded by his master and immediately looked for face with Ren Wei. "It's such a pity that this zombie ran away like this!"

"Sure enough, it is afraid of my Captain Awei's bullets!"

"I can guarantee that if he dares to stay for one more minute, I, Captain Awei, will make sure that he never comes back!"

Ren Wei didn't care about Qiu Sheng's attitude at all. He didn't care why the zombie ran away. He had just been watching inside for a while. If the zombie ran away, he could come out and take credit.

If Mr. Ren knew that the zombies were driven away by himself, Qin Ze, and Uncle Jiu, it should be able to restore some of his image in his mind.

Qin Ze glanced at him lightly, knowing what he was thinking. He had a faint smile on his face and didn't say much.

Ah Wei met Qin Ze's gaze, which was a little cold.

Although he said this, he knew very well that he was trying to take advantage of the situation and that they had no effect at all in the fight against the zombies.

"Let me in!"

"I want to report the matter to the master!"

However, for the sake of his own future, Ren Wei boldly said that he would personally report the matter to Master Ren.Fortunately, I added fuel and vinegar to it and took the credit.

Qin Ze smiled. In the original work, he felt that Ah Wei was not working well, but now he found that it was not the case at all!This guy is all about profit.

However, it is a good thing that he wants to see Master Ren.

"Go find it yourself!" Qin Ze said lightly and got out of the way.

As soon as Awei heard this, he immediately became excited, thinking that you know the truth, and when the time comes, I will give you a copy in front of the master, so you don't get too complacent.

With this in mind, Ah Wei led a group of people and walked inside.

However, just walked in.

He saw a man lying on the ground.

This look, this clothes... seems a bit familiar.

and many more!

Taking a closer look, this is none other than Mr. Ren!

Awei was stunned.

Why is the master lying on the ground?Looking at the hole in the master’s neck and the blood stains under his cheek, a thought suddenly popped into his mind: Master Ren was bitten by a zombie!
Ren Wei's expression changed drastically, but soon he felt a burst of ecstasy. The unimagined path just appeared without any precaution or hesitation.
"Master Ren was bitten by a zombie before this. What a pity!" Qin Ze came over, shook his head and sighed, "It's too late to treat him now!"

"Cousin, why did you leave like that!"

"Who should inherit this huge family property?"

"Awei has not yet repaid your great kindness!"

Ren Wei plopped down and knelt down beside him, crying for his father and mother, with runny nose and tears. For those who don't know, he thought the person on the ground was his biological father?


"The dead are the greatest!"

"Please step back first, I need to perform a ritual for Master Ren!" Uncle Jiu said slowly.

While speaking, Uncle Jiu signaled Wencai and Qiu Sheng to carry Mr. Ren into the room.

Wencai and Qiu Sheng saw that Master Ren had faked his death and wanted to tell them, but Uncle Jiu glared back and carried him away obediently.

Ah Wei wiped away his tears: "Then please leave it to Uncle Jiu!"

After saying that, he quickly led a group of people away. When he turned around, a disdainful smile appeared on his lips.

After Ren Wei left, Qin Ze turned to look at Ren Tingting and said, "I need to stay here for one night. Is it convenient?"

There is no other meaning in staying one night. The main reason is that he is afraid that Mr. Ren or Mr. Feng Shui will suddenly come back to visit, so he needs to stay here during this period.

Ren Tingting naturally would not refuse, and nodded quickly: "Okay, just stay with me, there happens to be a vacant room!"

The tone is soft and refreshing.

(End of this chapter)

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