Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 61 The wronged female ghost!Go to 9 Yin Mountain to kill ghosts!

Chapter 61 The wronged female ghost!Go to Jiuyin Mountain to kill ghosts!
The winery owner stretched out his hands, trying to grab something to stop himself from falling backwards.

But all this is in vain.

Scared for a moment.

The winery owner stumbled while retreating and fell to the ground.

He quickly grabbed the ground with his hands.

However, no matter how hard he used his hands, even if he tried to remove the blood stains with his hands, it was of no avail.

"Uncle Junior, do we want to save him?"

At this time, Xiaoyue and Axing, who came with Qin Ze, couldn't stand it.

This winery owner is too miserable.

In the hands of the female ghost, there is no ability to resist at all.

If the current situation continues, the only option is death.


Qin Ze waved his hand: "He did it himself!"

He had no intention of taking action. This kind of person tortured the female ghost even more severely when he was alive. Now he is just bringing the blame on himself.


Qin Ze greeted the two registered disciples and moved closer to the winery, where the view was better.

"Jie Jie Jie, this is your retribution!" The female ghost laughed. She had been waiting for this moment for too long.

The owner of the winery slapped his paws in front of his face randomly: "Don't kill me, don't kill me. After all, we also slept in the same bed together!"

"Please let me go!"

"I will definitely erect a monument to worship you from now on, and my descendants will burn paper for you!"

The winery owner struggled, crying with runny nose and tears.

"Do you know how to repent now?"

The female ghost said fiercely.

Looking at the winery owner kowtowing to her, she felt extremely happy.

"Yes, yes, there are thousands of mistakes, and they are all my fault. I am not a human being, so just be so noble and throw me away like trash!"

The winery owner became more and more excited as he talked, stretching out his bloody hands to beat himself.

In front of life and death.

Everything is floating clouds.

Dignity, face, have no meaning.

As long as we can survive, we will have a future to talk about.

Survive tonight.

He went to other places and spent a lot of money to hire a few Taoist priests to avoid future troubles.

"You are indeed not human!"

"I lost my virginity to you from the beginning. My parents came to argue with you, so you killed them all!"

"Having owned me for a long time, being inhumane, and finding a new love, he planned to find people to insult me ​​in turn, and even falsely accused me of having an affair with others, and drowned me alive under the pretext!"

"I'm so wronged to die!"

The female ghost's voice became colder and colder.

Such a deep hatred.

How could it be settled with a few words of repentance?

Let the winery owner go?


She must kill him tonight.

this idea.

She had thought about it so many times that she even went crazy thinking about it.

At this moment, Axing and Xiaoyue, who were not far away, were completely dumbfounded when they heard the female ghost's words.

"The winery owner is a beast!"

"Damn him!"

"No wonder the master and junior uncle won't help!"

The two men were very angry.

Just listening to this kind of thing makes me feel infuriating.

As for the female ghost who was the victim, the resentment in her heart was absolutely unimaginable to others.

the first time.

They are so supportive of female ghosts killing people.


After torturing him for a while, the female ghost lost her patience.

He flew to the winery owner, grabbed him with both hands, and choked him up.

The winery owner rolled his eyes and slapped his hands feebly.

But the female ghost's power has no effect.

The female ghost threw the dead winery owner to the ground.

He laughed heartily to the sky.

"Happy! Happy!"

Great revenge.

She has no regrets.Today is definitely the happiest day in my life.

After doing all this, the female ghost turned her head and looked to one side, and said in a cold voice: "After watching it for so long, I must have seen enough!"

While playing tricks on the winery owner, she discovered that several people had entered the winery.

Seeing that they didn't get involved, I ignored them.

Now that the matter is settled, it's natural to ask.

"Since the great revenge has been avenged, why not reincarnate?"

Qin Ze walked out of the shadows and said with a smile on his face.

Taoist priest?

The female ghost was slightly startled when she saw Qin Ze's clothes and the two disciples beside him.

"It seems that you are here to deal with me!" The female ghost acted very calmly. She had avenged her great revenge and had no regrets.

"No no no!"

Qin Ze said: "I just have a simple question!"

The female ghost looked at Qin Ze, the evil spirit in her eyes slowly gathering.

Qin Ze smiled and continued: "If you want to take action, do you think you will wait until now?"

That being said, it seems to be the case.

The best time is when he takes action against the winery owner.

No reason to miss it.

The female ghost put down her guard and answered the first question: "Reincarnation is impossible!"

"I am trapped here by a ghost. I must provide five strong men to escape from here!"

"I don't want to harm anyone, so let's go!"

"Don't come here again!"

talking room.

The female ghost waved her hand.

He wanted Qin Ze and others to leave.

Qin Ze became interested: "Please tell me in detail!"

"Maybe Pindao can help you transcend!"

of course.

He was not referring to physical detachment.

The female ghost is not bad in nature, and it is justifiable to kill the winery owner.

What Qin Ze was referring to was naturally the same person behind the female ghost.

Anyone who can make such a request from five strong men must be an evil object and a key target for collecting merit points.

The female ghost looked at Qin Ze with doubts in her eyes: "You?"

It's not that she looks down on Qin Ze.

He really looks too young and different from ordinary Taoist priests.

I can’t see any cultivation!
With this kind of strength, I'm afraid he won't die in vain.

Qin Ze knew the doubts in the female ghost's heart and smiled slightly.

Relying on words will not do.

Sometimes, showing strength is the most effective way to communicate.

next moment.

A powerful momentum burst out from him.

Four strong winds.

The domineering power is scattered.


The originally strong yin energy in the winery dissipated without a trace.

"Hey, that's awesome!"

"Uncle Master is so strong!"

Axing and Xiaoyue felt the aura coming from their junior uncle's body and stared.

The female ghost was equally shocked. She could understand Qin Ze's terror better than A Xing and Xiao Yue.

If he were to attack himself, he might not even be able to take a single move.

Jiuquan Town.

There is such a terrifying Taoist priest.

Really unheard of.

"Now, you should have the strength to transcend!" Qin Ze said.

The female ghost saw how powerful Qin Ze was, so she stopped being coy and expressed the matter as it was.

"I see!"

"No wonder senior brother said that on the way to Jiuquan Town, he felt the Yin Qi nearby even in broad daylight!"

Qin Ze touched his chin.

From the words of the female ghost, we can know that there is a fierce ghost in Jiuyin Mountain near Jiuquan Town. In order to be promoted to a ghost general, she once found the female ghost in the winery and helped seduce the strong man who made wine in the winery.

For this reason, a ghost scene was specially set up here. If the goal is not achieved, she will not be let go.

"Now that we have found the source, everything will be easy to handle!" Qin Ze said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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