Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 46 Kill zombies!Fight evil cultivators!

Chapter 46 Kill zombies!Fight evil cultivators!

"It's over!"

The person who was stared at by the zombies had his pupils trembling, his heart went cold, and his legs ran very fast.

But his speed couldn't compare with the zombies, and the zombies were approaching him in the blink of an eye.


Heizheng showed his strong fangs and pounced on him to bite.

Xie Xiu looked at this scene and the smile on his face became even thicker.

"Hahaha, want to run?"

"Did you run away?"

Seeing the weak townspeople unable to fight back under the zombies they made, the evil cultivator felt a sense of pleasure in controlling the life and death of others at will.

This feeling is addictive.

It's been a long time since he heard the miserable screams of these people!
next moment.

He waved his big hand again, preparing to let the remaining three zombies rush out.



Suddenly, Xie Xiu frowned suddenly.

He felt an extremely strong aura around him, very powerful.

Then, he slowly closed his eyes and felt it with his heart.

So strong!

Not only that, this breath seemed to be heading towards him quickly.

The next moment.

He opened his eyes suddenly and looked at the black corpse.

Almost at the same time, an explosion sounded in his ears.

A figure flashed past his eyes at a rapid speed and kicked Heizheng, sending him flying about ten meters away.

With a bang, it fell to the ground, smashing up a piece of rubble.

Looking at the person again, he was tall and tall, with a handsome face. It was none other than Qin Ze who was coming over.

"Qin, Taoist Master Qin!" The townspeople who had narrowly escaped death swallowed their saliva when they saw Qin Ze in front of them.

"Get out of here!" Qin Ze said calmly.

"Dao Zhang Qin, you, be careful!" The man didn't dare to stay for one more second and ran away.

"You are Qin Ze!!!"

The evil cultivator looked at the young Taoist priest who suddenly appeared, his face was extremely gloomy, and he almost squeezed out these few words through his teeth.

At the same time, a question mark rose from the bottom of my heart.

Wasn't Qin Ze locked up by that guy Ren Wei?

How would it appear here.

Also, why did that aura just now not seem like a practitioner!It's more like a monster that's tougher than a zombie.

"The Feng Shui gentleman from 20 years ago is finally waiting for you!"

Qin Ze looked at the three black zombies standing not far away, and the evil cultivator standing next to the black zombies. He raised his brows slightly and had a faint smile on his lips.

next moment.

His terrifying aura was released from his body.

With Qin Ze as the center, the domineering energy spread out in all directions. The terrifying momentum rose up and down like a wave, and then pushed outwards.

The evil cultivator who was locked by this momentum shrank his eyes and felt a chill on his back, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. The sense of crisis was stronger than ever before.

Damn it, this is really the aura that a third-level monk in the Earth Master can possess!

At this moment, Uncle Jiu rushed over from behind and stood beside Qin Ze, looking at the evil cultivator with burning eyes.

"You must be the Feng Shui master from 20 years ago! Now that you're here, don't leave!"

Uncle Jiu snorted coldly. Unexpectedly, the junior brother's prediction was right. Mr. Feng Shui was really fooled. It can be said that he has no good impression of this kind of evil cultivator.

"It seems that you have known about my existence for a long time, but you think that I am not prepared at all if I dare to come!"

Xie Xiu looked at Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze standing together, his voice was cold and bone-chilling.

Although I don’t know why these two people who were supposed to be locked up appeared here.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no turning back. There is only one battle.

"go with!"

"Kill them!"

The evil cultivator roared angrily and waved his big hand, causing the three black zombies around him to burst into flames. Waves of roars spread into the dark night, and a terrifying aura filled the entire Ren family yard.next moment,



Three black zombies rushed toward Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu.

"Good come!"

Qin Ze moved sideways, stepped hard on the ground, and stood up from the ground. His armed domineering aura covered his fists and he hit the black zombie who came first.

His body was stiff and stiff, and his head exploded like a watermelon under Qin Ze's iron fist.

"What a terrifying power!"

The evil cultivator's face changed color instantly. He himself was considered a master who had been immersed in the path of cultivation for a long time, but he had never seen such a scene.

He can kill a black zombie with one punch. Even among the monks of his generation, this strength can be regarded as the top.

Moreover, if I read it right just now.

Qin Ze's fist suddenly turned black?

Could it be that some magic weapon is not working?
Just as he was thinking about it, two more violent sounds exploded, and the other two black zombies were damaged in Qin Ze's hands in the same way.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for destroying four peak black zombies, you will be rewarded with 1000 merit points!"

The system's voice sounded, and a smile flashed across Qin Ze's lips.

Black zombie is just an appetizer, this one in front of you is the big fish.


"The old man wants you to die!"

The evil cultivator looked at the four black corpses he had warmed up, but they didn't even last a few minutes in the hands of the other party, and he felt angry in his heart.

These black zombies took a lot of time to refine!

Although in the previous expectations, Heizheng never thought that Heizheng could defeat the opponent, but he lost so completely, how could he not be angry.

A swipe.

The evil cultivator pulled out a black copper coin sword from his clothes.

Cold light flashed, and the sword had a black evil aura.

next moment.

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and then he bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, dyeing the black copper coin sword a strange red.

"The laws of heaven and earth are invisible, and there are many blood shadows, all coming to my body, as urgent as a law!"

"go with!"

A spell burst out from the evil cultivator's mouth.

It was at the moment when he finished speaking.

Something weird happened.

I saw the copper coin sword in the evil cultivator's hand, as if it was possessed by a demon, emitting overwhelming evil energy.

As his arm moved, a sword edge filled with evil energy slashed towards Qin Ze.

"Junior brother! Be careful!" Uncle Jiu next to him saw this and his expression changed.

This evil cultivator followed an extremely weird path. He even used his own blood to refine weapons. The power of this sword energy was definitely not that simple.

They went there with the purpose of killing people.

At the same time when he realized the danger, Uncle Jiu quickly pulled out the mahogany sword in his hand, recited the magic formula, and touched the sword with his fingers.

Waves of pure energy emerged. However, just when he was about to take action, Qin Ze stepped forward and the figure had already arrived in front of the evil cultivator.

The domineering fists struck at the evil cultivator.

"Good boy, crazy enough!"

Seeing the young Taoist priest in front of him not retreating but advancing, trying to resist the blow he had used the power of the blood sacrifice, Xie Cultivator's face suddenly showed joy.

With this blow of his, let alone humans, even a zombie with a body as hard as green zombie would definitely shed a layer of skin if it was hit from the front.

in a blink.

Qin Ze and Red Edge collided together, and with the loud explosion, cracks appeared on the ground in the aftermath.

Smoke and dust rose up and floated around.


The evil cultivator looked at the situation in the smoke with burning eyes, as if he wanted to see through the fog.

But the next moment.

His pupils suddenly shrunk, and Qin Ze's figure suddenly shot out from inside, charging toward him with murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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