Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 45 The evil cultivator attacks!Breaking into Ren's house at night!

Chapter 45 The evil cultivator attacks!Breaking into Ren's house at night!
I could only repeat these words in my heart, feeling angry and jealous, so I simply covered my ears and stopped reading. Anyway, after Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu died or were forced to leave, I would inherit the property of the Ren family. No matter what happened to Tingting, It can only belong to yourself.

"Is it okay for you to be locked up here?" Ren Tingting handed over a piece of pastry and asked in concern. Although Qin Ze was powerful, he was still a little worried because he was restrained by iron chains and the door was blocked by an iron fence.

"It's okay!" Qin Ze took it and threw it into his mouth. He pointed at the iron chain on his hand and said that he could break it with a little force.

Ren Tingting finally felt relieved, and then she quietly put away the finished plates and stood aside to wait.

"It's getting late! That guy should be coming soon!" Uncle Jiu wiped his mouth and looked at the scenery outside. After the sun set, the sky was gray, and night came quietly without realizing it.

At this time, compared to Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze who were eating pastries, Wencai and Qiu Sheng were guarding the door of Ren's house, blowing the cold wind, and were completely helpless.

"Master and uncle are locked up, and the two of us have to stand on the street in front of Ren's house. Is there anything worse than this?" Wencai trembled and complained.

"Yes, I just saw Miss Ren carrying a plate of snacks to Uncle Master. She should be sending snacks specifically to Uncle Master!" Qiu Sheng said.

Phew, after hearing this, Wen Cai felt like he had been stabbed, and it was a sweet critical hit.

"When will I be able to be like my uncle?" Wencai shook his head and sighed, and then entered the fantasy time.

"Forget it, we can't compete with my uncle, let's do our job first!" After the incident with the female ghost, Qiu Sheng was obviously much more mature than before.

"Uncle Master told me that there may be zombies coming tonight. We just need to keep an eye on each other. I don't believe that with our uncle's strength, Ren Wei will have the upper hand!" Qiusheng put his arms on his chest and continued.

"That's what I said, but Mr. Ren was beaten into such a bad shape yesterday, how could he dare to come to the Ren family again?" Wen Cai expressed doubts.

Then, he pointed to the deserted street: "There are still zombies. Look, there aren't even any human hairs!"

Qiu Sheng curled his lips. What he said seemed to be correct. Mr. Ren was beaten like that yesterday. How could he still dare to show up? Even if he showed up later, at least it would not be tonight.

Thinking like this, the two of them couldn't help but relax a little, squinted their eyes, and chatted boringly.

However, at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew through. On the originally empty street, a few people suddenly appeared, standing there in a daze.

"Hey! Don't come out at night, be careful of zombies coming to bite you!" Wencai narrowed his eyes and shouted with a smile, thinking of scaring them to relieve their boredom.

"Holy shit, no, this looks like a zombie!" Qiu Sheng's slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened, and he saw clearly that this was not a human being, it was clearly a zombie, and there were more than one.

"Are you kidding? The old man will be a zombie if Renjiazhen doesn't serve." Wen Cai said nonchalantly, thinking that Qiu Sheng was scaring him.

But before he could finish his words, he saw the zombie standing on the street taking off. He was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground. He turned to look at Qiu Sheng, who had already disappeared, leaving only A word echoed in my ears: "What are you doing standing still? Do you want to fight zombies? Go and report it to the master and uncle!"

"Fuck, wait for me!"


The cell door was kicked open by Qiu Sheng.

"Master, Master, there are zombies coming, four of them in total!" Qiu Sheng came in, ignored Ren Wei, walked quickly to Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze and reported what he had just seen.

"Sure enough, it's here!" Uncle Jiu's eyes lit up.

Qin Ze also swept away the casual expression just now and his face became serious: "The four zombies should be the other corpses of that Feng Shui master!"

"You two, protect Ren Tingting, your master and I will go meet him now!"


Qiu Sheng looked confused: "What Feng Shui Mr., which Feng Shui Mr.?"

He still doesn't know what the specific situation is, his mind is full of questions, and Wen Cai who rushed over is also confused.But these are not important now. What is important is that there is no key. How do you and the master get out?

"Ren Wei, the zombies are here. If you are wise, please release my master and uncle immediately, otherwise the zombie will bite you first!" Qiu Sheng thought of this and turned to Ren Wei and shouted.

"Hahaha, you are quite good at acting. The four of you work really well together, and there are four zombies. This is just a lie to children. I won't be fooled by you!" Ren Wei only found it funny, thinking about such a small trick. It's really a bit naive to lie to yourself.

They just wanted to use this trick to get out of the cell. As long as the key was in their hands, Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu couldn't even think about getting out.

Just when he said there was nothing to talk about.

Qin Ze used a little force with his hands to directly break the iron chain that bound his wrists. Then, under the eyes of everyone, he opened the door made of iron bars with his bare hands.

Completely ignore Ren Wei, after all, in his eyes, he is just a clown-like character from beginning to end.

Qin Ze looked at Wencai and Qiu Sheng and said, "I will tell you about Mr. Feng Shui's affairs later. Now is not the time to talk about it!"

While talking, he disconnected the iron chain for Uncle Jiu, and the two of them rushed out together. In the process, Ren Wei stared at all this in a daze, and wanted to speak to ask the two of them to stop, but when the words came to his mouth, they couldn't. Unable to export.

Being able to break chains and open iron fences with his bare hands, it is obvious that he can leave at any time, but he is just cooperating with his acting.
Ren Wei suddenly felt as if he had become a clown again!More appropriately, it is a chess piece, a chess piece that Qin Ze plays around with.
The late night in Renjia Town is calm and deserted, and the appearance of four black zombies brings an atmosphere of terror.

"Tack! Tack!"

A few minutes later, one jumping sound after another sounded in the empty night, getting closer and closer to the Ren family compound.

A gust of cold wind blew, and a cloud of dust rolled up on the whole street. During the day, the paper money scattered in order to pay homage to Master Ren was flying in the sky.

Soon, four lifeless zombies rushed into Ren's yard.

Behind them, there was an old man wearing linen clothes and a hood standing.

"Twenty years, I'm back again!"

"No one here can get out alive today!"

The old man looked at the Ren family hall where the funeral was being held in front of him and laughed.

What is reported outside is not wrong.

Master Ren is indeed dead.

My trip was not in vain, everyone must die.

"who are you?"

"Oh my god, zombies, there are zombies!"

"Run, it's a zombie, there are more than one!"

The townspeople who were originally burning paper for Old Mrs. Ren in the lobby suddenly changed their expressions when they saw the four lifeless zombies, and they fled in all directions with a crash.


"Go and suck me as much as I can!"

The evil cultivator waved his hand, and the zombie received the order, jumped up suddenly, and rushed toward a town citizen.

(End of this chapter)

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