Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 63 Obtain 3 merit points!Taoist Dragon Slayer!

Chapter 63 Earn three thousand merit points!Taoist Dragon Slayer!

Behind this man, followed a row of zombies dressed in Qing Dynasty costumes. Each zombie had a yellow talisman taped on its forehead.

But what is different from ordinary zombies is that these corpses with talisman stickers do not jump as usual, but stride forward, and their body functions are extremely sensitive.

It doesn't look like a dead zombie at all.

In fact it is.

They are all disguised as living people.

"Taoist! What are you looking at?" At this time, one of the "zombies" looked at the Taoist who suddenly stopped and asked in confusion.

"There was an extremely powerful momentum just now. There's something going on at Jiuyin Mountain!" The man in civilian clothes and with a beard said with twinkling eyes.

He is a disciple of Maoshan, Taoist Master Tulong, with a cruel character and greedy nature.

This time, in order to make money and get rich as soon as possible, he made a long journey from the border to Jiuquan Town to conduct drug transactions with Mayor Ye.

The so-called zombies following him were fake corpse extermination scenes and used living people to hide poison.

"It's normal that you can't feel it. After all, you're not a cultivator!" Taoist Dragon Slayer replied to his men.

The weirdness of Jiuyin Mountain is not completely incomprehensible to cultivators. As for the aura just now, he was only vaguely aware of it.

But this place is quite far away from Jiuyin Mountain. Being able to spread it here already shows that it is not simple.

"Then we want to go there?" one person asked.

Taoist Dragon Slayer hesitated for a while: "Let's go and have a look!"

"how can that be"

The ghosts on Jiuyin Mountain were frightened.

She looked at the young Taoist priest in front of her, her scarlet eyes full of shock and confusion, and her voice was sharp and harsh, like a wild cat whose tail had been stepped on.

As a fierce ghost, she has been practicing for many years, so she is not without knowledge.

But simply relying on a domineering momentum, he can drive away lonely souls and wild ghosts without distinction, and it is even powerful enough to cause her to be harmed, which is unheard of.

She was in a violent trance, and the black energy in her body weakened involuntarily. The erosion of the domineering energy seemed to go straight back to the source, and was even more intense than the pure energy of Taoism.

If she hadn't been immersed in the ghost path for many years and her strength had already reached a certain level, she felt that her fate would not be any better than those lonely ghosts.

These two words appeared in Li Gui's mind, making her shudder.

"The effect is not bad!"

Qin Ze glanced at the shaken little Karami and murmured.

With his domineering look and domineering attitude, he is called a minion cleaner for no reason.

Generally fragile ghosts will be shaken away at the moment of contact.

Even the powerful ghosts who are much stronger than them are still difficult to resist this kind of attack that directly targets the spirit and even the soul.

"But this is just the beginning!" Qin Ze looked at Li Gui with burning eyes, taking advantage of her weakness to kill her.

Good time to take her down.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot.

Brush it.

Armed Haki and Wisdom Haki were activated and came to Li Gui's side.

Seeing this scene, Li Gui was horrified. He knew that the young Taoist priest in front of him was not simple. He did not act according to common sense and actually fought with her at close range.

There was no thought of teasing just now, so he resorted to his special skills.

next moment.

Li Gui spit out a mouthful of turbid black air, like a giant net, trying to trap Qin Ze inside. This is Li Gui's ability to create illusions.

However, in front of Qin Ze, these little tricks were like playing tricks.

To deal with ghosts, he didn't even have to use the eight fasts. His seeing and hearing domineering energy destroyed all illusions, and his armed domineering energy covered his arms. During the wild explosion, the ghosts were beaten and fled away with their heads in their hands.

Axing and Xiaoyue, watching this scene from a distance, felt as if they had discovered some new continent, their eyes widened.

"Ahhh!" The screams of the screaming ghosts continued to echo through Jiuyin Mountain, making the already gloomy cemetery even more terrifying.

Qin Ze's attack came with a soul critical hit. The female ghost couldn't bear it at all, and she had no ability to resist.

She never expected that after being entrenched in Jiuyin Mountain for so many years, she thought that tonight would be a great opportunity for promotion, but she would encounter the biggest disaster in history.

She hates it!
How could there be such a Taoist priest in this world, and why would he encounter such a Taoist priest?

There is no way to counterattack at all.

Under Qin Ze's continuous attacks, Li Gui's figure became more and more scattered.

Finally, after more than ten seconds, he was dismissed by Qin Zesheng.

And with the death of Li Gui, the Yin Qi on Jiuyin Mountain gradually disappeared.

at the same time.

The female ghost who was silently waiting for the result in the winery seemed to have something in her heart, and her eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Really. Did it!"

She murmured in disbelief that the fierce ghost pressing on her head and gasping for breath was actually eliminated in such a short period of time.

She suppressed her excitement, bowed deeply in the direction of Jiuyin Mountain with gratitude, and disappeared into the winery.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing ten low-level ones, you will be rewarded with 500 merit points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you killed a fierce ghost and will be rewarded with 2000 merit points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have freed a female ghost. You will be rewarded with 500 merit points!"

Qin Ze listened to the system's sound like listening to string music.

The Overlord's Haki is really useful, but it's still at the elementary level. If the Overlord's Haki is raised to the level of Overlord, then the powerful ghosts can be easily dispersed just by exerting the Haki at full strength.

"A total of 3000 merit points, this trip is right!"

Including the previous 4000 merit points, Qin Ze's total merit points are now [-], leaving only [-] points away from the small target of [-] merit points. Presumably, he will be able to activate the skill after solving the zombies in the Catholic church.

"Uncle Junior, it's over!" The voices of Axing and Xiaoyue brought Qin Ze back from his thoughts.

Qin Ze came back to his senses, glanced around the cemetery, and after making sure nothing was missing, said: "Let's go back to Jiuquan Town!"

About half an hour after Qin Ze and his party left, Taoist Dragon Tu Long and his men came over quietly.


"It's weird!"

He held the spell with his fingers, chanted the spell in his mouth, and scanned the graveyard with his golden eyes.

"Taoist Dragon Slayer, what's wrong?"

"Isn't this just a cemetery?"

The "zombies" under his command were full of doubts. What was there to see in a cemetery? There were probably places like this everywhere.

"What do you know?"

Taoist Dragon Slayer said with a frown.

"There was indeed a battle here just now! Judging from the lingering breath, there were at least a dozen different ghosts!"

As soon as the words came out.

There was a sudden commotion among those people. Although they had the courage to pretend to be zombies at night, it did not mean that they were not afraid of these things.

"Taoist Master, let's go first."

Taoist Dragon Slayer looked at the hopeless people: "Why are you panicking? These ghosts have been killed!"

As he spoke, he walked to the grave and inspected it: "I didn't expect there to be such a powerful Taoist priest in Jiuquan Town!! He can even kill evil spirits!"

"Taoist Dragon Slayer, could it be Uncle Jiu who is nearby? I heard that Mayor Ye mentioned it in his previous letter. It seems that there is a Taoist named Uncle Jiu who is quite powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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