Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 60 Let’s go!Go to the winery!

Chapter 60 Let’s go!Go to the winery!

"Drug trafficking."

Annie was shocked by Uncle Jiu's words.

"Impossible! How could Mayor Ye do such a thing!"

Although after getting along with Mayor Ye, I can see that he is relatively greedy for money, but as the mayor of a town, he would not participate in drug trafficking.

In her mind, being involved with drugs is a very sinful person.

"do not judge a book by it's cover!"

"It may sound unbelievable, but what you do secretly in the name of opening a church should be drug trafficking!" Qin Ze said slowly.

Uncle Jiu said these words, maybe he was inferring.

But he was [-]% sure.

"Did you find anything wrong with Mayor Ye?" Qin Ze looked at Annie and continued.

Anne pondered for a while and realized that it was true: "I heard them whispering before about who would come from the border in the future! In these few days!"

Thinking of this, her expression changed slightly and she looked at Qin Ze: "So, maybe you are right!"


Uncle Jiu's face turned gloomy: "This Mayor Ye is really bold!"

Uncle Jiu was really angry and extremely disappointed in Mayor Ye.

He has no control over his use of commercial means to gain profits. Although he is a bit sinister, he has not touched the bottom line.

But drug trafficking, in addition to making huge profits for oneself.

Generations of people will be harmed.

As long as one person in a family is exposed to this stuff, the whole family will be affected.

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen.

"Miss Anne!"

"This time, I have to ask you to help me!" Uncle Jiu looked at Annie and said.

After learning that there were zombies in the Catholic church and that the mayor was selling drugs, Annie also realized the seriousness of the matter and nodded to express your opinion.

Uncle Jiu said: "Miss Anne, get closer to Mayor Ye and the others and see if you can find any evidence. As long as his true identity is revealed, the matter will be solved!"

Annie nodded and said she would try her best.

"There is a talisman here, you can use it to protect yourself!" Uncle Jiu took out a piece of yellow talisman paper from his arms: "With this talisman, Xie Mei, zombies and the like will not get close to you!"

Annie took the talisman and put it into her pocket: "Thank you, Uncle Jiu!"

After finishing her words, she looked at Qin Ze, smiled and said, "Thank you, Taoist Master Qin. I heard Miss Ren mention you yesterday. When I saw you today, what that little girl said is quite true!"

She and Ren Tingting have known each other for a long time, and they had a good relationship when they were children. Jiuquan Town and Renjia Town were neighboring towns, so they had frequent contacts.

But later on, they were separated because they had to go to school in different places.

This time Ren Tingting came back from studying in the provincial capital, and she also happened to have returned from studying abroad, so naturally we got in touch.

Among them, Ren Tingting wrote to her and mentioned the recent crisis in her family and a man named Qin Ze.

It was precisely because of what happened in Renjia Town that when she heard that the two people had doubts about the church, she chose to pursue them and ask them clearly.

Qin Ze was slightly startled. These two people actually have intersections?
"Haha, you're welcome!"

After Annie left, Uncle Jiu looked at the place where she left and murmured: "I don't know if little Miss Annie can do it!"

Qin Ze said with a smile: "Time will prove everything!"

In fact, he was indifferent to this matter.

Mayor Ye will eventually die, but by doing this, Uncle Jiu can feel more at ease.

"I'll go to the winery later!" Qin Ze looked at Uncle Jiu and continued: "Senior brother, do you want to go there?"

Uncle Jiu curled his lips: "You guys are already gone, what do you need me for?"

In the past, if Qin Ze said that he wanted to go out alone to do things, he would still be worried, but after what happened with Master Ren, he was completely at ease with Qin Ze.

He can fight better than himself.

Worry ass!

"However, when I came here, I felt that there was quite a lot of gloom around Jiuquan Town. I'm afraid there was more than just one ghost in the winery!" When he passed through a mountainous area in Jiuquan Town during the day, he felt a very cold aura.

It's just that because of the incident in Jiuquan Town, I didn't take the time to delve into it, but judging from the incident with the female ghost in the winery, there might be some connection.

"Just be careful!"

Qin Ze nodded, indicating that he understood.

Taking Azing and Xiaoyue with them, they waited until nightfall and left.

evening hours.

Jiuquan Town, winery.

The moon was sparse, there was a faint smell of alcohol in the air, a gentle breeze passed by slowly, the long branches cast swaying black shadows, and the broken wooden boards made a creaking sound.suddenly.

An exclamation broke the silent atmosphere.

"Holy shit, I...why am I back?"

The winery owner sat on the ground, supporting his body with his hands, looking up and looking around at the familiar but terrifying environment, sweating profusely.

He remembered that he should be sleeping in an inn.

Why did you suddenly come to the winery?

Could it be that it's that damn female ghost again?

thought here.

A chill rose from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

Cool it down!
"No, get out of here quickly!"

The winery owner forced himself to get up.

He wanted to run in a panic.

At this time, most people are sleeping.

There were no street lights either.

Only the faint moonlight provided some visibility.

At this moment, a cool and angry voice came.

"Now that you're here, don't think about leaving, just stay and be buried with him!",


next moment.

A woman with black hair, red clothes, and her feet dragged off the ground appeared.


The wind blows everywhere.

"You, you bitch, won't let me go even if you die!"

"I'm not a vegetarian either!"

"If I kill you the first time, I can kill you the second time!"

The winery owner saw the female ghost appearing in front of him and said viciously.

He had heard someone say that you should not show fear when encountering a ghost.

The more ferocious the behavior, the greater the chance of survival.

Once cowardly.

The ghost becomes more and more rampant.

"What a fool!"

In the dark, Qin Ze, who was observing the situation in the winery from a corner, shook his head and said.

There is indeed nothing wrong with this behavior when encountering a ghost.

But it also depends on the situation.

It might work for ordinary lonely ghosts.

But the female ghost in the winery died violently.

I also have a grudge against the owner of the winery.

At this time, it's okay to be pretentious and pretentious, but if you don't have strength, it will only serve to irritate the other party.

"Okay, I want you to die!"

When the female ghost saw that the winery owner was about to die, she still spoke harshly, and her face became hideous and terrifying.

Black hair waving in the wind.

With a flick of her hand.


There was wind and sand everywhere in the winery.

The owner of the winery had never seen such a scene before. He was almost scared out of his wits. The bad breath he had just been holding on dissipated in an instant, and he hurriedly ran out.

But no matter how hard he ran, he couldn't escape the confines of the winery.


The figure of the winery owner retreated uncontrollably towards the female ghost.

"No, don't, I don't want to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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