Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 64 The priest’s zombie is resurrected!

Chapter 64 The priest’s zombie is resurrected!

Taoist Dragon Slayer didn't say anything. Of course he knew that Uncle Jiu had been active near Renquan Town and Jiuquan Town. Being able to come to Jiuyin Mountain to kill the devil at night seemed like something that senior brother could do.

But soon, he felt something was wrong. He knew Uncle Jiu's character, which was relatively reserved, and it was not like he could release the domineering aura just now.

After thinking for a while, Taoist Dragon Slayer shook his head.

"No matter who he is, I just need to do my job well!"

I came here not to find fellow players, but to earn Mane.

"We are going to Jiuquan Town soon. Please behave yourself and don't reveal your secrets!" Taoist Tu Long did not dwell too much on this matter. After all, he came to Jiuquan Town just to sell drugs. As long as other matters do not hinder his own fortune, Then let it be.

The living people pretending to be zombies were still quite afraid of Taoist Dragon Slayer, so they immediately packed up their formation, and with the sound of bells shaking, they pretended to be zombies and jumped towards Jiuquan Town.

"Has the winery matter been resolved?"

In Jiuquan Town, Uncle Jiu looked at Qin Ze and the two registered disciples who had returned and asked.

"It's solved. The winery owner is really hateful, but fortunately, he died in the hands of a female ghost in the end. After that, the junior uncle sent the female ghost in the winery away, but from the mouth of the female ghost" Axing and Xiaoyue told each other what happened, with excited expressions.

Uncle Jiu didn't feel much about the death of the winery owner. After all, his death was expected and he was a typical example of someone who was self-inflicted.

But when he heard what happened in Jiuyin Mountain later, he was a little surprised: "I didn't expect that there is a fierce ghost living in Jiuyin Mountain! And there are more than ten lonely ghosts under his command!"

He didn't know much about these things. He didn't stay in Jiuquan Town for long, and he didn't spend much time exploring the surrounding environment.

But what surprised him even more was that Qin Ze actually destroyed Li Gui's lair by himself?
Regarding this point, although Uncle Jiu knew that Qin Ze was very powerful, he was still shocked.

There is no other reason.

You know, in the laws of nature, ghosts and zombies are different. Zombies have their own strengths, such as extremely strong bodies and highly contagious corpse poison.

Ghosts have ethereal bodies and powerful mental powers. They can also create illusions and confuse strangers.

Generally speaking, for evil things such as souls, using violence to defeat zombies is completely ineffective. It is like beating cotton with a giant hammer, and the effect can only be extremely poor.

But it is not difficult to see from the words of the two named disciples that Qin Ze used his momentum and fists to defeat all the ghosts.

Uncle Jiu had to sigh with emotion. He seemed to have less experience. Or was it that Qin Ze was so defiant that he could inflict real wounds on ghosts and monsters with just his fists?
"You kid, you really can always surprise people!" Uncle Jiu looked at Qin Ze and said angrily, but although his tone was speechless, his expression could not hide his admiration.

Qin Ze gave him a thumbs up: "Isn't this brought by senior brother?"

"You kid!" Uncle Jiu laughed, saying that I haven't taught you anything, but he was still very useful to these words.

"Okay, it's getting late, everyone, let's go to bed early!"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the Catholic church that reopened during the day, a missionary was sorting out some things left over from the church, reflecting the candlelight on the table.

"Such a good church has been closed for so long. The people of Jiuquan Town really have no faith at all!" The missionary shook his head and muttered.

The long-dusted church needed cleaning. Unfortunately, he was chosen by Father Wu to deal with the debris under the church. In addition, he was also asked to stay in the church to take care of it.

And just when the missionary was cleaning up everything and preparing to find a place to laze, a gust of wind suddenly came from the church. The missionary couldn't help but look at the creaking door at the back with a puzzled look on his face.

"It's late at night, where does the wind come from?"

"Go down and see!"

The missionaries are not afraid. This is a Catholic church and is blessed by God. No matter what kind of demons or monsters they are, they will retreat voluntarily under the majesty of God.

At this time, if Qin Ze were here, he might not want to get rid of his big teeth.

Sometimes, Qin Ze still admires these foreign devils. The highest level of lies is that they can even lie to themselves. In this church, the missionaries were influenced by the Western church and told lies about God's blessing thousands of times. This has long been eliminated. The matter became a fact.

For example, now, when I encounter such a strange phenomenon, I don't immediately want to quit, but I dare to go alone to the basement that has not been taken care of in several years.

I have to say, he is really brave.

Pushing open the creaking door, he walked into the basement.

Cold air poured out of the basement.

The missionary shivered and couldn't help but wrap up his clothes.

"It's so cold!" This kind of coldness is biting.

It's not the cold winter season yet, so it's really weird.

Looking at the dark hole in front of him, the missionary hesitated for a moment.

Go down?Still not going down?
Turning around to lift the lit oil lamp from the table, the missionary decided to go down and have a look.

"May God bless you, Amen!"

He touched the cross on his chest and suddenly gained great courage.

Although there is no one here, he considers himself a Catholic. If he chooses to shrink when faced with difficulties and obstacles, how can he promote Catholic doctrine.

"Hmph! I want to see what the hell is pretending to be!"

The missionary was entrusted with the light and walked down the somewhat dark underground stairs. At the lowest end of the basement, a pair of scarlet eyes were slowly opening.

A cross penetrated his chest, holding him firmly in place. The cold and biting wind just now came from his handiwork.

And he was the former priest who died suddenly after being hit with a cross at the door of the church many years ago.

In the darkness, the priest showed his sharp fangs, as if he had turned into a zombie.

"I didn't expect that a fool would actually come to my door!"

The priest zombie looks excited. He is very special and different from ordinary zombies.

Although he has died, he still maintains a clear enough mind after transforming into a corpse.

However, these thoughts seem to have lost all humanity and are full of evil.

In his eyes, living people are just moving blood that can increase their cultivation and escape from this place.

The priest zombie is placed here.

Has been in a deep sleep.

When the church reopened during the day, he woke up from his deep sleep.

At night, I thought about using my special ability as a vampire to summon some bats to help me out of trouble.

But never expected.

There was a surprise.

At this time, there are still people who dare to break into the church.

The priest zombie listened to the footsteps getting closer and closer, his scarlet eyes revealing cruelty.

next moment.

A missionary comes into view, and the priest zombie bites him and sucks him dry.

Tragic wailing sounds came from the church.

The next day, early morning.

A member of the church who called the missionary to eat came to the Catholic church and found the missionary who had been bitten to death. He let out a piercing scream.

Father Wu, who was getting up to pray, heard the sound and immediately realized something was wrong.

"problem occurs"

His heart sank and he hurried to the church.

Not only him, but other missionaries also went there.

"what happened?"

"Did something happen in the church?"

"I don't know, go and have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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