Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 44 Prepare for a night attack!Are you still in the mood to make him snacks?

Chapter 44 Prepare for a night attack!Are you still in the mood to make him snacks?
After this period of time, he pretended to be lurking and from the people of Renjia Town, he learned everything that happened last night.

After Mr. Ren raised his body, he went to Ren's house to suck the blood of his immediate family members according to the original plan. Mr. Ren was bitten to death by a zombie, and was then repelled by Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze who came over.

Now only Ren Tingting is left unresolved.

If he kills her and obtains the blood of this girl with a special physique, not only will Old Master Ren's strength skyrocket, but his own cultivation will also reach a higher level.

"But what's a little weird is that after taking Master Ren's blood, Mr. Ren's strength doesn't seem to be as strong as imagined!"

Xie Xiu touched his chin and thought.

It stands to reason that after 20 years of raising corpses, Mr. Ren will have the peak strength of green zombies when his corpse energy is [-]%. After sucking the blood of his relatives, his strength will rise sharply. However, after observing the head in front of him, Zombies are not as powerful as expected.

He has not even broken through to the realm of Mao Zong, and can only be regarded as half-stepping into the threshold of primary Mao Zong.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t drink enough!Most likely, they were blocked by Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze who came over. After a moment of silence, the evil cultivator summarized the doubts here.

However, judging from the news that I found out last night, it is not that there are no new discoveries.

Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze are very strong, especially Qin Ze, who can kill the witch, which is obvious.

But there are limits to the strength of the two of them together. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them not to be able to subdue Mr. Ren and let him run away.

Xie Xiu roughly divided Qin Ze's strength into a level in his mind. He had at least the fifth level of Earth Master, but it was definitely not too high and did not reach the upper third level of Earth Master.

This strength can be controlled by yourself.

In addition, there is another extremely crucial piece of news. After the zombies escaped, Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu were imprisoned by Ren Wei as the manipulators behind the zombies.

This is undoubtedly a great good thing.

The combination of various events made the evil cultivator feel restless.

The right time, the right place and the right people. He has always been cautious. After a fierce ideological struggle, he made the boldest decision in 20 years: to personally come forward, raid the Ren family at night, and deal with all obstacles in one fell swoop.

Although this idea is bold, it is probably the only chance. After all, Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu are imprisoned, and they just need to fight quickly.

Moreover, after the previous battle, the Ren family was immersed in Master Ren's funeral, which was the time when their attention was distracted.

Such a good opportunity will never come again in the future.

Thinking like this, there was a hint of coldness in Xie Xiu's eyes: "The time for revenge is tonight! After tonight, I will definitely be promoted to the third level of Earth Master!"

With a wave of Xie Xiu's big hand, Mr. Ren jumped out of the blood pool, and some sinister hairs could be seen on his body.

This is a variation that only occurs when you advance to the stage of hair stiffness.

After Mrs. Ren came out, four different corpses crawled out of the blood pool.

These are all black zombies, which are made by evil cultivators who have killed people over the years. Although they are not as powerful as Old Master Ren, they can still cause some trouble.

any home.

After Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze were imprisoned by Ren Wei, most people secretly cursed Ren Wei for not being human, but the other party had a gun in his hand. Knowing that there was no way to change the outcome, they slowly dispersed, as did the spectators. Losing the mood, they all hid in their homes, closed the doors and windows, and stayed behind closed doors.The current situation is still very serious.

The zombies have not been completely eliminated, but two of the most powerful Taoist priests in the town have been kidnapped. No one knows whether the zombies will return in the future. With Master Ren's lessons learned, no one will think of following suit.

The streets that used to be prosperous have become extremely deserted.

Except for a few hurried pedestrians, only the white cloth hung by the wind was rustling.

In Ren's family, only some wealthy people who had a good relationship with Master Ren, as well as ordinary people who had been saved by Master Ren, insisted on staying here and keeping vigil for Master Ren at night.

In the cell at the side door of the Ren family, Qin Ze leaned leisurely against the wall, folding his hands on his chest, waiting for nightfall.

Uncle Jiu sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes tightly, exhaled and practiced.

"These two guys are about to die, yet they still don't care!"

Seeing that Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu showed no signs of panic at all, they were even more leisurely than themselves, personally guarding their Ren Weiqi's toothache.

What he knew was that these two people were imprisoned by him, but those who didn't know thought they were on vacation.

Originally, in his expectation, the two of them should be crying inside now, and then kneeling down to beg for help. Such a scene of relieving their anger did not appear, which was really unpleasant.

"Hmph! I'll just let you guys be arrogant for a while longer!" Ren Wei sneered in his heart and looked away from the two of them.

He turned around and saw Ren Tingting walking in, holding a plate in her hand. When Ren Wei was about to raise her hand to say hello, he saw that the other party didn't even look at him, and came to Qin Ze in three steps and two steps at a time.

"These are pastries I made by myself. Try them. They are made differently from last time!" Ren Tingting said softly.

Qin Ze opened his slightly squinted eyes, looked at the red and green flower-shaped snacks on the box, and said with a smile: "I'm interested! It looks delicious!"

"Try it and see!" Ren Tingting smiled.

Qin Ze picked up a piece and took a bite, his expression suddenly changed, as if he was taking a breath of spring breeze: "It's really good, the sweetness is just right, it can be said to be the most delicious pastry I have ever eaten in my life!"

Qin Ze praised him for a moment, and his words were naturally exaggerated. He had eaten too many things in his previous life, and there must be some that tasted better than the pastries in front of him.

But people are willing to take the time to make it for themselves and deliver it in person, no matter how it tastes, just for a positive evaluation, and besides, the taste is really good.

Ren Tingting was happy when she heard Qin Ze's high evaluation. She felt that her hard work was completely worth it, and she felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in her heart. It turned out that in addition to being helped by Qin Ze, she was also of some use to Qin Ze.

"It's not such an exaggeration, but it's fine if you think it tastes good!" Ren Tingting's eyes curved into crescent shapes.

Qin Ze picked up another piece and gave a thumbs up to express his approval. Then he pointed at Uncle Jiu, meaning that my senior brother is still hungry. Ren Tingting nodded to express her understanding.

"Uncle Jiu, I brought some pastries over here! You can try them too!"

Uncle Jiu opened his eyes, stood up and said with a smile: "Miss Ren is interested!"

Ren Wei was watching this scene from the side, and his wounds were about to burst with anger: "Cousin, cousin, have you lost your mind? Your own father is dead, and you are still in the mood to do something to Qin Ze?"

(End of this chapter)

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