Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 42 Master Ren is dead?Awei is getting excited!

Chapter 42 Master Ren is dead?Awei is getting excited!

Qin Ze coughed a few times but didn't say anything. He nodded and left under the leadership of Ren Tingting.

In Master Ren's room, Uncle Jiu settled Master Ren, who was pretending to be dead, and ordered his two apprentices: "Don't tell anyone about Master Ren! Remember!"

The two people nodded quickly. From the series of operations of the master and the young master, they roughly guessed something, so naturally they did not dare to say anything.

Uncle Jiu stood up, looked outside and said, "I have to walk around Renjia Town tonight, and you two will go there later!"

The purpose of wandering around the town is similar to that of Qin Ze, to check whether the zombies will come back and hurt people in the middle of the night. Although it is unlikely that Mr. Ren will reappear after being beaten by his junior brother, as a Maoshan Taoist priest who protects the safety of one party, he has to You need to do things within your responsibilities.

The moon and stars were sparse, and the night was quiet and nothing happened.

The next day, in the morning, it was just dawn.

"Master, how come my uncle hasn't seen anyone all night? Where did he go?" Uncle Jiu and his three people were walking together on the streets of Renjia Town, and Zhi Wencai couldn't help but ask.

"Yes! No one was seen in the town, and no one was seen in Yi Zhuang!" Qiu Sheng also agreed.

"Have you been chasing zombies at night? Junior uncle is really hardworking!"

Uncle Jiu looked at the two apprentices: "Your junior uncle is staying with Miss Ren at Ren's house! Keep her safe!"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng's eyes suddenly widened when they heard that their junior uncle was staying at Miss Ren's place and staying overnight. They wanted to gossip, but when they saw the serious expression on their master's face, they immediately stopped thinking.

The three people were walking slowly on the road. At this moment, several voices came from the front.

"Oh no, something big happened. A zombie came to Ren's house last night. Master Ren died. I heard he was bitten to death by a zombie!"

"Huh? How is that possible? There were zombies last night and we didn't know about it!"

"It's absolutely true. I live near Ren's house and saw it with my own eyes. I also saw Taoist Qin Ze beating up zombies!"

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Ren was bitten."


The chatter of several people spread throughout the street, and exclamations kept ringing out.

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

Master Ren, the richest man in Renjia Town, is dead?

And he was bitten to death by a zombie?
Upon hearing this, Uncle Jiu and others walked quickly towards Ren's house.

After a while, the three of them came to Ren's house again. At this time, Ren's house was already surrounded by water.

The townspeople whispered to each other, stood on tiptoe, and looked inside.

As soon as Uncle Jiu and others arrived, everyone tacitly made way for them.

Passing through the crowd, Uncle Jiu saw Qin Ze standing at the door.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Seeing Qin Ze there, he couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing!" Qin Ze smiled, and while speaking, he pointed to the lobby, and a group of people walked towards the inner hall.

inside the house.

Ren Wei sat on a chair, looked at the sad Ren Tingting in front of him, and comforted him.

"Don't worry, cousin, my cousin will definitely destroy the zombies, find out the mastermind behind them, and avenge me!"

"Then cousin, I'll leave it to you!" Ren Tingting's acting skills were off the charts at this time, trying her best to appear very sad.Ren Wei patted his chest, indicating that his cousin was here and there was no surprise: "No problem, as the only remaining male in the Ren family, this is what my cousin should do!"

When he spoke, he grinned from the corner of his mouth to the back of his head, as if he had already seen the day coming when he would inherit the Ren family's property and marry his cousin.

The news of Master Ren's death spread so quickly, and he was naturally the one who took the greatest credit, for no other reason than to blame Qin Ze for the incident.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the door.

"Uncle Jiu and Taoist Priest Qin Ze are here, everyone, give way!"

"Invite them in!"

The rich men and squires in Ren's town who had a good relationship with Master Ren quickly shouted in surprise when they heard the names of Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze.

They believe that only these few people can handle matters related to zombies.

Ren Wei, who was sitting on the chair, was also waiting for Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu with his eyes shining.

Uncle Jiu came to the crowd and bowed his hands towards them. After saying hello, he came to Master Ren who was lying down and pretended to check them.

Before that, he used Maoshan magic to temporarily put Master Ren in a state of suspended animation. It would be difficult for ordinary people to spot it if they didn't look carefully.

After Uncle Jiu finished the inspection, he shook his head and said.

"Alas! The fact is indeed regrettable. Mr. Ren has gone to the west. We knew about Mr. Ren's situation last night. We didn't want to make it public at first, but since everyone is here, I must examine myself. Mr. Ren who picked up the body He ran out of the Yizhuang, went to Master Ren's door, and bit him to death!"

"One of the reasons for this is the poor supervision of our Yizhuang!"

Uncle Jiu looked at the people present with a solemn look on his face and said slowly.

Qin Ze watched from the side and thought to himself that it is you, Uncle Jiu, who is born to act.
When Ah Wei heard Uncle Jiu's words, he suddenly became excited and shouted loudly.

"Uncle Jiu, do you admit it?"

As soon as these words came out, people with some status in Renjia Town sitting in the lobby couldn't help but have doubts written on their faces.


Admit what?
Uncle Jiu asked: "Excuse me, what Captain Ah Wei is referring to?"

"Of course you admit that you deliberately released zombies, and then controlled them to kill people in Ren's house. Who doesn't know that Mao Shan, as the leader of demons and monsters in the Taoist sect, also knows some zombie control techniques. Even if you don't control them, you will still release them intentionally. The suspicion of corpse!"

"Otherwise, why did the zombies not go anywhere after leaving Yizhuang, but only went to Ren's house, and even bit Mr. Ren specifically, but nothing happened to Ren Tingting!"

Awei kept talking and spoke out his inferences. He had spent all night thinking about these words last night.

This is a rare opportunity to fight back. We must seize it. Even if we can't do anything to Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze, we must drive them out of Renjia Town. After that, occupying the Ren family's property will not help at all.

Seeing that Uncle Jiu didn't speak and just watched his performance quietly, Ren Wei thought that the other party was calmed down by his words, and continued to speak with some pride.

"And it's not just you, Qin Ze must also be involved. Seeing that my cousin is still young and not experienced in the world, he first got rid of Master Ren, and then used sweet words to coax my cousin, and finally inherited the Ren family's huge property. !”

"Although you have done these things perfectly, you can't escape the discerning eye of my Captain Awei after all!"

Ren Wei laughed and became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, and in the end he almost believed it.

Qin Ze stood aside, watching Ah Wei's discussion, and silently gave him a thumbs up. With this guy's IQ, he must have stayed up all night last night, racking his brains, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to think of anything. so much.

However, these tricks are really unsightly. Not to mention that Mr. Ren is not dead, even if he is really dead, the reasons are full of loopholes.

(End of this chapter)

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